Yearly Archives: 2013

2013, April – Madrid

This page contains information about the 100th IEEE Region 8 Committee Meeting to be held in Madrid on 19-21 of April 2013.

Agenda Book
Volunteer Orientation
Saturday Meeting Presentations
Sunday Meeting Presentations
Photographs from the Meeting

Meeting Information
Schedule ( Download Schedule )
Order of the Day
Travel Advisory for Madrid
Additional Travel Advisory by Tony Davies
R8 Agenda Item Template
Section Report Template

Do you need a visa?  Please follow the link to find out: Information for Foreign citizens
If you need a visa letter please notify Pilar Molina Gaudo at [email protected] with a copy to [email protected].

Unapproved minutes from Tallinn


OpCom Reports

Director  (Martin Bastiaans)

Past-Director  (Marko Delimar)

Secretary (Ali El-Mousa)

Treasurer  (Brian Harrington)

V/C Member Activities  (Aleksandar Szabo)

V/C Student Activities  (Pablo Herrero)

V/C Technical Activities  (Carl Debono)

Subcommittee Reports

Awards & Recognition SubCommittee  (A&RSC)

History Activities Coordinator  (HA) Region 8 News  (R8News)

Chapter Coordination SubCommittee  (ChCSC)

Industry Relations SubCommittee  (IRSC)

Sections Congress Coordinator

Conference Coordination SubCommittee  (CoCSC)

Jubilee Book Editorial Board Standards Coordinator (StC)

Educational Activities SubCommittee  (EASC)

Life Members Coordinator (LM)

Strategic Planning

Electronic Communications Coordinator  (ECC) Membership Development SubCommittee  (MDSC) Voluntary Contribution Fund Coordinator (VCF)

GOLD SubCommittee (GOLD)

Nominations & Appointment SubCommittee Women In Engineering Coordinator  (WIE)
Professional Activities SubCommittee  (PASC)

Section Reports

Austria Section Germany Section Lithuania Section Saudi Arabia (East) Section
Bahrain Section Ghana Section Malta Section Saudi Arabia (West) Section
Belarus Section Greece Section Morocco Section Serbia And Montenegro Section
Benelux Section Hungary Section Nigeria Section Slovenia Section
Bosnia And Herzegovina Section Iceland Section Norway Section South Africa Section
Bulgaria Section Iran Section Oman Section Spain Section
Croatia Section Iraq Section Poland Section Sweden Section
Cyprus Section Israel Section Portugal Section Switzerland Section
Czechoslovakia Section Italy Section Qatar Section Tunisia Section
Denmark Section Jordan Section Republic Of Macedonia Section Turkey Section
Egypt Section Kenya Section Romania Section U.K.& Rep Of Ireland Section
Estonia Section Kuwait Section Russia Section Ukraine Section
Finland Section Latvia Section Russia (Northwest) Section United Arab Emirates Section
France Section Lebanon Section Russia (Siberia) Section Zambia Section


Madrid – Schedule

 Time Table



19 April


20 April


 21 April


Chapter Coordination Committee*

Industry Relations and Standards*

Professional Activities


R8 Committee Meeting

R8 Committee Meeting


Student Activities*


Membership Development*



Lunch Break


Conference Coordination**


R8 GOLD Committee**




Volunteer Orientation***

50th Anniversary Celebration Event at the Telefonica Building with Exhibits viewing


Educational Activities



MA all coordinators



Coffee Break


Spain Section Presentation


William Dávila  introducing the invited speaker


Invited Presentation ” Cyberspace Security in 2013” by

Alvaro Arenas


Cocktail reception

(Sponsored by IE Business School)


Bus Travel To Restaurant

(La Casa de Monico)

( Location Map )

and Dinner


Dinner with flamenco show


Back to Hotel


* These meetings can continue through lunch as it is a working lunch

** These meetings actually start at 12:00 and will work while having lunch

*** All new officers are kindly requested to attend the Volunteer Orientation Session

Technical Activities (TA)

The Region 8 Technical Activities committee is responsible for coordinating technical activities in the Region (Europe, Middle East and Africa), interface with the IEEE Technical Activities Board and coordinate corresponding functions in the MGA Board.

The committee is chaired by the Region 8 Vice-Chair Technical Activities and comprises of the following sub-committees/functions:

The 2022-2023 Vice-Chair, Technical Activities is Marios Antoniou and he can be reached at [email protected].

Core Values:

The IEEE Region 8 Technical Activities believes in:

  • Inclusiveness – Embracing diversity of Region 8 members and their careers. Respecting each other’s values with honesty and transparency;
  • Networking – Creating an engaged, interactive community of technical professionals from both industry and academic sectors;
  • Professionalism – Maintaining the highest level of professional and ethical standards;
  • Technical Excellence – Disseminating high quality scientific and technical information in a timely, equitable and objective manner;
  • Volunteerism – The driving force of Region 8 Technical Activities.

