Yearly Archives: 2015

Towards an Open Judiciary Action Plan in the Open Government Partnership Summit 2015

Stanford Law School Universidad Autonoma - Estado de Mexico IEEE - Advancing Technology for humanity

Open Government Partnership Summit 2015


Providing Access to Justice for All Through Open Judiciary:

Comparative Experiences from the U.S., Latin America, and China


In January 2009, President Barack Obama signed the Memorandum on Transparency and Open Government, calling for an open government, as measured by transparency, participation, and collaboration. This statement has sparked the commitment of governments worldwide to redefine openness initiatives in accordance with these principles. Yet, most of these governments largely focus on the executive or legislative branches, leaving many issues concerning open judiciary unaddressed. This session, Providing Access to Justice for All Through Open Judiciary: Comparative Experiences from the U.S., Latin America, and China, not only fills this gap, but also seeks to challenge the common belief that open judiciary cannot be meaningfully implemented in developing countries, let alone in closed societies.

This session will present, through highly-participatory dialogue conducted during a panel and three simultaneously held workshops, common threads and key differences in approaches to open judiciary in different contexts—from developed to developing and closed societies—and will culminate in the collaborative creation of a list of factors critical to providing access to justice for all through open judiciary. Participants of the panel will be asked to complete a short online survey to rank the factors discussed, add their own, and give comments. The survey results will be shared during the workshops to help participants brainstorm action plans for promoting open judiciary, both around the world and in participants’ own jurisdiction.


Designed to help achieve Sustainable Development Goal No. 16 (“Promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, provide access to justice for all and build effective, accountable and inclusive institutions at all levels”) and to shed light on the Open Government Partnership Summit “Public Sector Innovation: Open Judiciary” topic. The session aims to draw on representative work accomplished by four experts with diverse backgrounds to develop a set of essential factors for making the judiciary around the world more open and to design a corresponding action plan for implementation.

The proposed session will begin with a 60-minute panel, featuring the four experts (three as panelists and one as moderator). The panelists will then simultaneously lead three separate workshops oriented toward drafting an action plan for promoting open judiciary, focusing on open judiciary efforts in developed countries, developing countries, and closed societies respectively. Attendees’ participation is key, and the format of this session will be highly participatory.

Panel experts are:

  • Carlos E. Jiménez-Gómez, (Moderator) Open & Smart Government Specialist (IEEE e-Government, USA; & Department of Justice of the Autonomous Government of Catalonia, Spain).

  • Phillip R. Malone, (Panelist – USA). Professor of Law, Director, Juelsgaard Intellectual Property and Innovation Clinic, (Stanford Law School, USA)

  • Rodrigo Sandoval-Almazan, (Panelist – Latin America) Professor, Political and Social Sciences School (Autonomous University of the State of Mexico, Mexico).

  • Mei Gechlik, (Panelist – China) Founder and Director, China Guiding Cases Project -“CGCP”-, (Stanford Law School, USA).

All are invited to attend and participate.

More info in this link

Best regards,
Carlos, Mei, Phil & Rodrigo

Join the ChallengeME! Competition and turn your IoT idea into reality

ChallengeME! Is an Internet of Things – IoT competition for the Middle East and North Africa – MENA that is being organized by Intel Corporation for the first time in the region in collaboration with prestigious educational institutions and non-profit entrepreneurship organizations across the Middle East and North Africa. The competition aims to recognize and support talented individuals who are building various elements for the Internet of Things  and will identify pioneering new ideas, innovations and solutions in that area with great business potential.

The challenge is open to all IoT enthusiasts who can provide a prototype about their innovation and have a scalable business model. The competition will shortlist top 15 outstanding projects, thru a jury of experts from Intel and the business community, who will be invited to travel to Beirut in November 2015 and participate in extensive face to face training, and pitching to win over $15,000 in cash prizes and many other awards. And an opportunity to fly two teams to the UK to attend the Intel Innovation Summit.

To know more, visit 

Visa Information for Monaco

  • Passport must be valid for at least 3 months beyond the date of expiry of your short-stay visa.
  • Your passport must contain at least two blank pages to take the visa and the French entry and exit stamps.
  • When you submit a visa application, you may ask for its validity to start either on the date of issuance or on some other date no later than three months after the date of issuance.
    You may therefore submit a visa application 3 months before your planned date of departure for France.

  • All information can be found on

  • The Application form to be prepared by the applicants is located here

  • You must comply with the information sheet relating to the category of visa that corresponds to the reasons for your stay in France and include the documents in the order given on the list.

