The Award is intended to recognize the outstanding performance of Region 8
- Technical Chapters (categories: Small, Medium and Large)
- Student Branch Chapters (categories: Small, Medium and Large)
in serving their members and the technical community and establishing goodwill within and between the Region 8 Sections. Any active single or joint Society or Council or Student Branch Chapters of Region 8 is eligible and can apply for one of the three awards according to their relative size. No Technical Chapters may receive two Region 8 Chapter of the Year Awards within three years.
The selection is based on the outstanding performance of the nominated chapter, reflected by the completed nomination form and supporting documents. In selecting award recipients, the relevant awards ad hoc committee considers contributions of the nominee to chapter activities.
Nomination and Selection Procedure
To be considered as a nominee, this form must be completed describing activities and associated contributions made by the nominee in the activity period January 1 through December 31 of the year for which the nomination is considered. This activity should also be presented with appropriate supporting documents e.g. meeting programs, newsletters, councils/societies’ or councils/societies’ newsletter articles or website addresses.
The nomination must be endorsed by the section chair. The section chair (or a designated section authority) is kindly requested to submit the completed nomination form and upload supporting documents online.
The submission takes place through the R8 Awards portal. Please note the dates on the portal as nominations sent before or after these dates will not be considered.
For further information, please contact the Chapter Coordination Subcommittee Chair at [email protected].
Additional information on IEEE Region 8 Awards can be found here.
R8 Chapter of the Year Awards Winners for 2022
We are proud to announce the R8 Chapter of the Year Awards Winners for 2022 (for the work in 2021):
- R8 Chapter of the Year Award – Large: Tunisia Section Computer Society Chapter
- R8 Chapter of the Year Award – Small: Jordan Section Robotics and Automation Society Chapter
Winning Student Branch Chapters (SBC) in 2022 awards:
- R8 Student Branch Chapter of the Year Award – Large: ESPRIT Student Branch Industry Applications Society Chapter, Tunisia Section
- R8 Student Branch Chapter of the Year Award – Medium: American University of Sharjah Student Branch IEEE-HKN Lambda Lambda Chapter, United Arab Emirates Section
- R8 Student Branch Chapter Award – Small: ESPRIT Student Branch Aerospace and Electronic Systems Society Chapter, Tunisia Section
R8 Chapter of the Year Awards Winners for 2021
We are proud to announce the R8 Chapter of the Year Awards Winners for 2021 (for the work in 2020):
- Large Chapter: IEEE UK and Ireland Section, IEEE Power and Energy Society Chapter
- Medium Chapter: IEEE Latvia Section, IEEE Communications, Microwave Theory & Techniques, Antenna and Propagation Joint Societies Chapter
- Small Chapter: IEEE Mauritius Section, IEEE Power and Energy Society and System Councils Joint Chapter
Winning Student Branch Chapters (SBC) in 2021 awards (for 2020 efforts):
- Large SBC: ESPRIT University IEEE Computer Society Student Branch Chapter, IEEE Tunisia Section
- Medium SBC: ESPRIT University IEEE Industry Applications Society Student Branch Chapter, IEEE Tunisia Section
- Small SBC: Kyambogo University IEEE Photonics Society Student Branch Chapter, IEEE Uganda Section
Winners in the category “Most Virtually Active and Adaptive Region 8 Chapter/Student Branch Chapter of the Hard COVID-19 Times” in 2021 awards (for 2021 efforts):
- Technical Chapter: IEEE Italy Section, IEEE Instrumentation and Measurement Society Chapter
- SBC: University of Manchester IEEE Power Electronics Society Student Branch Chapter, IEEE UK and Ireland Section
R8 Chapter of the Year Awards Winners for 2020
We are proud to announce the R8 Chapter of the Year Awards Winners for 2020 (for the work in 2019):
Winning Technical Chapters in 2020 awards (for 2019 efforts):
- Large Chapter: IEEE UK and Ireland Power and Energy Society (PES) Chapter,
- Medium Chapter: IEEE Serbia and Montenegro Microwave Techniques and Technologies Society (MTT-S) Chapter,
- Small Chapter: IEEE Croatia Industry Applications Society (IAS) Chapter;
Winning Student Branch Chapters (SBC) in 2020 awards (for 2019 efforts):
- Large SBC: National Institute of Applied Science and Technology (INSAT) IEEE Robotics and Automation Society Student Branch Chapter, Tunisia Section,
- Medium SBC: Manipal University Dubai IEEE Robotics and Automation Society (RAS) Student Branch Chapter, UAE Section,
- Small SBC: National Institute of Applied Science and Technology (INSAT) IEEE Industry Applications Society (IAS) Student Branch Chapter, Tunisia Section;
Winners in the category “Most Virtually Active and Adaptive Region 8 Chapter/Student Branch Chapter of the Hard COVID-19 Times” in 2020 awards (for 2020 efforts):
- Chapter: IEEE Nigeria Communications Chapter, and
- SBC: Universidade de Coimbra IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology (EMBS) Student Branch Chapter, Portugal Section.
See details about the process etc. in the article here.
Congratulations to the winners: the Chapters, Student Branch Chapters, their leadership and associated universities and Sections! Thank you very much for your great work!
IEEE R8 Chapter of the Year Awards Winners for 2019
We are proud to announce the R8 Chapter of the Year Awards Winners for 2019 (for the work in 2018):
Technical Chapters:
- Large Chapter: IEEE Tunisia Section Robotics and Automation Society (RAS) Chapter
- Small Chapter: IEEE Algeria Section Geoscience and Remote Sensing Society (GRSS) Chapter
Student Branch Chapters (SBCs):
- Large SBC: National Institute of Applied Science and Technology (INSAT) IEEE Robotics and Automation Society (RAS) Chapter, Tunisia Section
- Medium SBC: University of Manchester IEEE Power & Energy Society (PES) Chapter, UK & IR Section
- Small SBC: Al-Balqa Applied University IEEE Communications Society Chapter, Jordan Section
CONGRATULATIONS to the Chapter leadership, volunteers, respective Sections and to the universities hosting the SBCs!