Yearly Archives: 2021

PES Day 2021 Webinar: Towards a Sustainable Energy Future

Dear colleagues and friends,


We would like to invite you to the IEEE PES day webinar hosted by the IEEE PES Student Branch Chapter at UoM and Women in Power in UK&I.


Webinar: PES Day 2021 Webinar: Towards a Sustainable Energy Future

Time: Thursday, 22nd April 2021, 15:00– 17:00 BST

Location: Online


We will have the pleasure to host three female leaders in the power and energy field, sharing their views on sustainability and the importance of societies such as the IEEE Power and Energy Society.


Talk 1: PES Women in Power Initiative Abstract The presentation will provide an overview of the IEEE/PES Women in Power (WIP) initiative. WIP fosters diverse leadership by supporting the career advancement, networking and education of women in the energy industry. The goal is not to simply increase the number of women in the industry but to promote women into leadership positions as well. The skills, networking and mentorship that are offered benefit women throughout the industry, whether they are students, engineers, attorneys, policy makers or accountants. WIP is not just for women. Everyone is welcome to join.


Biography of Dr Jessica Bian

Dr. Jessica Bian is the President-Elect of the IEEE Power & Energy Society (PES). She was the PES Secretary from 2016 to 2019. She is a visionary leader and architect, has spearheaded electric industry’s reliability metrics and grid risk assessment. Currently, she is the Vice President of Grid Services at Grid-X Partners. Before that, she was with the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC), Washington, DC. Previously, she was the Director of Performance Analysis at North American Electric Reliability Corporation (NERC) in Atlanta, Georgia. Under her leadership, a total of 18 industry-wide reliability indicators were established to determine grid reliability, adequacy, and associated risks. She is widely recognized as a pioneer and trusted world leader in the field.


Talk 2: IEEE PES & Education Abstract Prof. Edvina Uzunovic will talk about IEEE Power & Energy Society (PES) history and the current PES organizational structure. It is important to know how PES operates, the important committees and how it is structured, such that one can find an interest/benefit for herself/himself. In addition, Edvina will talk about the PES internet sites, PES University and PES Resource Center, and material that one can find there.


Biography of Prof Edvina Uzunovic

Prof. Edvina Uzunovic has over 20 years of experience in the power systems industry and academia. She was a vital contributor to the success of several leading power industry organizations, ranging from utilities to manufacturers. She fulfilled different roles as a Technical Officer, Senior Quantitative Analyst and Senior R&TD Engineer. In 2012, Edvina transitioned from industry to academia and is currently a Professor in the ECE department at Worcester Polytechnic Institute. Edvina has received several awards including first place at the IEEE PES Student Poster Contest in 1999; the EPRI Awards for 2002 Innovators and Technology Award for the contributions to the FACTS technology; and US National Committee of CIGRE Recognition Awards for noteworthy 2002 and 2006 CIGRE Technical papers.


Talk 3: Sustainable power grids Abstract The energy system is in a global transition towards a sustainable society. Resource efficiency and environmental concerns push towards change into the use of renewable energy resources and to optimize the energy usage. This transition has been motivated by climate and energy goals and a growth in energy needs. The United Nations adapted a resolution for a sustainable development with 16 goals until 2030 and the European Commission has launched the targets towards 2030 of at least 27% renewable energy in final energy consumption at European level. The electric power system is being modernized to enable this transition for a sustainable society. New power grid developments include possibilities and challenges with generation, delivery, and usage of electricity as an integrated part of the energy system. This involves new forms of usage of electricity, for example, for transportation and demand response, and to the updating of existing electricity infrastructures. For electricity generation, the trend is toward new large-scale developments like offshore wind farms, as well as small-scale developments like rooftop solar energy. At the same time digitalization of society is creating new opportunities for control and automation as well as new business models and energy related services. Another key area for developments is the circular economics, which results in a new dimension for the life cycle cost assessment for all technical systems. This presentation will provide a general discussion about the developments of the electric power system for a sustainable society. It will also highlight recent events including power capacity shortages in Sweden and the power loss incident in Texas.


