Yearly Archives: 2016

2016 IEEE Students’ Technology Symposium – TechSym 2016

2016 IEEE Students’ Technology Symposium
September 30 – October 2, 2016
Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur
Kharagpur, India – 721 302

TechSym 2016 – Call For Papers

We apologize if you receive multiple copies of this CFP.

The 2016 IEEE Students’ Technology Symposium is organized by:

IEEE Student Branch, Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur
IEEE Signal Processing Society Student Branch Chapter, IIT Kharagpur
IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society Student Club, IIT Kharagpur
IEEE Women in Engineering Affinity, IEEE Kharagpur Section

IEEE Kharagpur Section

The 4th IEEE Students’ Technology Symposium (IEEE TechSym) will host oral and poster sessions showcasing original contributions from students and young professionals across a range of subjects, with subsequent submission to the IEEE Xplore Digital Library. Previously held in 2010, 2011, and 2014, IEEE TechSym 2016 includes cutting edge keynote talks and exciting opportunities to interact with some of the leading figures in academia and industry. The three-day symposium will also provide a unique platform for learning through various hands-on workshops and tutorials. This edition of the event also includes exciting opportunities in the form of Undergraduate / Graduate Project Displays, a Hardware Hackathon Competition and Technical Challenges for young engineers and researchers.


The Organizing Committee of the 2016 IEEE Students’ Technology Symposium invites scholastic contributions in the form of articles for Oral / Poster presentations. Submissions are invited as full papers for presentations at the following tracks:

Tracks – TechSym 2016

Track 1 – RF Systems, Communication, and Computer Networks
Track 2 – Imaging & Multi-Dimensional Signal Processing
Track 3 – MEMS, Electron Devices, and Sensors
Track 4 – Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence
Track 5 – Power and Control Systems
Track 6 – VLSI Design and Automation
Track 7 – Translational Engineering in Health and Medicine

Track 8 – Human Computer Interaction

A full list of subject areas for each respective track is available at

To encourage outstanding original contributions, the Organizing Committee of IEEE TechSym 2016 announces the following award categories:

Awards – TechSym 2016

Advancing Technology For Humanity Award
Engineering in Medicine and Biology Award
Industry-Ready Technology Award
Internet-of-Things (IoT) Award

Women in Engineering Award

Best Paper Award [1 Award per Track]

The complete list of awards and nomination criteria for each award is available at:

Important Dates

Full Paper Submission Due: 10 May, 2016
Paper Acceptance Notification: 31 July, 2016
Camera-Ready Submission: 31 August, 2016
Early Registration: 14 August, 2016

Symposium Date: 30 September – 02 October, 2016

Author Information

Manuscripts for IEEE TechSym 2016 should be submitted through Microsoft CMT available at

All submissions should be formatted according to manuscript preparation guidelines available at

IEEE TechSym 2016 Editorial Policies & Reviewing Guidelines


Visit Us at [] and []

Global Humanitarian Technology Conference (GHTC)

GHTC 2016 Call for Papers

Join your peers in Seattle, WA on October 13-16, 2016

To submit a paper abstract:

IEEE’s Global Humanitarian Technology Conference (GHTC) is  IEEE’s premier humanitarian technology conference. It is where multiple disciplines interact to identify, create and advance technology to benefit humanity. The conference’s focus is research, applied technology, and case studies pertaining to humanitarian technology and its application in the following areas energy, healthcare, disaster management, connectivity & communication, humanitarian challenges & opportunities, water & sanitation, agriculture, education, humanitarian technology deployment and deployment.

Humanitarian technology is research and applied technology that benefits the resource-constrained and vulnerable populations of the world and improves disaster response.

Refer to the Call for Papers here for details and requirements for abstract submission.

The conference, Seattle, Washington, USA, October 13–16th 2016, will feature interactive sessions where attendees can share best practices and lessons learned that complement the workshops, panels, case studies, keynote speakers, posters, and technical presentations.