  • All foreign nationals need a visa to enter France except for those cases laid down by the law. Please check if you need a visa to enter France/Monaco by visiting the link

  • If you need a visa please contact France Charles, [email protected], for an invitation letter (put on CC [email protected] and [email protected]) and then get in touch with your local embassy or representative of the French Republic. Please act quickly as visa processing can take some time.
    To issue an invitation letter some personal information is needed,  applicants should provide ALL the following information:
    • Name
    • Surname
    • Date of birth
    • Nationality
    • Passport No
    • Address
    • Phone
    • Name and address of the legal Entity/company where the foreigner is employed

IEEE Global Humanitarian Technology Conference (GHTC)

IEEE Global Humanitarian Technology Conference (GHTC)

October 8-11, 2015        Seattle, Washington USA

Registration Now Open!

Early registration discount ends September 6, 2015


IEEE Global Humanitarian Conference (GHTC) is the perfect venue for enthusiasts from all backgrounds to connect, share and address critical issues for the benefit of the humanitarian endeavor worldwide. Join us in Seattle, WA, USA as we:

  • Enable a global sharing of skills, knowledge, networking in the humanitarian and emergency management fields
  • Highlight humanitarian technologies that promote successful practice, attract practitioners, and guide future research
  • Positively impact billions of people around the world

IEEE GHTC is the place to be whether you have experience to share, are looking for opportunities to join, or simply want to understand humanitarian work. In its 5th year, sponsored by IEEE Region 6 and IEEE Seattle Section, the conference is dedicated to “Advancing Technology for Humanity” with a focus on essential areas including energy, health, disaster management, connectivity, agriculture, and education.

Conference highlights include:

  • Maurizio Vecchione, Sr. Vice President of Global Good & Research plenary
  • “The Future of Humanitarian Technology” with a panel of experts from NGOs, the United Nations, and the Red Cross
  • “The Internet of Things (IoT) for Humanity” with a panel of industry partners
  • IEEE SIGHT Gaetano Borriello Memorial Symposium on Humanitarian Technology
  • UNESCO 70th anniversary celebration.
  • IEEE Smart Village workshop on Energy, Education, and Empowerment

Interactive special sessions that support in-field humanitarian efforts:

  • Open Data Kit Workshop – learn to collect data and build data services for many humanitarian efforts
  • Entrepreneurship and Education – engage in workshops with interactive dialogue on grass-roots business development and collaborative educational strategies for entrepreneurs and practitioners
  • Demonstrations and Exhibitions – see and experience new technologies in water and sanitation, energy, and communication and connectivity technologies

Register today to participate in an extensive, vibrant, and innovative technical program with likeminded individuals across the world.

Advanced Discount Registration ends September 6:

Regular Registration ends October 7

On-Site Registration & One Day Passes Available

For more information, contact [email protected]

FacebookTwitter @ieeeghtcYouTubeDescription: WordPress IconLinkedIn

IEEE Jordanian SB Congress inspired more than 270 attendees

IEEE Hashemite University Student Branch had the honor of hosting the largest IEEE event in Jordan; 2 nd

IEEE JSBC was a wonderful opportunity to gather hundreds of students, Engineers, Professionals and even
school students to share their passion of advancing technology for the benefit of humanity.

JSBC2 The congress played an essential role in bridging the gap between IEEE members from all over Jordan (11
Universities) and the attendees approved that IEEE mission and vision will be taken forward in their
universities via their further engagement.

After welcoming the participants and the guests on behalf of Hashemite University, IEEE Jordan Section
and HU student branch, Husam Momenah (IEEEHU SB Chair) asked the attendees to exploit this
opportunity and network with their IEEE fellows to get the maximum benefit out of the congress.


The congress aimed to inspire the participants to take their experience and interests to the next level by
inviting 15 professionals; IEEE EMBS Distinguished lecture, professional speakers, experts, Jordanian
entrepreneurs and young leaders, those who gave a number of diversified workshops and lectures about
Nanotechnology, Leadership, Motivation, User experience design and an IEEE workshop. Not to mention
the field trip to the 5MW PV system project at Hashemite University.

After a full day of inspiration and positive energy and with warm applause by the audience, Ahmed Al-
Omoush (IEEE JSBC 2015 Chair) closed the congress by sharing his thankfulness with the attendees for
their remarkable engagement to thank the organizing committee and volunteers for their efforts.

By Mustafa Almomani

IEEE Smart Tech: Metro Area Workshop Series – Amman, Jordan

Eventbrite - IEEE Smart Tech: Metro Area Workshop Series - Amman, JordanIEEE Smart Tech Metro Area Workshops provide participants with a unique learning experience with topics on the cutting-edge of technical innovation today. Each workshop is a springboard to a deeper understanding of technology and its myriad applications and potential for innovation.