Biography of Prof Lina Bertling Tjernberg

Prof. Lina Bertling Tjernberg is a Professor in Power Grid Technology at KTH the Royal Institute of Technology. She is the Director of the Energy platform and is the Coordinator of Life long learning at the School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science. Her research and teaching are focused on developments of the future sustainable electric power grid with a special interest in reliability analysis, predictive maintenance and asset management. She is a Senior Member of IEEE and is a Distinguished Lecturer of IEEE PES. She has been the Chair of the Swedish PE/PEL Chapter (2009-2019) and has served in the Governing Board of IEEE PES (2012-2016). She has been an Editor for the IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid Technologies and chaired the first IEEE ISGT Europe Conference. She is involved as an advisor and expert in the Program Committee of the World Energy Council, the National Strategic Council for Wind Power, the ISGAN Academy of Smart Grid, the National Committee of CIRED, and she is part of the expert pool for the EU commission.


More info

5th Summer Academy on Energy (SAE)

The IEEE Budapest University of Technology and Economics (BUTE) Joint IAS & PES Student Branch Chapter is proud to announce

that the 5th Summer Academy on Energy (SAE^2) will be held 8-15th August 2021.



The participants can enjoy the amazing SAE atmosphere through lectures from professionals, power plant and site visits.

The location is again in the heart of Middle-Europe, Budapest, Hungary. With various social events the attendees can also discover the beauty of the city.


The main goal of the summer academy is to come to know the structure and function of the energy markets from the perspective of market participants,

traders and the operators. The Organizing Committee of SAE^2 is encouraging BSc, MSc and PhD students from all over the world to apply for SAE^2.

The registration is now open!


Deadlines and prices for the application:


Application deadline: 20th April
Early-bird payment deadline: 1st June
Early-bird registration fee: 420 €
Final payment deadline: 9th July
Full price registration fee: 470 €
One optional day fee 60 €
Both optional days fee: 80 €


Invite a friend and get a 10% discount. If a friend of yours registers with your invitation code, you will receive a 10% discount on your participation fee.


Stay Connected:


● Further information and application is available on our webpage:
● Facebook:
● Email: [email protected]

Early Career Talk by IEEE WIE UKI Ambassadors’ Programme

“Early Career Talk” is an inspirational and empowering session for Women in Engineering introduced by IEEE WIE UKI Ambassadors‘ scheme.


About this Event

IEEE WIE in Engineering is an initiative with the goal to facilitate the recruitment and retention of women in technical disciplines globally. We envision a vibrant community of IEEE women and men collectively using their diverse talents to innovate for the benefit of humanity. “EARLY CAREER TALK” aims to expose the participate to novel areas and aspect of engineering in solving real world problems. It also aims to establish a link for networking, mentorship and to create a connection for research opportunities.




Sign up via Eventbrite for the upcoming online webinar on Thursday April 8 2021 at 14:00 – 16:00

Old issues of IEEE Region 8 News

Digital versions of IEEE Region 8 News from 2002 onward can be found in the Region 8 News archive of back issues; all older issues of IEEE Region 8 News and its predecessors — IEEE Region 8 newsletter (1967-1986; issues 1-76) and IEEE Region EIGHT News (1987-1989; issues 77-85) — have been scanned and are available here. Note that volume numbers were introduced in Region 8 News in 1998 with the August issue (Volume 1, Number 1); until then, the numbering was consecutive from 1 till 122. Warning: Although the November 1989 issue is actually number 88, it carries the number 87 instead of 88.


The scanned versions can be downloaded by clicking on the links in the table below. In addition to news about the IEEE and the activities that took place on the Region level, these old issues contain lots of information about our Sections and may thus form a valuable source of information, especially for those Sections who want to fill the gaps in their history. To help Sections, an index has been created (see below the table) to direct Section leaders to the relevant pages in the issues 1-122 (December 1967 – May 1998) where news about their Section can be found.


