Life Members

Life Members – “Experience does not go on retreat”


IEEE Region 8 Life Member Committee

Magdalena Salazar-Palma, Chair, R8 LM Coordinator, [email protected]

Commitee Members:

Peter Magyar, Past Chair, Ex-officio Member, [email protected]





It is a privilege to be an IEEE Life Member (LM) with so much to contribute back to the engineering community and to the public in general. You are entitled to become a LM when your age is at least 65 and the sum of your age and of your active membership duration reaches 100. Life Members are exempted of IEEE membership fees and pay lower fees at IEEE Conferences (at most – IEEE Student fees).

Most Life Member activities are performed by Life Member Affinity Groups (LMAG), similar to Chapters, established as part of an IEEE Section.


In summary the mission of Life Members Groups is to:

  • Enhance and encourage interest in electrical and electronic engineering at secondary and tertiary (college) levels.
  • Utilize the vast experience of LMs to impact the general public’s knowledge of electrical and electronic engineering and increase understanding of the role of engineers.
  • Foster collaborations in pre-university education and encourage students to consider taking up engineering as a career.
  • Promulgate the history of electrical engineering together with information and related technologies.

Please visit the website of the IEEE Life Members Committee ( for more details.



IEEE Region 8 Life Member Affinity Groups (LMAGs)

Status: 2024-12-31




Service Providing Organization ID


Former name: Geocode

Chair & Email

Austria Section LMAG LM80037 Michael Heiss
Benelux Section LMAG LM80001 Luc J. Claesen
Bulgaria Section LMAG LM80075 Jordan N. Kolev
Croatia Section LMAG LM80065 Zoran Vukic
Cyprus Section LMAG LM80073 Lazaros Savvides
Czechoslovakia Section LMAG LM80071 Andre Sopczak
Egypt Section LMAG LM80003 Samir I. Shaheen
France Section LMAG LM80005 Bernadette Bouchon-Meunier
Germany Section LMAG LM80017 Ulrich Reimers
Greece Section LMAG LM80029 Grigoris Papagiannis
Hungary Section LMAG LM80051 István Krómer
Iran Section LMAG LM80027 Vahid Ahmadi
Israel Section LMAG LM80009 Shmuel Auster
Italy Section LMAG LM80011 Antonio Savini
Jordan Section LMAG LM80079 Mohammed Zeki Khedher Mohammed
Lebanon Section LMAG LM80091 Usamah O. Farrukh
North Macedonia Section LMAG LM80077 Goce Arsov
Norway Section LMAG LM80013 Filippo Sanfilippo
Poland Section LMAG LM80033 Adam Dabrowski
Portugal Section LMAG LM80045 João Costa Freire
Romania Section LMAG LM80061 Mircea Eremia
Russia Section LMAG LM80059 Boris Kutuza
Russia North West Section LMAG LM80087 Serguei V Smolovik
Serbia and Montenegro Section LMAG LM80069 Vladimir Katic
Slovenia Section LMAG LM80067 Jurij Tasic
Spain Section LMAG LM80023 Manuel Castro
Sweden Section LMAG LM80019 Margaretha Eriksson
Switzerland Section LMAG LM80007 Hugo Wyss
Turkey Section LMAG LM80055 Erdal Panayirci
UK&Ireland Section LMAG LM80015 Brian Harrington
Africa Council LMAG

The participating 10 Sections are: 

Algeria Section

Ghana Section

Kenya Section

Mauritius Section

Morocco Section

Nigeria Section

South Africa Section

Tunisia Section

Uganda Section

Zambia Sectio

The participating seven (7) Subsections are:

Botswana Subsection

Burkina Faso Subsection

Ethiopia Subsection

Liberia Subsection

Lybia Subsection

Sudan Subsection

Tanzania Subsection

Comment: Egypt Section belongs to the Africa Council but the Egypt Section LMAG is independent and not part of the Africa Council LMAG.