Choose one Track Sunday and one Track Monday. Sessions under each track run in succession.

Communications Track: 

  • Long Term Evolution (LTE) Systems
  • Long Term Evolution (LTE) Implementation
  • RF Propagation Models
  • RF Simulation Software

Grid-Connected Photovoltaic Systems Track

  • Specifications of Solar PV Systems
  • Fundamentals of Grid-Connected PV System Design
  • Commissioning of PV Systems
  • Grid Impact Studies
  • Mega-Scale PV Plants
  • Panel Discussion: Local Renewable Energy Regulations

Computer Engineering & Big Data Track

  • Secure Software Development
  • Cloud Computing
  • Big Data

View the full day agenda and course descriptions for IEEE Smart Tech in Amman

Registration opens on Sunday at 8:30 a.m, followed by a General Serssion at 9:30 a.m. and Coffee Break at 10:00 a.m. Track sessions then begin at 10:30 a.m.

Dress code for the workshop series is business casual.

Follow us on Twitter! @IEEEMetroEvents

Landmark – Amman Hotel and Conference Center
1118 Al Huseen Bin Ali Street
P.O. Box 6399
Amman, Jordan
Sunday, September 13, 2015 at 8:30 AM – Monday, September 14, 2015 at 5:30 PM (EEST)

Registration and Hotel Information

Join IEEE now to be eligible for the member rate. Only active IEEE members will qualify for the member rate. Society Affiliates are not eligible for the member rate.

Not ready to join IEEE right now? You may still register at the non-member rate. Then, if you choose to join IEEE onsite at the conference you will receive a US$30/20JOD credit toward your first-year professional membership dues. Be sure to bring a copy of your registration receipt.

Hotel Accommodations 

Landmark Amman Hotel & Conference Center is offering a special rate to conference attendees. Use code JEASEP2015 when you make your reservation.

 Al Huseen Bin Ali Street| P.O. Box 6399 | Amman | Jordan | Phone: (866) 599-6674

 View Additional Area Hotel Information


Questions? E-mail [email protected].

Have questions about IEEE Smart Tech: Metro Area Workshop Series – Amman, Jordan? Contact IEEE Jordan Section

Eventbrite - IEEE Smart Tech: Metro Area Workshop Series - Amman, Jordan

2015-October – Ljubljana

This page contains information about the 105th IEEE Region 8 Committee Meeting to be held at the Grand Union Hotel in Ljubljana on 10-11 of October 2015.


OpCom Reports

  Director (Costas Stasopoulos)
Past-Director (Martin Bastiaans) Secretary (Christian Schmid)
Treasurer (Brian Harrington) V/C Member Activities (Dusanka Boskovic)
V/C Student Activities (Mona Ghassemian) V/C Technical Activities (Igor Kuzle)

Subcommittee Reports

Action for Industry (AfI) History Activities Coordinator (HA) Section Vitality Coordinator (SVC)
Awards & Recognition Subcommittee (A&RSC) Life Member Coordinator (LM)   Standards Coordinator  (StC)
Chapter Coordination Subcommittee (ChCSC) Membership Development Subcommittee (MDSC) Strategic Planning
Conference Coordination SubCommittee (CoCSC) Nominations and Appointments Subcommittee Voluntary Contribution Fund Coordinator (VCF)
Educational Activities SubCommittee (EASC) Professional Activities Subcommittee (PASC) Women in Engineering Coordinator (WIE)
Electronic Communications Coordinator (ECC) Region 8 News (R8News) Young Professionals Subcommittee (YP)

Section Reports

Austria Section Germany Section Lithuania Section Saudi Arabia (East) Section
Bahrain Section Ghana Section Malta Section Saudi Arabia (West) Section
Belarus Section Greece Section Morocco Section Serbia And Montenegro Section
Benelux Section Hungary Section Nigeria Section Slovenia Section
Bosnia and Herzegovina Section Iceland Section Norway Section South Africa Section
Bulgaria Section Iran Section Oman Section Spain Section
Croatia Section Iraq Section Poland Section Sweden Section
Cyprus Section Israel Section Portugal Section Switzerland Section
Czechoslovakia Section Italy Section Qatar Section Tunisia Section
Denmark Section Jordan Section Republic of Macedonia Section Turkey Section
Egypt Section Kenya Section Romania Section UK and Ireland Section
Estonia Section Kuwait Section Russia Section Ukraine Section
Finland Section Latvia Section Russia (Northwest) Section United Arab Emirates Section
France Section Lebanon Section Russia (Siberia) Section Zambia Section



Meeting Schedule

105th IEEE Region 8 Committee Meeting Overview
(subject to change)
Friday, 9.10.2015 Saturday, 10.10.15 Sunday, 11.10.15
Room1 Room 2 Room 3 Room 4 Main room Main room