  1. 001
  2. 002 003 004 005
  3. 006 007 008 009
  4. 010 011 012 013
  5. 014 015 016 017
  6. 018 019
  7. 020 021 022 023
  8. 024 025 026 027 028 
  9. 029 030 031 032
  10. 033 034 035 036
  11. 037 038 039 040
  12. 041 042 043 044
  13. 045 046 047 048
  14. 049 050 051 052
  15. 053 054 055 056
  16. 057 058 059 060
  17. 061 062 063 064
  18. 065 066 067 068
  19. 069 070 071 072
  20. 073 074 075 076
  21. 077 078 079 080
  22. 081 082 083 084
  23. 085 086 087 088
  24. 089 090 091 092
  25. 093 094 095 096
  26. 097 098 099 100
  27. 101 102 103 104
  28. 105 106 107 108
  29. 109 110 111 112
  30. 113 114 115 116
  31. 117 118 119 120
  32. 121 122 v11 v12
  33. v21 v22 v23 v24
  34. v31 v32 v33 v34
  35. v41 v42 v43 v44


  • Section issue # : page # ;
  • Austria 55:4; 57:4; 80:4; 121:3.
  • Belarus 117:5.
  • Benelux 1:4; 2:2; 5:3; 6:3; 8:5; 11:4; 13:3,4; 14:3; 26:2; 28:3; 33:2; 40:3; 45:4; 46:6; 47:4; 53:6; 56:4; 89:10; 94:9; 98:5; 100:2; 102:4; 105:8; 106:4; 110:4,5; 115:2; 117:1; 120:2; 122:4.
  • Bosnia and Herzegovina 108:6.
  • Bulgaria 101:3; 112:5; 114:5; 119:9; 120:2.
  • Czechoslovakia 96:4.
  • Denmark 4:3; 5:3; 6:3; 7:3; 8:5; 9:3; 10:3; 11:3,4; 14:3; 15:3; 16:4; 17:3; 18:4; 20:4; 26:2,4; 28:3; 47:5; 49:6; 53:6; 56:4; 60:1; 71:5; 72:6; 76:2; 77:4; 78:1; 83:4; 84:4; 85:7; 92:10; 102:2; 105:4.
  • Egypt 8:5; 11:3; 13:4; 17:4; 26:2; 28:3; 53:6; 56:4; 60:2; 74:2; 78:1; 80:5; 81:4; 84:7; 88:9; 92:10; 99:7; 100:3; 102:8; 104:2; 105:9; 106:2,6; 108:8; 116:8; 119:2.
  • Finland 11:4; 17:4; 26:2; 27:3; 28:4; 35:4; 37:4; 44:4; 47:5; 50:4; 53:6; 55:4; 58:2; 67:7; 98:6; 99:2; 100:4; 101:6; 102:2; 103:2; 104:5; 105:9; 106:5; 107:8; 108:6; 109:5.
  • France 1:4; 2:2; 3:2; 6:3; 7:3; 8:3,5; 11:4; 17:4; 26:2; 28:4; 56:4; 59:4; 64:3; 70:3; 75:1; 78:1; 79:2; 80:4; 81:2; 83:14; 86:2; 87:2; 88:9; 89:5; 90:4; 91:9; 92:2; 93:3; 94:1; 95:4; 96:9; 97:11; 98:4; 100:2; 101:2; 102:7,10; 103:2; 104:2; 105:2; 106:1; 107:5,8; 108:8; 109:4; 110:6; 112:7; 113:4; 114:2; 115:7; 116:4; 117:6; 118:3.
  • 119:8; 120:2; 121:2; 122:6

