Monthly Archives: April 2018

2018 Clementina Saduwa Award Recipient

Dr. Ana Katalinic Mucalo was born in 1980 in Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina. In 1999 she started her studies at the University of Zagreb, Croatia, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing, where she graduated in 2005 and obtained her PhD degree in 2013.

Since graduation, she has been with the Radiocommunications Department at the Croatian Regulatory Authority for Network Industries (HAKOM) as a senior Expert for Microwave and Satellite Networks, dealing mostly with frequency planning and interference analysis of fixed point-to-point and satellite links, as well as with cross-border coordination for fixed networks. She has been actively engaged in several working groups within the European Conference of Postal and Telecommunications Administrations (CEPT), namely the working group SE (Spectrum Engineering), which deals with compatibility studies and development of sharing criteria between different radiocommunications services and provides technical background for ECC decisions and recommendations, as well as the project team SE19, which deals with fixed services. She was the head of the Commission for development of the Strategy for the transition of Digital Terrestrial Television to DVB-T2 system and allocation of the Second Digital Dividend, appointed by Croatian Ministry of the Sea, Transport and Infrastructure. She made considerable contribution on national legislation for fixed service, and supported the implementation of new programs and infrastructure transformation from European Union pre-accession funds as part of the Project Implementation Unit within HAKOM.

She has published 30 scientific and technical papers in journals and conference proceedings. She participated as a researcher in the European Union funded project for wireless communications COST2100 and IC1004.

She is an active IEEE member and has served in several volunteering positions: R8 Professional Activities Subcommittee Chair 2015-2016, R8 Young Professionals Subcommittee member 2013-2014, Croatia Section GOLD Affinity Group (AG) Chair 2010-2012, and Croatia Section secretary 2013-2016. She currently serves as the Croatia Section Vice-chair.

2018-October – Belgrade

This page contains information about the 111th IEEE Region 8 Committee Meeting to be held in Belgrade on 20-21 of October 2018.

OpCom Reports

Director (Margaretha Eriksson) Director-Elect (Magdalena Salazar Palma)
Past-Director (Costas Stasopoulos) Secretary (Jan Verveckken)
Treasurer (Ralph Kennel) V/C Member Activities (Antonio Luque)
V/C Student Activities (Efthymia Arvaniti) V/C Technical Activities (Christopher James)

Subcommittee Reports

Action for Industry (AfI) History Activities Coordinator (HA) Region 8 News (R8News)
Africa Area (AA) Humanitarian Activities Subcommittee (HuA) Section Vitality Coordinator (SVC)
Awards & Recognition Subcommittee (A&RSC) Life Member Coordinator (LM) Standards Coordinator (StC)
Chapter Coordination Subcommittee (ChCSC) Membership Development Subcommittee (MDSC) Strategic Planning
Conference Coordination SubCommittee (CoCSC) Nominations and Appointments Subcommittee Voluntary Contribution Fund Coordinator (VCF)
Educational Activities SubCommittee (EASC) Professional Activities Subcommittee (PASC) Women in Engineering Coordinator (WIE)
Electronic Communications Coordinator (ECC) Region 8 Today (Region8Today) Young Professionals Subcommittee (YP)

Section Reports

Algeria Section Iceland Section Republic Of Macedonia Section
Austria Section Iran Section Romania Section
Bahrain Section Iraq Section Russia Section
Belarus Section Israel Section Russia (Northwest) Section
Benelux Section Italy Section Russia (Siberia) Section
Bosnia and Herzegovina Section Jordan Section Saudi Arabia (East) Section
Bulgaria Section Kenya Section Saudi Arabia (West) Section
Croatia Section Kuwait Section Serbia And Montenegro Section
Cyprus Section Latvia Section Slovenia Section
Czechoslovakia Section Lebanon Section South Africa Section
Denmark Section Lithuania Section Spain Section
Egypt Section Malta Section Sweden Section
Estonia Section Morocco Section Switzerland Section
Finland Section Nigeria Section Tunisia Section
France Section Norway Section Turkey Section
Germany Section Oman Section UK and Ireland Section
Ghana Section Poland Section Ukraine Section
Greece Section Portugal Section United Arab Emirates Section
Hungary Section Qatar Section Zambia Section


Order of the day – Belgrade

Friday, 19 October 2018

Time Duration # Type Item Presenter
16:00 2:00:00 Registration open
18:00 0:30:00 Director’s Address Erikson
18:30 0:30:00 Serbia Section presentation Markovic
19:00 0:45:00 Technical Presentation: Tesla and Pupin Heritage Kočović
19:45 0:15:00 Welcome Reception
20:00 2:00:00 Welcome Dinner and Awards Ceremony – Dress Code: Business Casual
22:00 Dinner Ends