Submission Schedule:

April 18                Abstract or proposal submission deadline

June 15                 Paper submission for review

August 15            Final copy-ready paper submission deadline

Authors may submit the initial abstract for a paper or poster presentation; or a proposal for a case study, panel discussion, and workshop. We especially encourage the inclusion of case studies and topics that are appropriate for interactive sessions. Submission of a full paper is required after initial abstract acceptance. All submissions require an abstract for initial review and acceptance submitted online, and following the author guidelines at

The IEEE Global Humanitarian Technology Conference is sponsored by IEEE Region 6, IEEE Oregon Section, IEEE Seattle Section, IEEE-USA and Society for Social Implications of Technology , and the following IEEE Technical Societies:  Consumer Electronics (CES), Engineering in Medicine and Biology (EMBS), Power & Energy (PES), and Microwave Theory and Techniques (MTTS).

You can find and learn about the past years GHTC at the following:

10th IEEE Workshop on Network Measurements (WNM)

Call for Papers: IEEE WNM 2016

10th IEEE Workshop on Network Measurements (WNM)

co-located with

41th IEEE Conference on Local Computer Networks (LCN)

November 7-10, 2016, The Address Dubai Mall, Dubai, UAE


Submission:        May 23, 2016
Notification:      July 25, 2016
Camera-ready:      August 15, 2016
Direct EDAS Submission Link:

The 10th Anniversary Edition of  IEEE Workshop on Network Measurements is soliciting papers in the areas of computer network measurement, monitoring, security and privacy. We invite mature and early works using traditional and new methodologies, and especially works that challenge conventional wisdom in relationship between traffic monitoring, security and privacy.

We seek submissions that treat all aspects of measurement, security and privacy across the networking stack, distributed applications and services and especially encourage works that involve new and emerging systems, applications, and environments.

The importance of data increases from one year to the next, and we have witnessed significant changes in technologies related to generation, collection, transmission, analysis and storage of data, including virtualization and cloud technologies, big data processing and storage systems. The shear volume of data poses challenges to traditional measurement and monitoring techniques, as well as transmission into analysis systems, where so much data is generated that it cannot be copies, transmitted or stored before processing that includes downsizing.

As data becomes more important, more precise and detailed extraction from network traffic and applications is necessary. Often times, considerations for security and privacy preservation are lacking or come later as a secondary concern. A question arises how to build powerful measurement and monitoring systems that generate valuable data without compromising security and privacy of consumers, and increasingly IoT devices, that generate it. In fact, many measurement and monitoring systems do not have built-in privacy and security protection mechanisms and data is sanitized off-line or during post-processing. On the other hand, some systems are built with only security or privacy in mind so that effective measurement and monitoring of those systems is impossible.

We invite the measurement, monitoring, security and privacy community to contribute original submissions that cover a broad range of topics across wired and wireless networks, with and without security and privacy aspects:

*Measurement tools, techniques, design, and evaluation
*Measurement of new protocols such as HTTP/2, QUIC and similar alternatives
*Measurement of emerging modes of communication such as NFC and spontaneous interaction of devices
*Measurement for wearables and Internet of Things
*Measurement in Network Function Virtualization and Software-Defined Networking
*Building Quality of Experience (QoE) metrics from network measurements
*Measurement related to performance, security and privacy
*Preserving security and/or privacy in measurement and monitoring systems
*Preventing network intrusions and attacks on monitoring and measurement systems
*Detecting vulnerabilities in network systems
*Anonymization and privacy preservation
*Building secure and privacy-preserving monitoring systems and infrastructures
*Privacy enhancing technologies
*Privacy and anonymity in the Web, cloud systems, online social networks, mobile networks, P2P networks
*Privacy in identity management systems
*Design, performance, and measurements of privacy-preserving systems
*Design, performance, and measurements of secure networks
*Measurement methodologies for privacy and anonymity
*User profiling mechanisms
*Mechanisms for processing of private data
*Quantification of privacy threats and anonymity loss
*Privacy challenges in smart systems
*Current and emerging regulatory frameworks for privacy