Omigui Osaretin Michael


Joint Bahrain, Oman and Qatar Sections LMAG

Bahrain Section LMAG

Oman Section LMAG

Qatar Section LMAG





Ali Zolait
Joint “Baltic” LMAG

Estonia Section LMAG

Latvia Section LMAG

Lithuania Section LMAG





Irina Naidionova










R8 LM Archive

R8 LM Activities 2024


IEEE Region 8 Life Members Committee 2023-2024


Péter Magyar  Germany Section

Corresponding Members:

Anthony C. Davies, UK & Ireland Section

Goce L. Arsov, North Macedonia Section

Rima Fathallah, Tunisia Section

Samir I. Shaheen, Egypt Section

Shmuel Auster, Israel Section


Life Member Award Program 2024

2024 Award Recipients

R8 Award Recipients


Region 8 LMAG Achievement Award

North Macedonia Section LMAG, Chair: Goce L. Arsov

Citation: For exceptional contribution to the IEEE community in North Macedonia


Region 8 Individual LM Service Award

Hugo F. Wyss, Life Fellow, Switzerland Section LMAG Chair

Citation: To recognize 20 years of promotion of IEEE activities in Region 8 and for major contributions to IEEE milestones and the history of Electrical Engineering


R8 LM Activities 2023



Life Member Award Program 2023

2023 Award Recipients

R8 Award Recipients

Region 8 LMAG Achievement Award

UK & Ireland Section LMAG, Charles  W. Turner, Life Fellow, Chair 2022

Citation: For the motivation of Life Members and Students in IEEE activities by the planning and delivery of a comprehensive series of Milestone events and symposia


Region 8 Individual LM Service Award

Wim van Etten, Life Senior, Benelux Section LMAG,Chair 2022

Citation: Recognizing Wim van Etten’s leadership in establishing and driving the IEEE Benelux Life Member Affinity Group, culminating in three IEEE Milestones commemorating important historical developments in the Benelux


Hungary Section LMAG and R8 LMAG Group and R8 HA Committee Joint Meeting


IEEE R8 Hungary Section LMAG

IEEE R8 History Activity Committee

IEEE R8 Life Members Committee


Obuda University (OU), Budapest University of Technology and Economy (BUTE) and Budapest Public Transportation Company (BKV)

Date: December 5-6, 2023

Sponsors: OU, R8 MA, LMC, BKV


Technical Program

Dec 4 Welcome Dinner

Dec 5

09:00 -10:00 Opening Session (OU, R8. R8 MA)

10:00 -12:00 LMAG Session (R8 LM Committee and 10 R8 LMAGs)

13:00 -15:00 History Activity & Milestone Session (R8 HA Committee and 10 R8 LMAGs)

15:00 -17:00 Visit the University Research and Innovation Center of OU

17:00  Networking, Reception, Dinner

Dec 6

10:00 -11:00 Visit the Modular Hybrid Drive System Laboratory of BUTE

13:00 -14:00 Guided Tour in the Historical Ferenc Substation “Ferenc Áramátalakitó” of BKV

14:00 -15:30 Visit the 1st Hungarian Milesone in the Millenium Underground Railway Museum of BKV

19:00 Closing Social Event


Hungary Section LMAG members (40 invited), Hosts representatives (~10), Local organizers (~10), R8 LMAG Chairs (10)


Free of charge for registered participants

Preliminary registration closed on Oct 15, 2023

Final registration closed on Nov 10, 2023

Photo´s of the Meeting, taken by Luc Claesen, Benelux Section LMAG Chair


Science Award to Ulrich Reimers, Germany Section LMAG Chair

Science Award to Ulrich Reimers, Germany Section LMAG Chair

Prof. a. D. Dr.-Ing. Ulrich Reimers, University of Technology Braunschweig, Germany, Chair of the Germany Section LMAG received the Science Award for Information and Communication Technology from the VDE ITG   “In recognition of his relevant pioneering achievements in the field of digital video broadcasting (DVB), which were recognized by the entire professional world, as well as for his scientific leadership in the merger of mobile communications and television and the resulting 5G broadcasting.”


Journal of LMAG Events

2023-02-28 GERMANY Section LMAG – Technical and Administrative Meeting 2023 Q1

Meeting Minutes

2023-05-30 GERMANY Section LMAG – Technical and Administrative Meeting 2023 Q2

2023-05-30_ Germany LMAG Meeting_Screenshot


2023-03-24 Informative Meeting on LMAG Petition Preparation in conjunction with the R8 Committee Meeting


LMAG Petition Step by Step Training


Publications of R8 LMs


Benelux Section LMAG

Bulgaria Section LMAG

Germany Section LMAG

Lebanon Section LMAG

North Macedonia Section LMAG

Switzerland Section LMAG

UK & Ireland Section LMAG

R8 LM Committee


General Information

Website of the IEEE Life Members Committee

LMAG Funds 

  • Funding of activities is provided by Life Members Committee (LMC), Region 8 and IEEE Foundation
  • A rebate of $200 to the Section is provided annually from IEEE Member and Geographic Activities Board
  • Groups that report at least two meetings annually will receive the $200 rebate. The rebate is increased to $275 for groups with six or more reports annually.
  • Groups are authorized by the IEEE Life Members Committee an annual budget not exceeding $2,000 towards meetings or activities approved in advance by the Regional LM Coordinator. The funding will be provided upon actual expenses.