Committee Chair/Coordinator:

Chapter Coordination Conf. Coordination Professional and

Educational Activities

Action for Industry Standards
Anna Litvinenko Tiziana Tambosso Andrejs Romanovs Toni Mattila Mona Ghassemian

Further details of sub-committees can be found at the Region 8 Committee page.

Focus Areas:

The overarching focus areas for 2019-2021 Technical Activities committee are

  • Revitalise the Chapter Coordination committee;
  • Expand Action for Industry programs and align them with the IEEE Industry Engagement Committee;
  • Achieve a healthy conferences outlook, explore new flagship conferences and industry focused events;
  • Improve professional and educational activities programs with specific emphasis on Pre-University, University and Continuing Education;
  • Expand our standards-related offerings.
  • Engage with Africa Council to expand TA activities in Africa;
  • Increase TA activities focused on Students and Young Professionals;
  • Increase coordination between sub-committees.

New Region 8 GOLD Committee in 2013

Rafal Sliz
Finland Section
(Coordinator for R8)
Nele Reynders
Benelux Section
Elena Pereja
Spain Section
Amir Zahoor
Sweden Section
Salima Kaissi
Marocco Section
(Past Coordinator)


I have the pleasure to announce that I have been appointed as Region 8 GOLD Coordinator for 2013.

Since I was a member of the previous committee I would like to use this opportunity to thank you all for your assistance and cooperation during the last two years.

I appreciate the knowledge and experiences I have gained, as well as the connections I have made during this period.  Your expertise, comments and help have been invaluable during this process. Working with the other committee members: Salima, Nele, Khaled, Ahmed, and Region 8 GOLD Chairs was a delightful and inspiring experience. Although there are always bad days, solving problems and issues related to GOLD brought every time smiles, happiness and a feeling of an accomplished mission.

I believe that in 2013 the R8 GOLD Committee will keep the momentum gained over the last few years and will continue to make the difference for young professionals, IEEE, and Humanity.

I am looking forward to serve as Region 8 GOLD Coordinator and to help you in advancing technology to humanity.

All the best,

Rafal Sliz

WebEx and Teleconference as a way of hosting IEEE Section events

Many IEEE sections in our region are geographically large.
Starting 2011, IEEE Region 8 has hosted a number of WebEx events (“Webinars”).
This service is available at no cost for IEEE Section events.

We are sharing some steps for this:

  1.  Setup a regular event using IEEE vTools:
    Enabling the “registration” link assists to keep track of who may be your attendees!
  2. Promote your event!
    Use either your own SAMIEEE mailing lists, or use IEEE e-Notice.
    Social media, such as Facebook Groups, Google Plus, etc can be a great way to promote your event!
  3. At least five (5) working days in advance of your event, request a WebEx event setup:
    – Your request will be processed by the IEEE Member and Geographic Activities (MGA) Information Management team ([email protected])
    – If you’ve selected the teleconference option, you’ll also get the process to setup your audio. In case you’re in a country which does not have a toll-free, you could consider using Skype or Google Phone to reach the US toll-free number.
    – Remember to send out the WebEx event link, conference code & link for global toll-free numbers to your participants.
    – – This could also serve as a meeting reminder!
  4. During your event, you can record the WebEx session! For more information, see:
  5. Following your event, remember to submit a “L-31” report (using vTools) & also submit a short article to Region 8 news or other media!
    (Steps 1-2 could be skipped if you want to setup a WebEx event for smaller meeting, e.g. Section ExCom meeting).

Best with your Webinars!


Saurabh Sinha, [email protected]
2011/2 Vice-Chair for Technical Activities

Committee in 2013

The IEEE Region 8 Committee consists of:

  • Section representatives
  • Operating Committee
  • Appointed Members

Section Representatives

In the IEEE Region 8 Committee, Sections are represented by their Chairs. Section Chairs may appoint an alternate representative to the Region 8 Committee. The most recent list of Region 8 Sections and their representatives to the Region 8 Committee may be found here.

Operating Committee (OpCom)

Appointed members

Ad-hoc members

Sub Committees

Awards & Recognition Subcommittee

Chapter Coordination Subcommittee

  • Elya Joffe (Israel) – Chair
  • Simay Akar (Turkey) – Student Branch Chapters
  • Members appointed by Societies/Councils

Conference Coordination Subcommittee

Educational Activities Subcommittee

GOLD Subcommittee

Industry Relations Subcommittee

Membership Development Subcommittee

Nominations and Appointments Subcommittee

Professional Activities Subcommittee

Strategic Planning Subcommittee

Student Activities Subcommittee

Women in Engineering Coordinator