The workshop seeks novel, previously unpublished papers, which are not currently under review by another conference, workshop, or journal. All submissions should be in PDF for-mat, written in English with a maximum paper length of eight printed pages (IEEE Transactions style double-column format, 10pt font size), including figures. The paper should include a brief abstract of up to 150 words. The submission will be handled via EDAS. The accepted papers will be published in the conference proceedings and will be available via the IEEE Xplore website. Please refer to workshop website for details:


Program Chairs
Aniket Mahanti, University of Auckland, New Zealand
Emir Halepovic, AT&T Labs – Research, USA

Web Chair
Mingwei Gong, Mount Royal University, Canada

About IEEE Region 8 Humanitarian Activities Committee

Mission and Goals

The IEEE Region 8 Humanitarian Activities Committee (HuAC) mission is to inspire and empower IEEE volunteers around Europe, Middle East, and Africa to carry out and support impactful humanitarian technologies and sustainable development activities. In particular, our goals include:

  • Building the optimal humanitarian team in the Region.
  • Mentoring existing SIGHT groups and prospective groups.
  • Supporting SIGHT groups activities and encouraging them to participate in Regional humanitarian activities.
  • Increasing visibility of Humanitarian Activities within the Region.
  • Raising awareness of ongoing HTB/SIGHT activities and encouraging submission of project proposals.
  • Encouraging reporting of activities via vTools by monitoring and reaching out.
  • Encouraging celebration of SIGHT Week across the Region.
  • Encouraging Student and Young Professional involvement in Humanitarian Activities.
  • Encouraging and highlighting the women involvement in humanitarian activities.
  • Organizing R8 Humanitarian Activities Congress and collaborating in organizing humanitarian conferences.
  • Collaborating with other IEEE OUs and with external organizations on humanitarian projects.
  • Recognizing exceptional SIGHT Groups and volunteers.



Programs and Initiatives

  • Community Support Program: Provides support to R8 SIGHT Groups to implement community support projects to address local community challenges.
  • Connecting Humanitarian Experts: Webinars on humanitarian topics presented by an expert in the field.
  • Humanitarian Ambassadors Program: Supports and trains volunteers to share IEEE humanitarian opportunities across our Region and impact the local communities.
  • R8 Humanitarian Activities Congress: Brings together R8 SIGHT group members to share results, lessons learnt and experience with peers across the Region, and to discuss and address various humanitarian and community development projects, as well as to promote the use of technology for social good.
  • R8 Humanitarian Technologies Hackathon: Fosters competition amongst IEEE and SIGHT members, through their solutions to specific humanitarian challenges and targets tech proposals around specific UN SDGs.
  • SIGHT Groups Accelerator Program: Provides R8 SIGHT Groups with a seed funding for the new year activities based on their humanitarian efforts and activities of the past year.
  • SIGHT Groups Coordination Workshops: Provides support and guidance to R8 SIGHT Groups to overcome any operational or organizational issues and obstacles they face or could face in the future and to ensure their optimal functioning.
  • Humanitarian Voices: Delivers news articles regarding humanitarian activities and initiatives across our Region supported by photos on the field, and highlight the achievements of SIGHT groups and inspire volunteers.
  • Humanitarian Meets STEM Initiative: Targets to spread IEEE Humanitarian Efforts and introduce sustainable development goals to pre-university students.
  • Humanitarian Opportunities from Societies Initiative: Targets to boost collaboration an partnerships between R8 HuAC and Societies.

