Yearly Archives: 2017

2018-March – Athens

This page contains information about the 110th IEEE Region 8 Committee Meeting to be held in Athens on 10-11 of March 2018.

OpCom Reports

Director (Margaretha Eriksson) Director-Elect (Magdalena Salazar Palma)
Past-Director (Costas Stasopoulos) Secretary (Jan Verveckken)
Treasurer (Ralph Kennel) V/C Member Activities (Antonio Luque)
V/C Student Activities (Efthymia Arvaniti) V/C Technical Activities (Christopher James)

Subcommittee Reports

Action for Industry (AfI) History Activities Coordinator (HA) Region 8 News (R8News)
Africa Area (AA) Humanitarian Activities Subcommittee (HuA) Section Vitality Coordinator (SVC)
Awards & Recognition Subcommittee (A&RSC) Life Member Coordinator (LM) Standards Coordinator (StC)
Chapter Coordination Subcommittee (ChCSC) Membership Development Subcommittee (MDSC) Strategic Planning
Conference Coordination SubCommittee (CoCSC) Nominations and Appointments Subcommittee Voluntary Contribution Fund Coordinator (VCF)
Educational Activities SubCommittee (EASC) Professional Activities Subcommittee (PASC) Women in Engineering Coordinator (WIE)
Electronic Communications Coordinator (ECC) Young Professionals Subcommittee (YP)

Section Reports

Algeria Section Iceland Section Republic Of Macedonia Section
Austria Section Iran Section Romania Section
Bahrain Section Iraq Section Russia Section
Belarus Section Israel Section Russia (Northwest) Section
Benelux Section Italy Section Russia (Siberia) Section
Bosnia and Herzegovina Section Jordan Section Saudi Arabia (East) Section
Bulgaria Section Kenya Section Saudi Arabia (West) Section
Croatia Section Kuwait Section Serbia And Montenegro Section
Cyprus Section Latvia Section Slovenia Section
Czechoslovakia Section Lebanon Section South Africa Section
Denmark Section Lithuania Section Spain Section
Egypt Section Malta Section Sweden Section
Estonia Section Morocco Section Switzerland Section
Finland Section Nigeria Section Tunisia Section
France Section Norway Section Turkey Section
Germany Section Oman Section UK and Ireland Section
Ghana Section Poland Section Ukraine Section
Greece Section Portugal Section United Arab Emirates Section
Hungary Section Qatar Section Zambia Section


Order of the day – Athens

Friday, 9 March 2018

Time Duration # Type Item Presenter
8:00 0:30:00 Directors Address Margaretha Eriksson
8:30 3:30:00 Meetings of several subcommittees
12:00 0:30:00 Lunch group 1 Terpsichore D
12:30 0:30:00 Lunch group 2 Terpsichore D
13:00 5:00:00 Meetings of several subcommittees Terpsichore, Erato
18:00 1:00:00 Greece Section presentation Greece Section Chair
19:00 1:00:00 Cocktail Reception + Awards Ceremony
20:00 2:00:00 Welcome Dinner Dress Code: Business Casual
22:00 Dinner Ends

Saturday, 10 March 2018

Time Duration # Type Item Presenter
6:30 1:30:00 Breakfast Breakfast
8:00 0:05:00 100 Procedural Call to Order Margaretha Eriksson
8:05 0:15:00 101 Procedural Roll Call and Introduction of New Officers Jan Verveckken
8:20 0:05:00 102 Procedural Welcome by Greece Section Greece Section Chair
8:25 0:05:00 103 Procedural Introductory Remarks Margaretha Eriksson
8:30 0:05:00 104 Action Approval of the Agenda Margaretha Eriksson
8:35 0:05:00 105 Action Approval of the Consent Agenda Margaretha Eriksson
8:40 0:40:00 106 Discussion IEEE Region 8 Director’s Address Margaretha Eriksson
9:20 0:20:00 107 Discussion IEEE President’s Answers to the most burning questions Jim Jefferies
9:40 0:20:00 108 Discussion IEEE President’s Elect Introduction Jose Moura
10:00 0:15:00 109 Discussion IEEE R8 SYP 2018 SYP Chair
10:15 0:05:00 110 Procedural Introduction to Poster Session Jan Verveckken
10:20 0:45:00 111 Poster session Committees Poster session+RSYP poster+coffee break All subcommittees
11:05 0:20:00 112 Discussion Questions to SAC VC Efthymia Arvaniti
11:25 0:20:00 113 Discussion Questions to MA VC Antonio Luque
11:45 0:20:00 114 Discussion Questions to TA VC Christopher James
12:05 1:00:00 Lunch Lunch in Terpsichore
13:05 0:30:00 201 Discussion IEEE MGA New Issues(GDPR)+ questions Francis Grosz + Vera Sharoff
13:35 0:10:00 202 Discussion Presentation of IEEE Region 8 Director Elect Candidates Rafal Sliz & Antonio Luque
13:45 0:45:00 203 Poster session Poster Session 1/3 Sections + IEEE R8 Director Elect Candidates poster+ coffee break 1/3 Sections
14:30 0:20:00 204 Discussion Humanitarian Activities Paul Cunningham
14:50 0:45:00 205 Poster session Poster Session 2/3 Sections + Humanitarian Activities Workshop(Room:Erato A) 2/3 Sections
15:35 0:05:00 206 Social Group photo Jan Verveckken
15:40 0:25:00 207 Discussion IEEE Vienna Office Answer to the most burning questions Clara Neppel
16:05 0:45:00 208 Poster Session Poster Session 3/3 Sections+ IEEE President Elect Candidates poster 3/3 Sections
16:50 0:05:00 209 Discussion Voting system of Posters to be presented on stage + reflection question Jan Verveckken
16:55 0:05:00 210 Discussion Closing of day one Margaretha Eriksson
17:00 Recess
17:10 0:10:00 Social Meeting Point for Bus: Outside Hotel
17:20 2:40:00 Social Bus Drive through Athens, Visit of Akropolois museum
20:00 2:00:00 Social Dinner at Dionysus Zonar, with view of Akropolis
22:00 0:00:30 Social Bus Drive to Hotel

