Yearly Archives: 2012

Call for papers – Histelcon 2012 Pavia

The origins of electrotechnologies
5 – 7 September 2012
Pavia, Italy

HISTELCON 2012, the 3rd in its series (after HISTELCON 2008 in Paris and HISTELCON 2010 in Madrid), is organized by IEEE Italy Section, IEEE Region 8 and the Research Centre CIRSTE operating in the Museum of Electrical Technology at the University of Pavia, in conjunction with the ninth Historical Conference held by the IEEE History Committee and the IEEE History Center.

Conference objectives
HISTELCON 2012 aims to increase the understanding of the origins and of the early developments of electrical technologies – in particular of telecommunications.

  • Original and innovative contributions are invited in areas including, but not restricted to:
  • Origins and early developments of electro-technologies
  • Milestones in different fields of electro-technology, both early and modern
  • Scientists and Technologists involved in the above
  • Museum items and educational methods illustrating the above

Call for papers
Abstract Submission
Interested participants are invited to submit their abstracts for oral or poster presentations to the Conference Secretariat by electronically sending a 500 words abstract, written in English, with the title, the name(s) and affiliation(s) of the author(s) in MS Word format. All abstracts will be reviewed by the Conference Technical Program Committee. Presented papers will be included in the Conference Proceedings and in IEEE Xplore. For each presented paper or poster, one presenter will have to register for the Conference. Guidelines for preparation of papers and posters will be provided in due time.

Special Sessions and Panels
Proposals to organize a special session and/or a Discussion Panel on a specific subject (e.g. related to an IEEE Technical Society) are welcome. Special session presentation abstracts will be reviewed in a similar way to regular presentations. The duration of a session or a panel discussion will be 90 minutes.


More Information at the Official Website

IEEE R8 Continuing Education (CE) Webinars on 3rd of July 2012

Two webinars were organized on July 3, 2012. The organizing team was comprised by Saurabh Sinha, IEEE Region 8 Vice-Chair: Technical Activities and Niovi Pavlidou, IEEE R8 Lead Volunteer for CE (Educational Activities Subcommittee (EASC)). The events were technically supported by George Michael, Electronic Communications Coordinator, IEEE R8. The webinars were quite well disseminated through the e-Notice service and, by George Papadopoulos, through the R8 Continuing Education Forum email lists.

The first webinar, entitled “Fuzzy Logic Systems in Educational Assessment”, was intended to all members of IEEE Education Society in R8, to the Section Chairs of R8, and to Region 8 EA officers. Niovi Pavlidou welcomed the participants and introduced various subcommittees relating to technical activities, with emphasis on educational activities in Region 8. The central speaker of the webinar was Dr Riadh Besbes, an educational supervisor for secondary schools in Tunisia. After the presentation a questions and answers slot was offered to the participants.  The duration of the webinar was one hour, the lectures and discussion slots as a whole. The event was organized on WebEx facilities and the attendance was considered as moderate.

Some technical problems with the voice quality have been referred. A main problem to be noticed is the non-availability of toll-free telephone number provisions with some Region 8 countries (for example, Serbia and Montenegro) and the attendees from these areas who joined the session were disappointed. The VoIP connection will strongly improve the success of the seminars and this feedback has been coordinated with the IEEE Member and Geographic Activities Information Management (MGA-IM) team by the continuing education coordination for Region 8.

The second webinar was supposed to start half an hour later. The title of the webinar was “Introduction to Electric Vehicles”, and the speaker was Vladimir Katic, IEEE Serbia and Montenegro Section. It was intended for members of IEEE Vehicular Technology Society (VTS) in Region 8, to the Section Chairs in Region 8 and to Region 8 EA officers. Though, even if the attendance was considered as satisfactory, the speaker was not able to use the toll-free phone line, because WebEx does not support it for Serbia & Montenegro.

After some efforts performed by the organizers and the speaker (including the use of other parallel platforms – Skype – in parallel to WebEx), Niovi Pavlidou apologized for the inconvenience, and closed the session promising that the VTS affiliated webinar will be offered again soon.

