Life Members – “Experience does not go on retreat”
It is a privilege to be an IEEE Life Member (LM) with so much to contribute back to the engineering community and to the public in general. You are entitled to become a LM when your age is at least 65 and the sum of your age and of your active membership duration reaches 100. Life Members are exempted of IEEE membership fees and pay lower fees at IEEE Conferences (at most – IEEE Student fees).
Most Life Member activities are performed by Life Member Affinity Groups (LMAG), similar to Chapters, established as part of an IEEE Section.
In summary the mission of Life Members Groups is to:
- Enhance and encourage interest in electrical and electronic engineering at secondary and tertiary (college) levels.
- Utilize the vast experience of LMs to impact the general public’s knowledge of electrical and electronic engineering and increase understanding of the role of engineers.
- Foster collaborations in pre-university education and encourage students to consider taking up engineering as a career.
- Promulgate the history of electrical engineering together with information and related technologies.
Please visit the website of the IEEE Life Members Committee ( for more details.
IEEE Region 8 Life Members Committee 2023-2024
Péter Magyar Germany Section
Corresponding Members:
Anthony C. Davies, UK & Ireland Section
Goce L. Arsov, North Macedonia Section
Rima Fathallah, Tunisia Section
Samir I. Shaheen, Egypt Section
Shmuel Auster, Israel Section
IEEE Region 8 Life Member Affinity Groups (LMAGs)
Status: 2024-09-30
LMAG Name |
Service Providing Organization ID(SPO ID)Former name: Geocode |
Chair & Email |
Austria Section LMAG | LM80037 | Michael Heiss |
Benelux Section LMAG | LM80001 | Luc J. Claesen |
Bulgaria Section LMAG | LM80075 | Jordan N. Kolev |
Croatia Section LMAG | LM80065 | Zoran Vukic |
Cyprus Section LMAG | LM80073 | Lazaros Savvides |
Czechoslovakia Section LMAG | LM80071 | Andre Sopczak |
Egypt Section LMAG | LM80003 | Samir I. Shaheen |
France Section LMAG | LM80005 | Bernadette Bouchon-Meunier |
Germany Section LMAG | LM80017 | Ulrich Reimers |
Greece Section LMAG | LM80029 | Grigoris Papagiannis |
Hungary Section LMAG | LM80051 | István Krómer |
Iran Section LMAG | LM80027 | Vahid Ahmadi |
Israel Section LMAG | LM80009 | Shmuel Auster |
Italy Section LMAG | LM80011 | Antonio Savini |
Jordan Section LMAG | LM80079 | Mohammed Zeki Khedher Mohammed |
Lebanon Section LMAG | LM80091 | Usamah O. Farrukh |
North Macedonia Section LMAG | LM80077 | Goce Arsov |
Norway Section LMAG | LM80013 | Filippo Sanfilippo |
Poland Section LMAG | LM80033 | Adam Dabrowski |
Portugal Section LMAG | LM80045 | João Costa Freire |
Romania Section LMAG | LM80061 | Mircea Eremia |
Russia Section LMAG | LM80059 | Boris Kutuza |
Russia North West Section LMAG | LM80087 | Serguei V Smolovik |
Serbia and Montenegro Section LMAG | LM80069 | Vladimir Katic |
Slovenia Section LMAG | LM80067 | Jurij Tasic |
Spain Section LMAG | LM80023 | Manuel Castro |
Sweden Section LMAG | LM80019 | Margaretha Eriksson |
Switzerland Section LMAG | LM80007 | Hugo Wyss |
Turkey Section LMAG | LM80055 | Erdal Panayirci |
UK&Ireland Section LMAG | LM80015 | Brian Harrington |
Africa Council LMAG
The participating 10 Sections are: Algeria Section Ghana Section Kenya Section Mauritius Section Morocco Section Nigeria Section South Africa Section Tunisia Section Uganda Section Zambia Section The participating seven (7) Subsections are: Botswana Subsection Burkina Faso Subsection Ethiopia Subsection Liberia Subsection Lybia Subsection Sudan Subsection Tanzania Subsection Comment: Egypt Section belongs to the Africa Council but the Egypt Section LMAG is independent and not part of the Africa Council LMAG. |
Omigui Osaretin Michael
Joint Bahrain, Oman and Qatar Sections LMAG
Bahrain Section LMAG Oman Section LMAG Qatar Section LMAG |
LM80083 LM80004 LM80095 |
Ali Zolait |
Joint “Baltic” LMAG
Estonia Section LMAG Latvia Section LMAG Lithuania Section LMAG |
LM80006 LM80010 LM80097 |
Irina Naidionova |
Life Member Award Program 2024
2024 Award Recipients
R8 Award Recipients
Region 8 LMAG Achievement Award
North Macedonia Section LMAG, Chair: Goce L. Arsov
Citation: For exceptional contribution to the IEEE community in North Macedonia
Region 8 Individual LM Service Award
Hugo F. Wyss, Life Fellow, Switzerland Section LMAG Chair
Citation: To recognize 20 years of promotion of IEEE activities in Region 8 and for major contributions to IEEE milestones and the history of Electrical Engineering
Life Member Award Program 2023
2023 Award Recipients
R8 Award Recipients
Region 8 LMAG Achievement Award
UK & Ireland Section LMAG, Charles W. Turner, Life Fellow, Chair 2022