  • Germany 1:6; 2:2; 4:3; 5:3; 7:3; 8:3,6; 9:3; 10:4; 15:3; 20:4; 26:2; 32:4; 33:6; 34:3; 36:4; 39:6; 40:3; 41:6; 43:6; 44:4; 45:4; 49:6; 50:4; 51:6; 55:4; 57:6; 62:4; 66:4; 67:7; 69:4; 71:5; 74:2; 77:4; 80:4; 81:3; 82:2; 83:7; 86:2; 89:8; 92:2; 93:4; 94:2; 98:2; 99:2; 100:5; 101:3; 102:1; 103:6; 105:11; 106:2; 107:6; 109:3; 111:8; 115:4; 117:2.
  • Greece 18:4; 26:2; 27:4; 28:4; 31:4; 33:6; 35:4; 43:6; 47:5; 49:6; 50:4; 55:4; 56:4; 60:2; 70:3; 80:4; 82:2; 83:12; 84:7; 85:3; 86:4; 88:9; 89:10; 92:3; 94:10; 98:6; 102:10; 104:5; 106:3; 107:7; 108:7; 112:5.
  • Hungary 78:1; 94:12; 114:6; 121:5; 122:3.
  • Iceland 86:2.
  • Iran 10:4; 15:2; 18:4; 19:4; 26:2; 47:5; 49:6.
  • Israel 2:2; 3:3; 4:4; 5:3; 7:3; 8:6; 10:4; 11:3,4; 12:4; 14:3; 16:4; 17:4; 18:4; 20:4; 24:3; 26:2; 28:1; 42:4; 43:6; 44:4; 46:6; 47:6; 49:6; 50:4; 53:6; 55:5; 57:6; 62:4; 63:7; 67:7; 75:1; 77:4; 78:1,3; 79:3; 80:5; 81:3; 82:2; 88:9; 106:3; 107:5; 109:4; 110:3; 118:3; 119:3; 120:6; 121:2.
  • Italy 1:5; 2:2,3; 3:3; 4:4; 5:3; 6:3; 8:4,6; 9:4; 10:4; 11:3,4; 13:4; 14:3; 15:3; 17:4; 18:4; 19:4; 22:4; 26:2; 28:4; 30:4; 31:4; 32:4; 38:3; 45:4; 46:6; 47:6; 49:7; 50:5; 53:7; 56:4,5; 59:5; 79:3; 83:7; 88:2; 89:3; 90:3; 91:5; 96:7; 103:3; 104:4; 107:8; 108:5,7; 114:6.
  • Kenya 61:3; 62:4; 92:5.
  • Kuwait 90:3; 91:4; 100:5.
  • Malta 93:4.
  • Nigeria 68:7; 86:11.
  • Norway 1:5; 2:3; 6:3; 8:4,6; 11:3,4; 14:4; 17:4.
  • 26:2; 37:4; 53:7; 55:5; 56:5; 58:3; 68:7; 83:13; 92:10; 107:7; 119:10.

