Monthly Archives: June 2015

2015-October – Ljubljana

This page contains information about the 105th IEEE Region 8 Committee Meeting to be held at the Grand Union Hotel in Ljubljana on 10-11 of October 2015.


OpCom Reports

  Director (Costas Stasopoulos)
Past-Director (Martin Bastiaans) Secretary (Christian Schmid)
Treasurer (Brian Harrington) V/C Member Activities (Dusanka Boskovic)
V/C Student Activities (Mona Ghassemian) V/C Technical Activities (Igor Kuzle)

Subcommittee Reports

Action for Industry (AfI) History Activities Coordinator (HA) Section Vitality Coordinator (SVC)
Awards & Recognition Subcommittee (A&RSC) Life Member Coordinator (LM)   Standards Coordinator  (StC)
Chapter Coordination Subcommittee (ChCSC) Membership Development Subcommittee (MDSC) Strategic Planning
Conference Coordination SubCommittee (CoCSC) Nominations and Appointments Subcommittee Voluntary Contribution Fund Coordinator (VCF)
Educational Activities SubCommittee (EASC) Professional Activities Subcommittee (PASC) Women in Engineering Coordinator (WIE)
Electronic Communications Coordinator (ECC) Region 8 News (R8News) Young Professionals Subcommittee (YP)

Section Reports

Austria Section Germany Section Lithuania Section Saudi Arabia (East) Section
Bahrain Section Ghana Section Malta Section Saudi Arabia (West) Section
Belarus Section Greece Section Morocco Section Serbia And Montenegro Section
Benelux Section Hungary Section Nigeria Section Slovenia Section
Bosnia and Herzegovina Section Iceland Section Norway Section South Africa Section
Bulgaria Section Iran Section Oman Section Spain Section
Croatia Section Iraq Section Poland Section Sweden Section
Cyprus Section Israel Section Portugal Section Switzerland Section
Czechoslovakia Section Italy Section Qatar Section Tunisia Section
Denmark Section Jordan Section Republic of Macedonia Section Turkey Section
Egypt Section Kenya Section Romania Section UK and Ireland Section
Estonia Section Kuwait Section Russia Section Ukraine Section
Finland Section Latvia Section Russia (Northwest) Section United Arab Emirates Section
France Section Lebanon Section Russia (Siberia) Section Zambia Section



Meeting Schedule

105th IEEE Region 8 Committee Meeting Overview
(subject to change)
Friday, 9.10.2015 Saturday, 10.10.15 Sunday, 11.10.15
Room1 Room 2 Room 3 Room 4 Main room Main room

IEEE R8 YP Meeting



Chapter Coordination Meeting



IEEE R8 SAC Meeting



Strategic Planning Meeting



R8 Committee Meeting



R8 Committee Meeting



Industry Ambassador Meeting



Chapter Coordination Meeting



IEEE R8 YP Meeting & IEEE R8 SAC Meeting



Section Vitality



Interactive Session


Break, Registration

Social Event and Gala Dinner


Slovenia Section Presentation
19:00 Technical Lecture
Dr. Mark Plesko, Cosylab Inc.
20:00 Welcome Reception, Dinner and Awards Ceremony
(Companions Welcome)