Prof. Niovi Pavlidou
IEEE R8 Lead Volunteer for Continuing Education
IEEE Greece Section Membership Development Officer

Region 8 Volunteer Award

  1. Introduction
    The Region 8 Volunteer Award is introduced with the goal of encouraging all volunteers in the Region and of recognizing those volunteers who have made an outstanding contribution to a particular Region 8 Section.
    The Award is a Certificate.
  2. Title
    The scheme will be known as the IEEE Region 8 Volunteer Award.
  3. Eligibility
    The following are eligible as candidates for the Award:
    (a) An IEEE member of any membership grade (Student, Graduate Student, Associate, Member, Senior Member, Fellow, Life Fellow).
    (b) The candidate’s volunteer work is, or has been, on behalf of a Section. The candidate must have been active for at least 2 years in the Section and is not currently the Section Chairman.
    (c) The candidate receives no remuneration for his work for the Section except possibly expenses.
    (d) The members of the Region 8 Awards and Recognition Subcommittee, the Past Region 8 Director or the Director-Elect and Region 8 Secretary are ineligible for the Award.
  4. Conditions for nomination
    (a) Nominations must be made on the Volunteer Award Nomination Form.
    (b) The Nomination Form must be completed by a proposer who is familiar with the work of the candidate and who is a paid-up IEEE member.
    (c) Nominations must be approved by the Executive Committee (ExCom) of the Section. The Chairman of the Section must sign the Nomination Form. Any member of the Section Execution Committee, including the Chairman, made be the proposer.
    (d) Nominations must be received by the Region 8 Awards and Recognition Subcommittee through the Region 8 Awards Portal.
    (e) A Section may put forward only one candidate per year.
  5. Basis of adjudication
    The points which adjudicators will take into consideration include the following:
    (a) Length of service to the Section. (Note: it is not a condition that the candidate is working for the Section at the time he or she is nominated)
    (b) Whether a candidate has introduced new ideas or new developments which have benefited the Section.
    (c) Administrative ability.
    (d) Support for the work of other people who are serving the Section.
    (e) Furthering the work and promoting the objectives of the IEEE and Region 8 in general, and of the Section in particular, at Section, Chapter or Student Branch level, or in some other activity.
  6. Adjudication
    The adjudicators are the members of the Region 8 Awards and Recognition Subcommittee (Chairman, Region 8 Director, Region 8 Secretary, 3 Section Chairs, representative of the Student Activities Committee).
    The adjudicators’ decisions will be final.
    Nomination will be assessed by awarding the candidate up to 10 points for points 2 (b), (c) and (d) of the Nomination Form, taking into account the basis of adjudication set out in paragraph 5.

MGA Awards

The awards and recognition program of the Member and Geographic Activities Board (MGA) is designed to promote, recognize and reward excellence in the MGA operations and IEEE geographic unit activities (Regions, Councils and Areas, Sections, Chapters, Student Branches, and Student Branch Chapters).

Here, you can find more info on the various awards organized by the MGA Board.

2012, October – Tallinn

This page contains information about the 99th IEEE Region 8 Committee Meeting to be held in Tallinn on 5-7 of October 2012.

IEEE Region 8 Committee Meeting Tallinn Agenda Book

IEEE R8 Tallinn Meeting - Saturday
IEEE R8 Tallinn Meeting - Sunday

Meeting Information
Order of the Day
Travel Advisory for Tallinn
Information on Tallinn Tallinn City Map
R8 Agenda Item Template
Section Report Template

Do you need a visa?  Please follow the link to find out:
If you need a visa letter please fill this form  and send it to Urmet Jänes at [email protected] with a copy to [email protected].