Current Opportunities and Upcoming Events

  • SIGHT Groups Regional Report: This form will be used to hear from R8 SIGHT leaders about their Groups and how we can improve our support in order to ensure their optimal functioning
  • Humanitarian Voices: SIGHT Groups can showcase and share their achievements in order to get published in R8 News and inspire volunteers across Europe, Middle East and Africa

2016-September – Porto

This page contains information about the 107th IEEE Region 8 Committee Meeting to be held  in Porto on 24-25 of September 2016.

OpCom Reports

Director (Costas Stasopoulos) Director-Elect (Margaretha Eriksson)
Past-Director  (Martin Bastiaans) Secretary  (Christian Schmid)
Treasurer (Brian Harrington) V/C Member Activities  (Dusanka Boskovic)
V/C Student Activities  (Mona Ghassemian) V/C Technical Activities (Igor Kuzle)


Subcommittee Reports

Action for Industry  (AfI) Humanitarian Activities Subcommittee (HuA) Region Vitality Coordinator (RVC)
Awards & Recognition Subcommittee (A&RSC) History Activities Coordinator  (HA) Standards Coordinator   (StC)
Chapter Coordination Subcommittee  (ChCSC) Life Member Coordinator (LM) Strategic Planning
Conference Coordination SubCommittee  (CoCSC) Membership Development Subcommittee  (MDSC) Voluntary Contribution Fund Coordinator  (VCF)
Educational Activities SubCommittee  (EASC) Nominations and Appointments Subcommittee Women in Engineering Coordinator  (WIE)
Electronic Communications Coordinator (ECC) Professional Activities Subcommittee  (PASC) Young Professionals Subcommittee (YP)
Region 8 News (R8News)


Section Reports

Algeria Section Iceland Section Republic of Macedonia Section
Austria Section Iran Section Romania Section
Bahrain Section Iraq Section Russia Section
Belarus Section Israel Section Russia (Northwest) Section
Benelux Section Italy Section Russia (Siberia) Section
Bosnia and Herzegovina Section Jordan Section Saudi Arabia (East) Section
Bulgaria Section Kenya Section Saudi Arabia (West) Section
Croatia Section Kuwait Section Serbia And Montenegro Section
Cyprus Section Latvia Section Slovenia Section
Czechoslovakia Section Lebanon Section South Africa Section
Denmark Section Lithuania Section Spain Section
Egypt Section Malta Section Sweden Section
Estonia Section Morocco Section Switzerland Section
Finland Section Nigeria Section Tunisia Section
France Section Norway Section Turkey Section
Germany Section Oman Section UK and Ireland Section
Ghana Section Poland Section Ukraine Section
Greece Section Portugal Section United Arab Emirates Section
Hungary Section Qatar Section Zambia Section



Meeting Schedule

107th IEEE Region 8 Committee Meeting Overview(subject to change)
Friday Saturday Sunday
Main room Main room
8:00-8:30 R8 Meeting
8:30-9:00 R8 Meeting
9:00-10:00 Chapter Coordination Meeting
13:00-14:00 Lunch for Chapter Coordination Meeting Only Lunch
14:00-15:00 Chapter Coordination Meeting Sections Congress
17:45-18:15 Recording Chapter Technical and Section Professional meetings
18:15-18:30 Coffee Break
18:30-20:00 Portugal Section Presentation and
Technical Lecture
Dinner with Awards Ceremony
Taylor’s Port Cellars Porto
Meeting Point for Bus Transfer:
18:30 outside the Palacio Hotel
20:00-20:30 Cocktail Reception
20:30-22:30 Welcome Dinner

