WIE/WIP Panel at Power Africa Conference 2022

Collaborative engagement in advancing STEM education in the power sector

Tremendous work and deliberate efforts have been put in place to promote the engagement of Women in Engineering and Women in Power globally. This continues to bear fruit as we have witnessed improved statistics, engagement, and progress in the aspects of work-life balance, breaking barriers of gender biases and representation in executive positions across the sectors.


However, there is room for improvement, while at the same time encouraging the younger generations to invest their time, careers, and research in STEM. Early mentorship of students from primary to university/tertiary levels through scholarships, internships and employment opportunities, play a pivotal role in supporting the education sector. It is essential to incorporate the intentional engagement of industry into the STEM academia to spark progress in key decision-making sectors and drive policy.


This panel seeks to deliberate on the existing opportunities in the power sectors and engineering that encourages the continuous engagement of STEM education and the current structures across the region that supports such engagement.


The panelists’ bios can be viewed on: https://ieee-powerafrica.org/women-in-engineering/