Approved minutes from Berlin


OpCom Reports

Director (Marko Delimar)

Past-Director (Jozef Modelski)

Secretary (Costas Stasopoulos)

Treasurer (Brian Harrington)

V/C Member Activities (Ali El-Mousa)

V/C Student Activities (Elias Nassar)

V/C Technical Activities (Saurabh Sinha)

Subcommittee Reports

Awards & Recognition SubCommittee (A&RSC)

GOLD SubCommittee

Region 8 News

Chapter Coordination SubCommittee (ChCSC)

Industry Relations SubCommittee (IRSC)

Standards Coordinator

Conference Coordination SubCommittee

Jubilee Book Editorial Board Strategic Planning

Educational Activities SubCommittee (EASC)

Life Members Coordinator

Technical Publications Coordinator

Electronic Communications Coordinator (ECC) Membership Development SubCommittee (MDSC) Voluntary Contribution Fund Coordinator
Future Technical Directions Liaison Nominations & Appointment SubCommittee Women In Engineering Coordinator
Professional Activities SubCommitte (PASC)

Section Reports

Austria Section Germany Section Lithuania Section Saudi Arabia (East) Section
Bahrain Section Ghana Section Malta Section Saudi Arabia (West) Section
Belarus Section Greece Section Morocco Section Serbia And Montenegro Section
Benelux Section Hungary Section Nigeria Section Slovenia Section
Bosnia And Herzegovina Section Iceland Section Norway Section South Africa Section
Bulgaria Section Iran Section Oman Section Spain Section
Croatia Section Iraq Section Poland Section Sweden Section
Cyprus Section Israel Section Portugal Section Switzerland Section
Czechoslovakia Section Italy Section Qatar Section Tunisia Section
Denmark Section Jordan Section Republic Of Macedonia Section Turkey Section
Egypt Section Kenya Section Romania Section U.K.& Rep Of Ireland Section
Estonia Section Kuwait Section Russia Section Ukraine Section
Finland Section Latvia Section Russia (Northwest) Section United Arab Emirates Section
France Section Lebanon Section Russia (Siberia) Section Zambia Section