Saturday, 20 October 2018

Time Duration # Type Item Presenter
6:30 1:30:00 0 Breakfast Breakfast
8:00 0:05:00 100 Procedural Call to Order Eriksson
8:05 0:15:00 101 Procedural Roll Call and Introduction of New Officers Verveckken
8:20 0:05:00 102 Procedural Welcome by Serbia Section Markovic
8:25 0:05:00 103 Procedural Introductory Remarks Eriksson
8:30 0:05:00 104 Action Approval of the Agenda Eriksson
8:35 0:05:00 105 Action Approval of the Consent Agenda Eriksson
8:40 0:40:00 106 Address IEEE Region 8 Director’s Address Eriksson
9:20 0:20:00 107 Discussion Africa Council: A lasting step to an invigorating future, next steps Chukwudebe
9:40 0:15:00 108 Discussion Section’s financial health and reporting, rebates Jazstrebski
9:55 0:05:00 109 Procedural Discussion Themes Verveckken
10:00 0:20:00 Coffee Break
10:20 0:40:00 110 Workshop Workshop 1: Section’s Dashboard Szabo, Luque
11:00 0:20:00 111 Discussion Member Activities Results Luque
11:20 0:20:00 112 Discussion Young Professionals and MGA plans Barros
11:40 1:00:00 Lunch
12:40 0:20:00 201 Discussion Technical Activities Results James
13:00 0:40:00 202 Discussion Technical Sponsorship – Financial Sponsorship of Conferences Salazar Palma, Nagy
13:40 0:20:00 Coffee Break
14:00 0:50:00 203 Workshop Workshop 2: Section Business Model Canvas El Dalal
14:50 0:05:00 204 Social Group photo Verveckken
14:55 0:40:00 205 Discussion Presentation of Election candidates Stasopoulos
15:35 0:30:00 206 Discussion Executive session: Discussion on Election candidates Stasopoulos
16:05 0:20:00 207 Discussion Executive session: Voting Stasopoulos
16:25 0:05:00 208 Discussion Presentation of election results Stasopoulos
16:30 0:00:00 209 Discussion Recess Eriksson
17:50 0:10:00 Social Meeting Point for Bus: Outside Hotel
18:00 1:15:00 Social Bus Drive through Belgrade
19:15 2:45:00 Social Cruise and Dinner on Boat, Club Kej
22:00 0:10:00 Social Bus Drive to Hotel
22:10 0:10:00 Social Bus Drive to Hotel

Sunday, 21 October 2018

Time Duration # Type Item Presenter
6:30 1:30:00 0 Breakfast Breakfast, at your own leisure, in the hotel breakfast area
8:00 0:05:00 300 Procedural Call to Order and Roll Call Eriksson
8:05 0:20:00 301 Discussion Student Activities Committee report Arvaniti
8:25 0:40:00 302 Discussion Communication Strategy, Region 8 Today Luque, Dragoumanos
9:05 0:30:00 303 Discussion Treasurer’s Report Kennel
9:35 0:20:00 304 Discussion External Auditors report Taylor
9:55 0:35:00 305 Discussion R8 Budget, priorities, decisions, Open discussion
10:30 0:20:00 Social Coffee Break
10:50 0:15:00 307 Discussion Upcoming Flagship Conferences Nagy
11:05 0:20:00 308 Discussion IEEE and Industry Milojicic
11:25 0:25:00 309 Discussion IEEE Vienna Office Neppel
11:50 0:40:00 310 Discussion Motions, presentation, discussion, voting Stasopoulos
12:30 0:30:00 311 Discussion New Business All
13:00 0:05:00 312 Discussion Next R8 Meeting Attard
13:05 0:20:00 313 Discussion Welcome from the incoming Region Director Salazar Palma
13:25 0:05:00 314 Discussion Closing Remarks leaving past Region Director Stasopoulos
13:30 0:10:00 315 Discussion Closing Remarks leaving Region Director Eriksson
13:40 0:05:00 316 Info Adjournment Eriksson
13:45 1:00:00 Social Lunch

Consent Agenda

501 Action Approval of the minutes of the 110th Region 8 Committee meeting
502 Report Reports

IEEE Region 8 Awards – Winners Annoucement

The Region 8 Awards & Recognition Subcommittee has the pleasure to announce the winners of following R8 Awards:

The 2017 Region 8 Volunteer Award: Andrejs Romanovs (Latvia Section)

The 2017 Region 8 Outstanding Section Awards:
– Small: Bosnia and Herzegovina Section
– Medium: Poland Section
– Large: Greece Section

The 2017 Region 8 Chapter of the Year Award:
– Large: Power and Energy Society Chapter – Croatia Section

The 2017 Region 8 Student Branch Chapter of the Year Award: University of Cyprus Student Branch

The 2018 Clementina Saduwa Award (Women in Engineering): Ana Katalinic Mucalo

The 2018 Region 8 Young Professionals Exceptional Volunteer Award: Ahmed Aboelsaoud

The 2018 Region 8 Outstanding Young Professionals Affinity Group Award: Israel Young Professionals Affinity Group

Congratulations !