Citation: For the motivation of Life Members and Students in IEEE activities by the planning and delivery of a comprehensive series of Milestone events and symposia
Region 8 Individual LM Service Award
Wim van Etten, Life Senior, Benelux Section LMAG,Chair 2022
Citation: Recognizing Wim van Etten’s leadership in establishing and driving the IEEE Benelux Life Member Affinity Group, culminating in three IEEE Milestones commemorating important historical developments in the Benelux
R8 LM Activities 2023
Hungary Section LMAG and R8 LMAG Group and R8 HA Committee Joint Meeting
IEEE R8 Hungary Section LMAG
IEEE R8 History Activity Committee
IEEE R8 Life Members Committee
Obuda University (OU), Budapest University of Technology and Economy (BUTE) and Budapest Public Transportation Company (BKV)
Date: December 5-6, 2023
Sponsors: OU, R8 MA, LMC, BKV
Technical Program
Dec 4 Welcome Dinner
Dec 5
09:00 -10:00 Opening Session (OU, R8. R8 MA)
10:00 -12:00 LMAG Session (R8 LM Committee and 10 R8 LMAGs)
13:00 -15:00 History Activity & Milestone Session (R8 HA Committee and 10 R8 LMAGs)
15:00 -17:00 Visit the University Research and Innovation Center of OU
17:00 Networking, Reception, Dinner
Dec 6
10:00 -11:00 Visit the Modular Hybrid Drive System Laboratory of BUTE
13:00 -14:00 Guided Tour in the Historical Ferenc Substation “Ferenc Áramátalakitó” of BKV
14:00 -15:30 Visit the 1st Hungarian Milesone in the Millenium Underground Railway Museum of BKV
19:00 Closing Social Event
Hungary Section LMAG members (40 invited), Hosts representatives (~10), Local organizers (~10), R8 LMAG Chairs (10)
Free of charge for registered participants
Preliminary registration closed on Oct 15, 2023
Final registration closed on Nov 10, 2023
Photo´s of the Meeting, taken by Luc Claesen, Benelux Section LMAG Chair
Science Award to Ulrich Reimers, Germany Section LMAG Chair
Science Award to Ulrich Reimers, Germany Section LMAG Chair
Prof. a. D. Dr.-Ing. Ulrich Reimers, University of Technology Braunschweig, Germany, Chair of the Germany Section LMAG received the Science Award for Information and Communication Technology from the VDE ITG “In recognition of his relevant pioneering achievements in the field of digital video broadcasting (DVB), which were recognized by the entire professional world, as well as for his scientific leadership in the merger of mobile communications and television and the resulting 5G broadcasting.”
Journal of LMAG Events
2023-02-28 GERMANY Section LMAG – Technical and Administrative Meeting 2023 Q1
2023-05-30 GERMANY Section LMAG – Technical and Administrative Meeting 2023 Q2
2023-05-30_ Germany LMAG Meeting_Screenshot
2023-03-24 Informative Meeting on LMAG Petition Preparation in conjunction with the R8 Committee Meeting
LMAG Petition Step by Step Training
Publications of R8 LMs
- LMC Newsletter
- Online submission:
- Email submission: Charles Turner, Newsletter Editor and David Bondurant, LMC Regional Activity Coordinator
- LMC Newsletter Archive
- R8 News
- Submission deadlines
- 15 July 2023 – for the September 2023 Issue
- 15 October 2023 – for the December 2023 Issue
- 15 January 2024 – for the March 2024 issue
- Online submission: IEEE R8 PnC Submission Form
- Email submission opportunities:
- Editors
- Adeel Sultan, R8 Publication & Communications (PnC) Chair
- Maja Matijasevic, R8 News, Editor in Chief
- Fatma Alzamel, Region8 Today, Editor in Chief
- Region8 Today
- Region8 News_Mar2023
- Region8 News_Jun2023
- Region8 News_Sept2023
- Submission deadlines
- Post on the R8 LM website (see below)
- Send PDF to R8 LM Committee Chair
Benelux Section LMAG
- Symposium Book – String galvanometer by Wim van Etten, Past Chair Benelux Section LMAG, Cees Swenne and Enno van der Velde. Published as an Open Access Book for free download,
Bulgaria Section LMAG
- 2023-05-31 Bulgaria Section LMAG – new and active by Jordan Kolev, Bulagaria Section LMAG, Submitted to R8 News, issue Aug 2023
Germany Section LMAG
- 2023-05-31 IEEE Life Members Affinity Group Germany , Activity Report by Ulrich Reimers, Germany Section LMAG Chair
- Germany LMAG meets quarterly , by Ulrich Reimers, Germany Section LMAG Chair. Submitted to R8 News, issue Aug 2023
Lebanon Section LMAG
- 2023-05-31 Lebanon LMAG performs Souqe Taqa , by Usamah O. Farrukh, Chair of the lebanon Section LMAG. Submitted to R8 News, issue Aug 2023
North Macedonia Section LMAG
- IEEE North Macedonia LMAG activities by Goce Arsov, Chair, North Macedonia Section LMAG. Sumbitted to LMC Newsletter, issue Aug 2023
Switzerland Section LMAG
- Switzerland Section LMAG is sponsoring and contributing to the extension of the ENTER National Museum of Consumer Electronics, opening in new premises by the end of 2023 in Derendingen , by Hugo Wyss, Switzerland Section LMAG Chair, Sumbitted to LMC Newsletter, issue Feb 2023