  • Poland 26:2; 27:4; 28:4; 31:4; 32:4; 33:6; 35:5; 37:4; 45:6; 47:6; 48:4; 49:7; 50:5; 53:7; 56:6; 59:5; 64:3; 69:4; 71:5; 74:2; 76:2; 78:3; 80:8; 83:11; 84:8; 86:11; 88:2; 90:3; 91:2; 92:11; 95:5; 96:5; 99:4,7; 100:6; 102:4; 105:11; 108:8.
  • Portugal 58:3; 61:3; 68:7; 94:4.
  • Romania 76:2; 79:3; 92:2; 93:4; 94:2; 96:5; 97:5,10.
  • Russia 104:7; 108:8; 111:5; 115:2; 118:2; 119:4,5.
  • Russia (Northwest) 102:2; 111:2; 115:3.
  • Saudia Arabia 78:3; 85:6; 100:6; 102:10; 105:3; 109:4; 118:2; 119:4.
  • Slovenia/Yugoslavia 17:4; 18:4; 26:2; 35:6; 55:6; 58:3; 67:8; 83:12; 84:2; 86:10; 88:2; 90:5; 94:2; 96:6; 100:5; 112:5; 121:3.
  • South Africa 68:7; 80:4; 89:8; 91:3; 92:14; 98:6; 104:1; 107:6; 110:4; 115:7; 116:2; 118:2; 120:6.
  • Spain 3:3; 8:6; 11:4; 12:4; 14:4; 20:4; 26:2; 28:4; 35:6; 37:5; 44:4; 55:6; 67:7; 80:4; 83:11; 89:10; 108:7; 117:2.
  • Sweden 1:5; 2:3; 3:3; 5:3; 7:3; 8:6; 9:4; 10:4; 11:4; 12:4; 16:4; 18:4; 26:2; 28:4; 39:6; 49:6; 53:8; 55:6; 56:6; 67:7; 82:2; 83:8; 84:2; 85:6; 87:3; 88:10; 89:8; 90:5; 91:5; 92:10; 93:10; 94:6; 95:5; 96:7; 97:3; 98:5; 99:2; 100:5; 101:1; 102:8; 103:6; 104:8; 105:4.
  • Switzerland 1:6; 2:3; 3:3; 5:3; 7:3; 8:6; 11:3,4; 14:4; 17:4; 18:4; 20:4; 21:3; 26:2,4; 28:4; 31:4; 34:3; 35:6; 37:6; 46:6; 47:6; 49:7; 50:5; 53:8; 54:6; 55:6; 57:7; 68:7; 69:4; 72:6; 85:6; 89:8; 91:11; 100:5.
  • Turkey 11:4; 13:4; 17:4; 81:3; 87:8; 92:11; 93:2; 94:10; 96:5; 97:6,10; 99:3; 101:7; 102:7; 104:4; 105:8; 108:5; 110:6; 112:2; 114:4; 117:2.
  • United Arab Emirates 80:8.
  • United Kingdom and Ireland 1:6; 2:3; 3:3; 4:4; 5:3; 6:3; 7:3; 8:4,6; 9:4; 10:4; 11:4; 12:4; 13:3; 14:4; 15:3; 17:4; 18:4; 19:4; 20:4; 21:3; 22:4; 24:3; 26:2,3; 28:4; 29:4; 30:4; 32:4; 33:6; 34:3; 35:6; 36:4; 37:6; 38:3; 39:6; 40:3; 41:6; 42:4; 43:6; 44:4; 45:6; 46:7; 47:6; 49:8; 50:6; 51:6; 52:2; 53:8; 54:6; 55:6; 56:6; 57:8; 59:6; 63:7; 66:4; 67:8; 76:2; 77:4; 78:4; 79:2; 80:8; 81:3; 83:3; 85:6; 86:6; 87:4; 90:8; 92:3; 93:10; 94:4; 95:5; 96:9; 97:3; 98:4; 99:7; 100:2; 101:7; 102:4; 103:5; 104:7; 105:11; 106:6; 107:6; 108:5; 109:3; 111:9,10,11; 112:5; 113:2; 114:7; 119:2; 122:2.
  • Western Saudi Arabia 87:2; 88:9; 97:6; 109:8; 111:9.
  • Yugoslavia See Slovenia

Call for Sister Section AGs for WIE Connecting Sisters Initiative by IEEE Turkey WIE

Our global WIE network connects us with the same vision and mission to make a difference for the benefit of humanity. Collaboration is the key to success and improvement because we are only stronger together.


“WIE Connecting Sisters” program targets organizing joint webinars or other initiatives in collaboration with our sister Section WIE AGs across the year.  IEEE Turkey Section WIE Affinity Group is looking forward to partner sections in this initiative, we would like to shine together.


We are looking for your positive answer, if you are interested in being our sister affinity group please reach us at [email protected]


Simay Akar
Affinity Group Chair, WIE, Turkey Section

IEEE Region 8 Today Call for Contributors Content

This is a Call for Contributors, for the IEEE Region 8 Today initiative which aims to be the voice of the IEEE R8 members.

A Contributor has the following very important role:

  • He or she is the one that creates the new content for the News Portal.
  • He or she is the contact person for all local members with the News Portal.
  • He or she is the one that collects the local news, translates them (if needed), and commits them to the platform.

The following skills are required and will be taken into account for the application evaluation:

  • Excellent use of English
  • Advanced writing skills (we need samples of your work and past experience)

The following skills are desired and will be taken into account for application evaluation:

  • Experience in WordPress article authoring
  • Enhanced communication skills

If you are interested in making your Section and Local Activities further known, then, you can apply to become an IEEE Region 8 Today Contributor, and have a chance to be the voice of your Section!

We need:

  • A biography brief
  • A letter describing why we should pick you as a contributor
  • At least two samples of your published articles
  • Recommendation letter from your Local Section

The above data will only be used for application evaluation and will not be shared.

Please send us your application by email at [email protected] by 30 March 2021.