Approval and Reimbursing Process

  1. The funding request pre-approval of the R8 LM Coordinator by using the LMAG Fund Request Form _ Pre-approval Form
  2. Submission of expense report incl. the signed pre-approval form and invoices, 

Types of activities of Life Member Affinity Groups

  • Technical Lectures, joint activities with parent Section, visits to museums and technical sites, social gathering, luncheons
  • Using existing groups’ experience, typical activities can range from: invited talks and seminars, technology-oriented meetings, history workshops and conferences, oral histories, and dialogue with other professional institutions, to initiating technical milestones, monitoring outside technical archives, museum projects, and social activities.
  • In their Sections, LM Groups should cooperate with other Society chapters, affinity groups (YP and WIE) as well as with student branches – on common projects. They can work together in IEEE Foundation Grants Program, which are supported by LMC Life Members Committee. We encourage the forming of “History teams” to preserve the History of technological developments in which people participated through the use of the IEEE Global History Network ( and Engineering and Technology History Wiki –
  • For any advice or question, please contact Péter Magyar, IEEE Region 8 Life Members Coordinator

To form a new Affinity Group

  • look at the full list of affinity groups above to see if you are already part of it
  • find out if there is already an existing IEEE Section in your country – full list can be found here
  • a petition to establish a LM Group requires the signature of 6 IEEE Members, including at least 2 Life Members
  • if there is an IEEE Section in your country but not a LM AG, you are eligible to submit a petition – check the Guide to establish a new LMAG

Practical Advices in Administration and Holding Meetings

For finding the list of names of your LMAG members

  • go to IEEE OU Analytics (login and password of member IEEE)
  • choose “Memberships, subscriptions and more”
  • under “Products” dropdown menu, choose only Life Members category and click apply
  • see the “Details” tab
  • the list of your members appears (you can export as table)
  • you can also contact your Section or R8 Ad-hoc Subcommittee Chair Péter Magyar

For declaring the names of officers of your LMAG

  • Go to
  • If you are the present chair, you can add or change the officers by going to the concerned position, then go on “Add officer”. A window will be opened to asking you to give your N° of membership IEEE and the date of the start of your function. Go then on “Validate” and “Submit”
  • If you are the new elected chair, go on “Chapter chair” and apply the same procedure..

For declaring your LMAG activities (event report)

  • go to
  • login as IEEE member
  • go to Event/Report Administration
  • go to File >> Report for a Past Event
  • OR go to Create an event
  • two reports at least are required each year from any category (technical, professional, social, administrative)

For organizing elections

For sending a message by e-Notice

For reserving a teleconference on Webex


R8 LM Activities 2021-2022


R8 Life Members Subcommittee 2021-2022


Péter Magyar
Germany Section
Victor Fouad Hanna
Corresponding Member
France Section
Tony Davies
Corresponding Member
UK & Ireland Section
Charles Turner
Corresponding Member
UK & Ireland Section
Vinko Lesic
Corresponding Member
Croatia Section

LMAG development efforts

New LMAGs 2021-22

2021 Germany Section

2021 Czechoslovakia Section

2022 North Macedonia Section

2022 Jordan Section

2022 Turkey Section

2022 Poland Section


LMAG formation in progress, 2022

Russia Section

Finland Section



Life Member Awards 2022

LM Individual Service Award:

LMAG Achievement Award:

R8 Winners

Regional Life Member Individual Service Award 2022

Georgi Dimirovski, North Macedonia Section


Regional Life Member Affinity Group Achievement Award 2022

Germany Section LMAG, Chaired by Hagen Hultzsch



R8 Life Members Subcommittee Activity 2021-2022

LM Subcommittee Chair´s Report 2021-22

2022-12-30 R8 LM Subcommittee _ Closing Report


R8 LM Subcommittee Reports

2021-03-21 LifeMembers_116th R8C Meeting Online

2021-11-05 LifeMembers_117th R8C Meeting Frankfurt

2022-04-02 LifeMembers_118th R8C Meeting Warsaw

2022-09-21 LifeMembers_119th R8C Meeting Cairo


Article submissions – LM Newsletter, Dec 2022, printed issue

Switzerland Section LMAG is sponsoring and contributing to the extension of the ENTER National Museum of Consumer Electronics, opening in new premises by the end of 2023 in Derendingen


New LMAG in North Macedonia


Life Members at Region 8 Strategy Retreat 2022


Cooperation & Support – Important Components of the LM Activity in R8


R8 LMAG In-person Meeting Prague

Hosted by Czechoslovakia Section LMAG, Chair: Andre Sopczak

Venue: Institute of Experimental and Applied Physics, Czech Technical University in Prague (CVUT), Czech Republic

Motto: The current YPs are the future LMs




Arrival, Social Dinner






R8 Section Chairs and LM Subcommittee Joint Meeting, April 08, 2021

Date and Time:

Thursday, April 08, 17:00-18:00 CEST (Central European Summer Time, UTC+2).