- 75th anniversary of the transistor at EPFL Neuchâtel by Michael Bron, Vice Chair, Switzerland Section LMAG, Sumbitted to LMC Newsletter, issue Aug 2023
UK & Ireland Section LMAG
R8 LM Committee
- Cooperation and Support Published in R8 News, March 2023
- The current YPs are the future LMs – Mixed LM and YP Meeting in Prague, Published in R8 News, March 2023 & LMC Newsletter, April 2023
- Life members in R8 _ an Overview , Submitted to R8 News, May 2023
- Eleven new LMAGs in the largest LMAG regional group , LMC Newsletter submission, 2023-05-31
- Life Member Award Winners, R8 News submission, 2023-06-18
General Information
Website of the IEEE Life Members Committee
LMAG Funds
- Funding of activities is provided by Life Members Committee (LMC), Region 8 and IEEE Foundation
- A rebate of $200 to the Section is provided annually from IEEE Member and Geographic Activities Board
- Groups that report at least two meetings annually will receive the $200 rebate. The rebate is increased to $275 for groups with six or more reports annually.
- Groups are authorized by the IEEE Life Members Committee an annual budget not exceeding $2,000 towards meetings or activities approved in advance by the Regional LM Coordinator. The funding will be provided upon actual expenses.
Approval and Reimbursing Process
- The funding request pre-approval of the R8 LM Coordinator by using the LMAG Fund Request Form _ Pre-approval Form
- Submission of expense report incl. the signed pre-approval form and invoices,
- either via Concur ( http:// ) for out of pocket expenses; the money will be transferred to the personal bank account
- or via Expense Report Form 2022 , signed by R8 LM Coordinator, submitted according to the instructions; the money will be transferred to the Section
Types of activities of Life Member Affinity Groups
- Technical Lectures, joint activities with parent Section, visits to museums and technical sites, social gathering, luncheons
- Using existing groups’ experience, typical activities can range from: invited talks and seminars, technology-oriented meetings, history workshops and conferences, oral histories, and dialogue with other professional institutions, to initiating technical milestones, monitoring outside technical archives, museum projects, and social activities.
- In their Sections, LM Groups should cooperate with other Society chapters, affinity groups (YP and WIE) as well as with student branches – on common projects. They can work together in IEEE Foundation Grants Program, which are supported by LMC Life Members Committee. We encourage the forming of “History teams” to preserve the History of technological developments in which people participated through the use of the IEEE Global History Network ( and Engineering and Technology History Wiki –
- For any advice or question, please contact Péter Magyar, IEEE Region 8 Life Members Coordinator
To form a new Affinity Group
- look at the full list of affinity groups above to see if you are already part of it
- find out if there is already an existing IEEE Section in your country – full list can be found here
- a petition to establish a LM Group requires the signature of 6 IEEE Members, including at least 2 Life Members
- if there is an IEEE Section in your country but not a LM AG, you are eligible to submit a petition – check the Guide to establish a new LMAG
Practical Advices in Administration and Holding Meetings
For finding the list of names of your LMAG members
- go to IEEE OU Analytics (login and password of member IEEE)
- choose “Memberships, subscriptions and more”
- under “Products” dropdown menu, choose only Life Members category and click apply
- see the “Details” tab
- the list of your members appears (you can export as table)
- you can also contact your Section or R8 Ad-hoc Subcommittee Chair Péter Magyar
For declaring the names of officers of your LMAG
- Go to
- If you are the present chair, you can add or change the officers by going to the concerned position, then go on “Add officer”. A window will be opened to asking you to give your N° of membership IEEE and the date of the start of your function. Go then on “Validate” and “Submit”
- If you are the new elected chair, go on “Chapter chair” and apply the same procedure..
For declaring your LMAG activities (event report)
- go to
- login as IEEE member
- go to Event/Report Administration
- go to File >> Report for a Past Event
- OR go to Create an event
- two reports at least are required each year from any category (technical, professional, social, administrative)
For organizing elections
For sending a message by e-Notice
For reserving a teleconference on Webex
- go to:
- send your request to IEEE staff at least 5 days before the event