Order of the day

Friday, 23 September 2016
17:45 Recording Chapter Technical and Section Professional meetings Coughlin
18:15 Coffee Break
18:30 Portugal Section Presentation Madureira
19:00 Industry 4.0 – Beyond the Hype Francisco Almada Lobo
19:45 Cocktail Reception
20:15 Welcome Dinner – Dress Code: Business Casual
Saturday, 24 September 2016
8:00 100 Procedural Call to Order Stasopoulos
8:05 101 Procedural Roll Call and Introduction of New Officers Schmid
8:20 102 Procedural Welcome by Portugal Section Madureira
8:25 103 Procedural Introductory Remarks Stasopoulos/Schmid
8:30 104 Action Approval of the Agenda Stasopoulos
8:35 105 Action Approval of the Consent Agenda Stasopoulos
8:40 106 Discussion IEEE Region 8 Director’s Address Stasopoulos
9:15 107 Discussion IEEE President’s Address Shoop
9:35 108 Discussion MGA VP Address Wong
10:00 Procedural Coffee Break
10:20 109 Discussion IEEE Europe – IEEE European Public Policy Initiative operations and assessment Marko
11:00 110 Discussion Student Activities Report Ghassemian/Arvaniti
11:20 111 Discussion IEEE Region 8 SYP Congress Arvaniti/Dinca
11:30 112 Discussion Best Practices in Region 6 Coughlin
11:40 113 Discussion Section Development and Vitality Szabo
11:55 114 Discussion Technical Activities Report Kuzle
12:25 115 Discussion Awards & Recognitions Delimar
12:35 116 Discussion Africa Area Report Chukwudebe
12:45 117 Discussion Action for Industry Stasopoulos/Matilla
13:00 118 Procedural Recess Stasopoulos
13:01 119 Social Group photo
13:05 Social Lunch
14:05 200 Procedural Call to Order Stasopoulos
14:10 201 Discussion Sections Congress Presentation
Reccommendation Instructions
Delimar/ Salazar Palma/ Bastiaans
14:40 202 Discussion Breakout Sessions Delimar/ Salazar Palma/ Bastiaans
16:10 203 Discussion Presentation of Results Delimar/ Salazar Palma/ Bastiaans
16:40 204 Procedural Recess Delimar/ Salazar Palma/ Bastiaans
18:40 Social Meeting Point for Bus: Outside Hotel
18:50 Social Bus tour through Porto
19:35 Social Dinner and Awards Ceremony, Dress Code: Formal
Taylor’s Port Cellars Porto
Sunday, 25 September 2016
8:30 300 Procedural Call to Order and Roll Rall Stasopoulos/Schmid
8:35 301 Discussion Nominations and Appointments Report and Election Instructions Bastiaans
8:50 302 Discussion Candidate Presentations and Discussion Bastiaans
9:50 303 Discussion Executive Session Bastiaans
10:30 304 Procedural Elections Bastiaans
10:45 Procedural Coffee Break
11:15 305 Discussion Presentation of Election Results Bastiaans
11:20 306 Discussion Secretary’s Report Schmid
11:30 307 Discussion Treasurer’s Report Harrington
11:50 308 Discussion Innovation Fund Harrington
12:05 309 Discussion Member Activities Report Boskovic
12:25 310 Discussion Future Conferences (Energycon, Melecon, GCC) Kuzle
12:35 311 Discussion Vision for an Enhanced MGA-TA Synergy 2017/2018 Marina
12:55 312 Discussion Vision for Region 8 2017/2018 Eriksson
13:10 313 Info Next Region 8 Committee Meeting Schmid/Edvinsson
13:20 314 Action Motions Stasopoulos
13:35 315 Info New Business All
13:55 316 Action Adjournment Stasopoulos
14:00 317 Social Lunch
Consent Agenda
401 Action Approval of the minutes of the 106th Region 8 Committee meeting
402 Report Reports

Porto Meeting Supporters

2016 IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Innovative Business Practices for the Transformation of Societies (IEEE EmergiTech 2016)


The 2016 IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Innovative Business Practices for the Transformation of Societies (IEEE EmergiTech 2016) is the new flagship Conference of the IEEE Mauritius Subsection. The first edition of EmergiTech is organised jointly with the University of Technology, Mauritius (UTM) and aims to provide an interdisciplinary forum where industry, Government and academia will meet to discuss the most recent innovations, trends, and concerns regarding the evolution of technology and its impact on societies and businesses. The program will also feature a rich set of workshops and tutorials as well as a featured exhibition space to provide our attendees with a distinctive conference experience. The conference therefore welcomes participants from the region and all over the world to the beautiful Island of Mauritius for an exciting six-day event. An exclusive Conference Gala Dinner bathed in the local folklore will be proposed to our attendees as well as a half-day tour to reveal the exotic beauty of the Island.