Meeting Agenda

Friday, 9 October 2015
Time # Type Item Presenter
17:00 Social Registration / Refreshments
18:00 Social Slovenia Section Presentation Burnik
19:00 Social Technical Lecture: Large Particle Accelerators for Material Research, Cancer Treatment and Fusion Dr. Mark Plesko, Cosylab Inc.
19:45 Social Cocktail Reception
20:15 Social Dinner and Awards Ceremony Delimar
Saturday, 10 October 2015
Time # Type Item Presenter
8:00 101 Procedural Call to Order Stasopoulos
8:05 102 Procedural Roll Call and Introduction of New Officers Schmid
8:20 103 Procedural Welcome by Slovenia Section Burnik
8:25 104 Procedural Introductory Remarks Stasopoulos/Schmid
8:30 105 Action Approval of the Agenda Stasopoulos
8:35 106 Action Approval of the Consent Agenda Stasopoulos
8:40 107 Discussion Director’s Address Stasopoulos
9:05 108 Discussion Member Activities Report Boskovic
9:50 109 Procedural Break
10:10 110 Discussion Technical Activities Report Kuzle
10:55 111 Discussion Future R8 Conferences (ENERGYCON, MELECON) van ‘t Klooster/Antoniou
11:05 112 Discussion Square Kilometre Array (SKA) Africa Kaplan
11:10 113 Discussion Nominations & Appointments Bastiaans
11:25 114 Discussion Presentations of Possible Nominees for Director-Elect Bastiaans
12:05 115 Discussion Interactive Session Instructions Stasopoulos/Schmid
12:15 116 Procedural Recess Stasopoulos
12:20 117 Social Group Photo
12:30 Social Lunch
13:30 201 Procedural Call to Order Stasopoulos
13:35 202 Discussion Interactive Session All
16:15 203 Procedural Recess Stasopoulos
17:00 Social Bus: Hotel to Postojna Cave
18:00 Social Postojna Cave Tour – Train and Walking
20:00 Social Dinner at the Postojna Cave Restaurant
22:00 Social Bus: Postojna Cave to Hotel
22:45 Social Arrival at the Hotel
Sunday, 11 October 2015
Time # Type Item Presenter
8:00 301 Procedural Call to Order and Roll Call Stasopoulos/Schmid
8:05 302 Discussion Secretary’s Report Schmid
8:15 303 Discussion Treasurer’s Report Harrington
8:35 304 Discussion Student Activities Report Ghassemian
9:15 305 Discussion Mind the Gap Project Ghassemian
9:25 306 Action IEEE Region 8 Vice Chairs Bastiaans
9:35 307 Action Region 8 Director-Elect Slate Bastiaans
10:05 308 Procedural Break
10:35 309 Discussion Section Development and Vitality Szabo/Eriksson
10:55 310 Discussion Section Financial Reporting Bolsch/Jastrzebski
11:15 311 Discussion Chapter Coordination Meeting Mallat
11:25 312 Discussion Membership Development Discussion Sultan/Szabo/Boskovic
11:45 313 Discussion IEEE Ad Hoc Committee on Engagement in Europe Delimar
12:00 314 Discussion Awards & Recognitions Delimar
12:10 315 Discussion Nurturing Technical Communities Piuri
12:25 316 Discussion Action for Industry Sinnadurai
12:35 317 Action Motions Stasopoulos
12:45 318 Discussion New Business Stasopoulos
13:15 319 Info Next Meeting Schmid/Amara
13:25 320 Action Adjournment Stasopoulos
13:30 321 Social Lunch
14:30 Lunch ends
Consent Agenda
401 Action Approval of the Minutes of the 104th Region 8 Committee meeting
402 Action Approval of the Formation of IEEE Algeria Section
403 Action Approval of the Formation of IEEE Uganda Subsection
404 Action Dissolution of the Jubail Subsection
405 Action Dissolution of the Riyadh Subsection
406 Action Dissolution of the Sfax Subsection
Report Reports

Visa Information

Official website:

IEEE Slovenia Section contact person: Urban Burnik <[email protected]>

Invitation Letter (Sample)

Letter of guarantee (Local copy retrieved on 2015-07-23, Source:

To issue a letter of guarantee some personal information is needed,  applicants should provide ALL the following information:

  1. Name
  2. Surname
  3. Date of birth
  4. Nationality
  5. Passport No
  6. Address
  7. Phone
  8. Name and address of the legal Entity/company where the foreigner is employed

The Application form to be prepared by the applicants is located here:

Slovenia is a small country and is not having a diplomatic representative in each of R8 countries. A compilation of diplomatic representatives which are authorised to act on behalf of Slovenia in the mentioned countries can be found here: Slovenia diplomatic representatives

2015 Call for Nominations

The IEEE Region 8 Nominations & Appointments (N&A) Subcommittee is soliciting nominations for the following leadership positions:

  • IEEE Region 8 2017-2018 Delegate-Elect/Director-Elect (six year commitment)
  • IEEE Region 8 2016 Vice Chair, Member Activities (one year commitment)
  • IEEE Region 8 2016 Vice Chair, Student Activities (one year commitment)
  • IEEE Region 8 2016 Vice Chair, Technical Activities (one year commitment)

Please submit your suggestions/nominations by filling the IEEE Region 8 Nomination form (available at the IEEE Region 8 website in the ‘Documents’ section) and sending it to Martin Bastiaans, Chair of the IEEE Region 8 Nominations and Appointments Subcommittee, at [email protected] by 1 July 2015.

The IEEE Region 8 2017-2018 Delegate-Elect/Director-Elect will be elected by the voting members of Region 8 in the 2015 IEEE Annual Election from the slate nominated by the R8 Committee. The Region 8 Committee will select the slate during the Region 8 Committee Meeting in October 2015.

The IEEE Region 8 2016 Vice Chairs will be elected during the Region 8 Committee Meeting in October 2015. Note that the current Vice Chairs are eligible for re-election.

For all further details, including petition processes, please refer to the IEEE Region 8 Bylaws and the IEEE Region 8 Operations Manual (available at the IEEE Region 8 website in the ‘Documents’ section) , in particular the sections R8-3.1.2 ‘Director-Elect’ and R8-3.1.7 ‘Vice Chairs’ in the Bylaws, and the sections R8-4.2 ‘Region 8 Director-Elect,’ R8-4.6 ‘Region 8 Vice Chairs’ and R8-5 ‘Elections and appointments procedures’ in the Operations Manual.

The individual elected to serve as the IEEE Region 8 2017-2018 Delegate-Elect/Director-Elect will serve for six years: in 2017-2018 as Director-Elect, in 2019-2020 as Director, and in 2021-2022 as Past Director.

  • In 2017-2018 this individual will:
    • be invited to attend IEEE Board of Directors and IEEE MGA Board meetings (as part of preparation and education for the later service)
    • serve (as a voting member) on the IEEE Region 8 Committee and IEEE Region 8 Operating Committee
    • serve as a member on the IEEE Region 8 Nominations & Appointments Subcommittee (except in the process of selecting candidates for the IEEE Region 8 Delegate-Elect/Director-Elect).

    Additional duties may be expected and will vary.

  • In 2019-2020 this individual will serve on the :
    • IEEE Assembly (as delegate/representative of IEEE Region 8 members)
    • IEEE Board of Directors
    • IEEE MGA Board
    • IEEE Region 8 Committee (as chair)
    • IEEE Region 8 Operating Committee (as chair)
    • IEEE Region 8 Nominations & Appointments Subcommittee.

    Additional duties may be expected and will vary.

  • In 2021-2022 this individual will serve on the :
    • IEEE Region 8 Committee
    • IEEE Region 8 Operating Committee
    • IEEE Region 8 Nominations & Appointments Subcommittee (as chair)
    • IEEE Region 8 Strategic Planning Subcommittee (as chair or as a regular member)
    • IEEE Region 8 Awards & Recognition Subcommittee (as chair or as a regular member).

    Additional duties may be expected and will vary.

Board of Directors and MGA position descriptions are available at

All IEEE Young Engineers’ Humanitarian Challenge 2015

AIYEHUM is a project competition where young scientists and engineers (between ages of 16 and 35 years) submit proposals of projects which are oriented around humanitarian issues. These proposals can be their curriculum projects or other projects that are developed out of passion.

The short-listed project proposals will be given a a grant of up to US $500 for prototype development. IEEE will assign a mentor for all short-listed teams. All successfully completed projects will be evaluated again and top teams will be partially funded to go to the IEEE Humanitarian Technology Conference to present their work. In addition, IEEE will also give prize money to winning teams.

For more information, please go to


  • Project proposal submission: June 21st
  • Notification of short-listed project proposals: July 12th
  • Announcement of top teams: November 10th