Tallinn – Agenda



Type Agenda Item Presenter Additional info


  Call to Order Delimar  


  Roll Call Stasopoulos  


  Welcome Delimar/Jänes  


  Approval of the agenda Delimar  


  Introduction of new officers Stasopoulos  


  Introductory remarks Delimar/Stasopoulos  



Type Agenda Item Presenter Additional info


Act Approval of the Minutes of the Berlin Meeting Stasopoulos  


Rep Awards and Recognition Turner  


Rep Chapter Coordination Pasquet  


Rep Conference Coordination Debono  


Rep Educational Activities Hassan  


Rep Electronic Communications Michael  


Rep GOLD Activities Kaissi  


Rep Industry Relations Dandan  


Rep Life Members Szabo  


Rep Membership Development Van Hertem  


Rep Professional Activities Zajc  


Rep Publications Zanero  


Rep Region 8 News Saam/Huang  


Rep Standards Activities Law  


Rep Technical Committees Katić  


Rep Voluntary Contribution Fund Stoilkov  


Rep Women in Engineering Ponci  


Rep Austria Roessler  


Rep Bahrain Qamber / Ajoor  


Rep Belarus Baranov  


Rep Benelux Van Etten  


Rep Bosnia and Herzegovina Boskovic  


Rep Bulgaria Goleva / Asparouhova  


Rep Croatia Kuzle  


Rep Cyprus Symeou  


Rep Czechoslovakia Farkas  


Rep Denmark Stilling  


Rep Egypt Darwish  


Rep Estonia Jänes  


Rep Finland Koivo / Sliz  


Rep France Borne  


Rep Germany Richter  


Rep Ghana Gyasi-Agyei  


Rep Greece Skodras / Kakarountas  


Rep Hungary Rudas  


Rep Iceland Thorsteinsson  


Rep Iran Soltanian-Zadeh  


Rep Iraq Bader Sadkhan  


Rep Israel Litsyn / Baal Schem  


Rep Italy Vatalaro/Vangelista  


Rep Jordan Zabalawi  


Rep Kenya Kaabunga  


Rep Kuwait Al-Ghunaim  / Abulhasan  


Rep Latvia Romanovs  


Rep Lebanon Shaban  


Rep Lithuania Navakauskas  


Rep Malta Micallef  


Rep Morocco    


Rep Nigeria Chuwudebe  


Rep Norway Olsen/Aigner  


Rep Oman    


Rep Poland Ogorzałek / Cholda  


Rep Portugal Cruz  


Rep Qatar    


Rep Republic of Macedonia Arsov  


Rep Romania Dobrescu /Toma  


Rep Russia (Northwest) Kutuzov  


Rep Russia (Siberia) Markhasin  /Stukach  


Rep Russia Gulyaev / Bankov  


Rep Saudi Arabia (East) Al-Dhamen  


Rep Saudi Arabia (West) Al-Samarrai  


Rep Serbia and Montenegro Neskovic  


Rep Slovenia Zajc  


Rep South Africa van Wyk  


Rep Spain Molina  


Rep Sweden Bergqvist  


Rep Switzerland Doering  


Rep Tunisia Loulou  


Rep Turkey    


Rep Ukraine Zhuikov / Pichkalyov  


Rep United Arab Emirates Althani  


Rep UKRI Sinnadurai  


Rep Zambia Munungwe / Kabwe  



Type Agenda Item Presenter Additional info


Disc Director’s Report Delimar  


Disc Treasurer’s Report Harrington  


Disc Secretary’s Report Stasopoulos  


Disc N&A Report Modelski  


Disc Director Elect’s Report Bastiaans  


Disc Member Activities El-Mousa  


Disc Student Activities Nassar/Soares  


Disc Technical Activities Sinha  


Disc IEEE President’s Address Day  


Disc MGA Report Delimar/Moesch  


Disc Section Registration Delimar/Lach  


Disc 50th Anniversary Activities Bastiaans/Richter  


Act Workshops El-Mousa  


Disc General Discussion (Open Session) Delimar  


Disc Discussion (Executive Session) Delimar  


  New Business Delimar  


Act Next Meeting Stasopoulos  


Act Adjournment    


Two new GOLD AG in Region 8!!!

Two new GOLD affinity groups were approved by MGA this week. Cyprus and Russia (Northwest) joined to GOLD Region 8 team.

Congratulations for new Region 8 GOLD members and keep doing a great job!

[IEEE R8 YP] IEEE GOLD Affinity Group Hall of Fame Award for GOLD Egypt AG!!!

IEEE Egypt YP was selected as a 2012 recipient of the IEEE GOLD Affinity Group Hall of Fame Award!

Judges were impressed with the record of activities and, despite fierce competition, EGYPT AG was selected as one of three winners of this award in 2012.
It is a second time in the row when the YP AG from Region 8 is winning the Award. Last year it was GOLD Finland.

Congratulations for Egypt!!!

IEEE VT & AES Joint Greece Chapter Organizes Final/Diploma Thesis Competition (Academic Years 2009 – 2011)

The IEEE VTS & AESS Joint Greece Chapter has organized a Final/Diploma Thesis Competition (Academic Years 2009 – 2011) in the scientific field of “Advanced Wireless Communication Systems” with great success. There were 19 submissions from institutes all over Greece. The submissions were performed to a server host provided and supported by the International Hellenic University (IHU). Each Thesis was evaluated by 3 independent reviewers, and they all admitted the level of the participations was high. The 8 submissions with the highest score, coming from 5 different universities, were qualified to the second-final round. The final round reviewing process was performed by the Scientific Committee of the Competition.

The final round presentations and the awards ceremony took place on February 17th 2012, with about 60-65 alternating participants, students and academics, at the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (AUTh), which provided the room. Two of the final round participants were not able to attend, so they provided a video-presentation and connected through skype for the questions section.

The winner of the Competition, Kampianakis Eleftherios, coming from the Technical University of Crete, was awarded with an iPhone 4 offered by the sponsor of the event Cosmote Mobile Telecommunications S.A. Also, gifts and certificates of participation were distributed to the participants of the Competition.

The final round presentations and the awards ceremony was live broadcasted and is available in the website of the Chapter ( The symposium was very successful receiving congratulations and enthusiasm from all the participants of the event, the students-candidates and their Thesis supervisors.

The great success of the event has motivated the Chapter Committee to organize the Final/Diploma Thesis Competition every year. Stay tuned with our events at

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Dr. George Papadopoulos

Secretary & Webmaster,

VTS & AESS Joint Greece Chapter

Dr. Athanasios Iossifides

Chair of the Competition and IEEE Liaison,

VTS & AESS Joint Greece Chapter