Other important IEEE Awards


The awards and recognition program of the Member and Geographic Activities Board (MGA) is designed to promote, recognize and reward excellence in the MGA operations and IEEE Geographic Unit Activities (Regions, Geographic Councils and Areas, Sections, Chapters, Student Branches, and Student Branch Chapters).

IEEE Awards and Recognitions

For more details see: http://www.ieee.org/awards/

Joint Awards with National Societies

The IEEE establishes National Society Agreements with appropriate local societies in the various countries of the world to encourage and contribute to the progress of electricity, electronics, computing sciences, and allied branches of engineering and science – as well as education in those fields – for the ultimate benefit of the engineers and scientists of those countries.
The main purpose of these agreements is to generate cooperation between the country’s National Society, and the local IEEE Section. It is hoped that this cooperation will assist in enhancing the image and position of the engineers and scientists of the country, as well as raising the image of IEEE to the general public.
One of the most successful means of cooperation, thus far, has been the establishment of a Joint National Society / IEEE award.
In the countries where these have been established, the energy and activities of the IEEE Section have increased greatly, as well as the visibility of the IEEE to the public.
These awards are fully sanctioned by the IEEE and the IEEE Awards Board, and have a high IEEE award level similar to an IEEE Technical Field Award. The award organizing committee and the jury for selecting the awardee are drawn from the country organizations cooperating in the joint award, with a representative of the IEEE Awards Board participating as liaison.
Through a grant from the IEEE Foundation, funds are available to assist in the process of creating the first award in a country. After the first award, all project funding must be developed from sources within the country.
The Awards Board has approved the establishment of nine joint awards. For more details see  here.