Please use the time zone converter to determine your local time.

Region 8 Section Chairs, Region 8 OpCom Members and LM AHC Members are kindly invited.


WebEx Meeting
Join from the meeting link:
Join by meeting number (access code): 130 571 0190


  • 17:00 Opening Address, Roll Call (Peter Magyar, LM AHC Chair)
  • 17:05 LM Overview and R8 Opportunities (Peter Magyar, LM AHC Chair)
  • 17:30:
    • R8 Director´s Comment (Antonio Luque, R8 Director)
    • R8 Vice Chair MA´s Comment (Sara Barros, R8 VC MA)
    • Success Stories (Short reports of Organizers of new LMAGs)
      • Andre Sopczak, Czechoslovakia Section
      • TBD
  • 17:45 Q&A Session (All participants, moderated by Vinko Lesic, R8 LM AHC Member)
  • 18:00 End

Presentation: Life Members – Overview – R8 Opportunities

Group photo of the participants at R8 Section Chairs and LM Subcommittee Joint Meeting, April 08, 2021


HA and LM Joint Committee Meeting, March 16, 2021

Date and Time:

Tuesday, March 16, 16:00-17:00 CET (Central European Time, UTC+1).

Please use the time zone converter to determine your local time.


  • 16:00 Opening Address (Peter Magyar, LM AHC Chair)
  • 16:01 History Activities (Martin Bastiaans, HA AHC Chair)
  • 16:15 History Activities & Life Members (Anthony C. Davies, LM AHC Corresponding Member, HA AHC Member)
  • 16:20 LM AHC Introduction (P. Magyar)
  • 16:30 What do we expect from the LMAGs and Sections (P. Magyar)
  • 16:40 LMAG and LMC Connection (Charles W. Turner, LMC, LM AHC Ex-officio Member)
  • 16:45 R8 LMAG Activity Highlights (Victor Fouad Hanna, LM AHC Past Chair, LM AHC Corresponding Member)
  • 16:50 Connection to YPs and other Affinity Groups (Vinko Lesic, YP, LM AHC Corresponding Member)
  • 16:55 Q&A Session (P. Magyar)
  • 17:00 End

LMAG Chairs´ Meeting, February 23, 2021

Date and Time:

Tuesday, Feb 23, 17:00-18:00 CET (Central European Time, UTC+1) / 16:00-17:00 GMT (Greenwich Mean Time, UTC+0).

Please use the time zone converter to determine your local time.


  • 17:00 Opening Address, Roll Call (Peter Magyar, LMAHC Chair, Germany Section)
  • 17:05 LM Presentation (P. Magyar)
  • 17:15 LMAG and LMC Connection (Charles W. Turner, LMC, LMAHC Ex-officio Member, UK & Ireland Section)
  • 17:20 R8 LMAG Activity Highlights (Victor Fouad Hanna, LMAHC Past Chair, LMAHC Corresponding Member, France Section)
  • 17:25 Connection to the History Committee (Anthony C. Davies, LMAHC Corresponding Member, France Section)
  • 17:30 Connection to YPs and other Affinity Groups (Vinko Lesic, R8 YP, LMAHC Corresponding Member, Croatia Section)
  • 17:35 What we expect from the LMAGs (P. Magyar)
  • 17:45 Q&A Session (Moderator: Victor Fouad Hanna)
  • 18:00 Closing Address (P. Magyar)


R8 Life Members Subcommittee 2019-2020

Chair: Victor Fouad Hanna, France Section

2020: Online LM CC Meeting

2019: Valencia, Spain, October 11, agenda:

  • Welcome, Magdalena Salazar Palma, (R8 Director).
  • Why Don’t Sections Give More Support to Life Members and LMAGs?, Charles Turner (Chair LMC)
  • Report for R8 LMAGs Activities, Victor Fouad Hanna, R8 LMs Coordinator.
  • Benelux LMAG report, Wim van Etten (Chair).
  • Egypt LMAG report, Vice Chair.
  • Coffee Break.
  • Proposal for future, some projects for future implementation, Hugo Wyss, Switzerland LMAG Chair.
  • France LMAG report, Jean Gabriel Remy, Officer .
  • Hungary LMAG report, Imre J. Rudas (Chair).
  • Italy LMAG report, Antonio Savini (Chair).
  • Lunch (12h30 – 14h00).
  • A Possible Development of IEEE Life Membership, Charles Turner (Chair LMC)
  • FRANCE contribution to IEEE Milestones : A valuable task for Life Members, Jean Gabriel Remy.
  • Lebanon LMAG report, Usamah O. Farrukh, (Chair).
  • Slovenia LMAG report, Baldomir Zajc, (Chair).
  • Coffee Break.
  • Practical Advices in Administration and Holding Meetings, Victor Fouad Hanna, R8 LMs Coordinator.
  • Spain LMAG report, Jesús “Fraile Ardanuy, (Spain Section Chair).
  • Switzerland LMAG report, Hugo Wyss (Chair).
  • United Kingdom and Ireland LMAG report, Charles Turner (Chair).
  • Debate and Conclusions.

Notes from the meeting :

Charles Turner raised the question of the lack of support for Life member activities from the Section Committees. The two main problems were the poor state of Section websites and the low level of funding from the Section for LMAG activities. The increase of the Life member Fund budget to $90K this year is a bonus, but it was agreed that the Section Chairs need to be reminded about their responsibilities towards their Life members, especially if they have an LMAG.

Victor Fouad Hanna reviewed the status of LMAGs in Region 8. A new LMAG had been formed in Egypt this year and there were good prospects for more to be formed, especially in Poland and Sweden.

Wim van Etten reported that the Benelux Section had 115 active Life members, based on a recent survey. An EXCOM had been formed to manage the LMAG which had its own website, created using the IEEE template to be found at

Meetings were split between the Netherlands and Belgium and were open to all IEEE members. The average attendance was around 24.

An e-newsletter was sent to all LMAG members.

A Milestone ceremony to celebrate the first demonstration of WiFi would take place on October 29th at Nieuwegein, Holland.

Hugo Wyss reviewed the history of the Switzerland LMAG which had to deal with the two languages spoken in the country. He highlighted the production by Robert Weiss of a ‘tapestry’ of the history of computers. The poster would be translated from the German into French and English, and distributed to IEEE entities across the world, if funding could be secured. The LMAG worked closely with the. Section and a new Chair would be appointed shortly.

Jean Gabriel Remy reported on the Life member activities in France. The very successful technical tour held in Paris, Geneva, and Munich in 2015 had boosted LM activities in the France Section. New Milestone projects were being explored, such as the Transatlantic cable from France to Newfoundland, at an event being planned in Orleans.

Imre Rudas mentioned a strong link between the LMAG and the Hungarian Academy of Sciences. The relatively small number of Life members in the Section was a limiting factor.

Antonio Savini reported on the wide range of topics pursued by the Italy Section LMAG which had about 100 members. These included the history of technology, Milestone, joint meetings with the Switzerland LMAG, and a visit to the Museum of Technology in Pavia. Attracting members to meetings was a priority perhaps by introducing a social dimension, but more Life members were needed.

Usamah Farrukh reported that the Lebanon Section has only a small number of Life members but had managed to organise some successful events, including introducing robotics to schools.

Baldomir Zaic reported that there was a need to get an updated list of Life members and other retired or older members. Holding meetings via Webex would be helpful, as for other small LMAGs.



  1. The Life Member Coordinator should write to the Chair of every Section that has an LMAGA, asking them to increase financial support for their LMAG and to provide a webpage for Life member activities and news of events.
  2. A top priority is to facilitate the use of Webex for Life member meetings, to reduce the running costs and make it easier to connect members living away from the main urban centres.
  3. LMAGs should make greater use of the larger allocations for Life member activities, up to a maximum of $2,000 each year.
  4. LMAGs should encourage members to apply for the special projects grants available from the Life Member Fund and the IEEE Foundation.



  • Increased collaboration between LMAGs and other IEEE Operation Units in their Sections is very important as the Section can make use of the knowledge and experience of Life Members and also from the more time that they can devote for IEEE Section activities.
  • It is agreed that the inclusion of older members approaching LM status, together with retired members, would transform the viability of the smaller LMAGs.
  • Resources from MGA (Life Member Committee and R8) are now reasonable to make and expand  LMAGs activities.
  • Sponsorship from industry and Government organizations could be available for certain types of projects.

Group picture of the latest in-presence LMAG meeting, Valencia, 2019