IEEE SSIT Webinar Series

The IEEE Society on Social Implications of Technology Webinar Series invites applications for Call for Student Outreach Volunteers. The IEEE SSIT Webinar Series is a pilot project activity of the Chapter’s Committee of IEEE SSIT. We are engaging with practising technologists and researcher to compile a series of interesting and engaging global webinars to facilitate understanding of the complex interaction between technology, science and society, its impact on individuals and society in general, professional and social responsibility in the practice of engineering, science, and technology, and open discussion on the resulting issues.


We are looking for energetic IEEE student members to join us as outreach volunteers.


If you wish to contribute to this activity? Please click here to apply.


Please help to promote the IEEE SSIT Webinar Series by distributing this information to your colleagues and students. If you have any questions or need further information, please do not hesitate to contact Saiteja Goud K by email at [email protected]. Thank you!

Join us during the Rejuvenated Region 8 2021 Spring Meeting Series!


This week, IEEE Region 8 has started its re-imagined 2021 Spring Meeting Series, which will include the 116th IEEE Region 8 Committee Meeting as well.

These meetings used to be held in-person twice per year to discuss the Region 8 strategy, operations, affairs, and to welcome its new volunteers. For the third time in a row, unfortunately, the meetings are being held virtually due to the Covid-19 pandemic. However, we remain optimistic to have a face-to-face meeting soon.

This spring, besides the regular meeting, we are also providing a chance to get to know the IEEE future vision of the three candidates for the 2022 IEEE President-Elect.

The meetings will take place from March 15th to March 21st with a schedule full of presentations from distinguished guests, operating committee members, subcommittee chairs, and more.

The first day of the meeting will start with a welcoming speech by the Region 8 Director, Antonio Luque, and an Orientation Session for the New Region 8 volunteers, moderated by the Region 8 Director-Elect, Vincenzo Piuri.

For the 2021 Spring meetings, Region 8 will celebrate announcing the new IEEE Region 8 Logo, and the Persian New Year (Nowruz). Moreover, a new forum, R8 Forum, will be arranged to have open and informal discussions in the context of the region’s operations and future plans with a focus on the effect of the Covid-19 pandemic on regional activities.

Pencil it in your calendars and don’t forget to join us. The full agenda is available at:


Look forward to seeing you all soon 🙂

2021-March – Region 8 meeting series

This page contains information about the Region 8 meeting series, including the 116th IEEE Region 8 Committee Meeting, to be held online, from Monday 15 March 2021 to Sunday 21 March 2021.


General Schedule (all times CET)

Full schedule with WebEx links (IEEE account required)  UPDATED: 8 March; 16 March



Monday 15 March


17:00-18:00 Welcome and introduction


18:00-19:30 New volunteer orientation



Tuesday 16 March


16:00-17:00 Life Members + History


16:00-17:00 Awards and Recognitions


17:00-18:00 Conferences


18:00-19:00 Humanitarian Activities


18:00-19:00 Membership Development



Wednesday 17 March


16:00-17:00 Women in Engineering


16:00-17:00 Strategic Planning (UPDATED)


17:00-18:00 Chapters


18:00-19:00 Publications and Communications



Thursday 18 March


16:00-17:00 Student Activities


17:00-18:00 Young Professionals


18:00-19:00 Students and Young Professionals



Friday 19 March


16:00-17:00 Finances


17:00-18:00 Action for Industry


17:00-18:00 Africa Council (NEW)


18:00-19:00 Professional and Educational Activities



Saturday 20 March


16:00-20:00 116th IEEE Region 8 Committee meeting, part 1. Meeting agenda


20:00-21:00 Social event “Evening at a European Castle / Nowruz celebration”



Sunday 21 March


11:30-13:00 Region 8 Forum. WebEx link, Meeting No: 130 779 2658, Password: Spring2021


16:00-20:00 116th IEEE Region 8 Committee meeting, part 2. Meeting agendaWebEx link


2022 President-Elect candidate videos

Francis Grosz

Saifur Rahman

S. K. Ramesh



To download the timer that was used during the committee meeting please visit the following link.