IEEE EmergiTech 2016 focuses on emerging technologies covering the following themes:

  • Smart Cities and Internet of Things (IoTs)
  • Innovative Technologies for Smart Enterprises Growth
  • Sustainable Development, Energy Harvesting and Storage
  • Technology based Educational Systems
  • Web Technologies, Cloud Computing and Big Data Analytics
  • Information Security and Cyber Forensics
  • Softwarization and Next Generation of Networking Technologies
  • Robotics and Cognitive Technologies
  • Bio-Intelligence and Health Technologies
  • Social Networks and Behavioral Science

Important Dates

Submission of Paper: 28 March 2016 29 February 2016
Notification of Acceptance: 18 April 2016 21 March 2016
Camera-Ready Paper: 02 May 2016 04 April 2016
Conference Dates 01 – 06 August 2016


All submitted papers will be double-blind peer reviewed by at least two reviewers. Accepted and presented papers as well as abstracts of tutorials/workshops will be published in IEEE Emergitech 2016 Proceedings and submitted to IEEE Xplore.


IEEE EmergiTech 2016 will award both best paper and best student paper. More details will be subsequently made available on the website.


Conference Guidelines

Conference paper guidelines can be accessed at paper-submission-guidelines/

Tutorial/Workshop guidelines can be accessed at tutorial-workshop-submission-guidelines/


Call for Reviewers

Call for Reviewers, Track Chairs & Session Chairs reviewer-form/


For further information please visit

Previous R8 WIE Committees

Thanks for all the dedicated volunteers who, for years, were serving Women Engineers in IEEE Region 8. Previous Committees include:



  • Wafa BenHmida (UK&Ireland), Chair
  • Maria-Alexandra Paun (Switzerland), Past Chair
  • Sally Musonye (Kenya), Member
  • Hazar Oklah (Jordan), Member
  • Ana Margarida Trigo (Portugal), Member
  • Amany Alshawi (Saudi Arabia), Corresponding Member
  • Ala Chalghaf (Tunisia), Corresponding Member
  • Jani Dugonik (Slovenia), Corresponding Member
  • Youmna El Bitar (Germany), Corresponding Member
  • Larissa Abi Nakhle (Lebanon), Corresponding Member
  • Ambra Sannino (Sweden), Corresponding Member
  • Roua Touihri (France), Corresponding Member


  • Ana Cigarán Romero (Germany), Chair
  • Youmna El Bitar (Lebanon), Past Chair
  • Maria-Alexandra Paun (Switzerland), Member
  • Hzar Oqlah (Jordan), Member
  • Ilhem Kallel (Tunisia), Member
  • Philippa Makobore (Uganda), Member
  • Almedin Kavas (Bosnia and Herzegovina), Corresponding Member
  • Wafa Ben Hmida (Tunisia), Corresponding Member


  • Taqua Khairy (Cypurs), Coordinator
  • Farzaneh Abdollahi (Iran)
  • Messaouda Azzouzi (Algeria)
  • Joyce Mwangama (South Africa)


  • Simay Akar (Turkey), Coordinator
  • Reem Turky (Saudi Arabia West)
  • Farzaneh Abdollahi (Iran)
  • Messaouda Azzouzi (Algeria)
  • Safa Ismail (Egypt)
  • Joyce Mwangama (South Africa)


  • Joyce Mwangama (South Africa), Coordinator
  • Reem Turky (Saudi Arabia West)
  • Bernadette Bouchon-Meunier (France)