IEEE R8 YP Meeting



Chapter Coordination Meeting



IEEE R8 SAC Meeting



Strategic Planning Meeting



R8 Committee Meeting



R8 Committee Meeting



Industry Ambassador Meeting



Chapter Coordination Meeting



IEEE R8 YP Meeting & IEEE R8 SAC Meeting



Section Vitality



Interactive Session


Break, Registration

Social Event and Gala Dinner


Slovenia Section Presentation
19:00 Technical Lecture
Dr. Mark Plesko, Cosylab Inc.
20:00 Welcome Reception, Dinner and Awards Ceremony
(Companions Welcome)

Meeting Agenda

Friday, 9 October 2015
Time # Type Item Presenter
17:00 Social Registration / Refreshments
18:00 Social Slovenia Section Presentation Burnik
19:00 Social Technical Lecture: Large Particle Accelerators for Material Research, Cancer Treatment and Fusion Dr. Mark Plesko, Cosylab Inc.
19:45 Social Cocktail Reception
20:15 Social Dinner and Awards Ceremony Delimar
Saturday, 10 October 2015
Time # Type Item Presenter
8:00 101 Procedural Call to Order Stasopoulos
8:05 102 Procedural Roll Call and Introduction of New Officers Schmid
8:20 103 Procedural Welcome by Slovenia Section Burnik
8:25 104 Procedural Introductory Remarks Stasopoulos/Schmid
8:30 105 Action Approval of the Agenda Stasopoulos
8:35 106 Action Approval of the Consent Agenda Stasopoulos
8:40 107 Discussion Director’s Address Stasopoulos
9:05 108 Discussion Member Activities Report Boskovic
9:50 109 Procedural Break
10:10 110 Discussion Technical Activities Report Kuzle
10:55 111 Discussion Future R8 Conferences (ENERGYCON, MELECON) van ‘t Klooster/Antoniou
11:05 112 Discussion Square Kilometre Array (SKA) Africa Kaplan
11:10 113 Discussion Nominations & Appointments Bastiaans
11:25 114 Discussion Presentations of Possible Nominees for Director-Elect Bastiaans
12:05 115 Discussion Interactive Session Instructions Stasopoulos/Schmid
12:15 116 Procedural Recess Stasopoulos
12:20 117 Social Group Photo
12:30 Social Lunch
13:30 201 Procedural Call to Order Stasopoulos
13:35 202 Discussion Interactive Session All
16:15 203 Procedural Recess Stasopoulos
17:00 Social Bus: Hotel to Postojna Cave
18:00 Social Postojna Cave Tour – Train and Walking
20:00 Social Dinner at the Postojna Cave Restaurant
22:00 Social Bus: Postojna Cave to Hotel
22:45 Social Arrival at the Hotel
Sunday, 11 October 2015
Time # Type Item Presenter
8:00 301 Procedural Call to Order and Roll Call Stasopoulos/Schmid
8:05 302 Discussion Secretary’s Report Schmid
8:15 303 Discussion Treasurer’s Report Harrington
8:35 304 Discussion Student Activities Report Ghassemian
9:15 305 Discussion Mind the Gap Project Ghassemian
9:25 306 Action IEEE Region 8 Vice Chairs Bastiaans
9:35 307 Action Region 8 Director-Elect Slate Bastiaans
10:05 308 Procedural Break
10:35 309 Discussion Section Development and Vitality Szabo/Eriksson
10:55 310 Discussion Section Financial Reporting Bolsch/Jastrzebski
11:15 311 Discussion Chapter Coordination Meeting Mallat
11:25 312 Discussion Membership Development Discussion Sultan/Szabo/Boskovic
11:45 313 Discussion IEEE Ad Hoc Committee on Engagement in Europe Delimar
12:00 314 Discussion Awards & Recognitions Delimar
12:10 315 Discussion Nurturing Technical Communities Piuri
12:25 316 Discussion Action for Industry Sinnadurai
12:35 317 Action Motions Stasopoulos
12:45 318 Discussion New Business Stasopoulos
13:15 319 Info Next Meeting Schmid/Amara
13:25 320 Action Adjournment Stasopoulos
13:30 321 Social Lunch
14:30 Lunch ends
Consent Agenda
401 Action Approval of the Minutes of the 104th Region 8 Committee meeting
402 Action Approval of the Formation of IEEE Algeria Section
403 Action Approval of the Formation of IEEE Uganda Subsection
404 Action Dissolution of the Jubail Subsection
405 Action Dissolution of the Riyadh Subsection
406 Action Dissolution of the Sfax Subsection
Report Reports