Sunday, 11 March 2018

Time Duration # Type Item Presenter
6:30 1:30:00 Breakfast Breakfast
8:00 0:05:00 300 Procedural Call to Order and Roll Call Margaretha Eriksson
8:05 0:15:00 301 Discussion Presentation of Section poster voted best Industry Activity+discussion
8:20 0:15:00 302 Discussion Presentation of Section poster voted best Membership Activity+discussion
8:35 0:15:00 303 Discussion Presentation of Section poster voted best Young Prof. Activity+discussion
8:50 0:15:00 304 Discussion Presentation of Section poster voted best Action for Africa+discussion
9:05 0:35:00 305 Discussion Treasurer’s Report Ralph Kennel + Brian Harrington
9:40 0:20:00 Social Coffee Break
10:00 0:40:00 306 Action Motions, presentation, discussion, voting Costas Stasopoulos
10:40 0:40:00 307 Discussion New Business Margaretha Eriksson, All
11:20 0:20:00 308 Discussion Presentation of President-Elect Candidates Piuri, Zurada, Fukuda
11:40 0:20:00 309 Discussion Next Region 8 Meeting Vera Markovic
12:00 0:10:00 310 Discussion Closing Remarks IEEE Vienna Office Clara Neppel
12:10 0:10:00 311 Discussion Closing Remarks President-Elect Jose Moura
12:20 0:10:00 312 Discussion Closing Remarks President Jim Jefferies
12:30 0:10:00 313 Discussion Closing Remarks R6 Director Kathleen Cramer
12:40 0:10:00 314 Discussion Closing Remarks R10 Director Kukjin Chun
12:50 0:10:00 315 Discussion Closing Remarks R8 Director Margaretha Eriksson
13:00 0:20:00 316 Info Adjournment All
13:20 1:00:00 Social Lunch in Terpsichore D

Consent Agenda

501 Action Approval of the minutes of the 109th Region 8 Committee meeting
502 Report Reports

Meeting Schedule – Athens


Santorini (15pax)
8:00-18:00 AHCAA Meeting


Santorini (15pax) Santorini 3 (15 pax) Icareo (10pax) Terpsichore A Terpsichore B (Theatre 80pax) Terpsichore C (10pax) Terpsichore D (80pax) Terpsichore Prefunction (80pax) Erato A (theatre 20 pax) Erato B (theatre 20 pax) Erato C (theatre 20 pax)
8:00-8:30 AHCAA Meeting Not Reserved Setup by Hotel Directors Address Not used Not Reserved Not Reserved Not used Not used Not used
8:30-9:00 MA meeting Not used SAC Chapter Coordination Private Meeting
9:00-9:30 AfI Coordination Meeting Setup by Hotel YP Coffee Break
10:00-10:30 Not Reserved
10:30-11:00 Conference Coordination Humanitarian Activities
12:00-12:30 Lunch (80 pax)
12:30-13:00 Chapter Coordination Meeting R8 News
13:00-14:00 Not Reserved SAC & YP New volunteers Section Chairs Action for Industry
14:00-14:30 Coffee Break
14:30-15:00 Awards & Recognition Membership Development
15:00-16:00 Internal Finance Meeting Not Reserved New volunteers subCommittee members
16:00-17:00 Educational Activities SAC & YP & AfI
17:00-17:30 Not reserved SAC & YP & HuAC WiE Professional Activities
18:00-18:30 Not Reserved * Greece Presentation Not Reserved Not Reserved Not Reserved Not Reserved
19:00-20:00 Technical preparation Technical preparation Cocktail
20:00-20:30 Dinner Not Reserved
22:30-23:30 System Test System Test
  • Greece Presentation will be composed of three parts:
  1. Welcome notes and presentation of IEEE Greece Section by Prof. N. Koziris
  2. Presentation of the Student Activities in IEEE Greece Section by Prof. A. Kakarountas
  3. Presentation “Corallia: Inspiring Innovation. Driving Excellence.” by Prof. V. Makios, General Director, Corallia Clusters


Terpsichore A and B Terpsichore C (10pax) Terpsichore D (80pax) Terpsichore Prefunction (80pax) Erato A (theatre 20 pax) Erato B (theatre 20 pax) Erato C (theatre 20 pax)
8:00-8:30 Region 8 Meeting Registration Booth Not Reserved Not Reserved
12:00-12:30 Lunch
13:00-14:00 Not Reserved
14:00-14:30 Coffee Break
15:00-16:00 Not Reserved HuAc Workshop
Paul Cunningham
17:00-17:30 BUS
17:30-18:00 Museum
18:00-18:30 Not Reserved Not Reserved Not Reserved Not Reserved
19:00-20:00 Dinner


Terpsichore A and B Terpsichore C (10pax) Terpsichore D (80pax) Terpsichore Prefunction (80pax)
8:00-8:30 Region 8 Meeting Registration Booth Not Reserved Not Reserved
12:00-12:30 Lunch
13:00-14:00 Not Reserved
18:00-18:30 Not Reserved Not Reserved

IEEE Region 8 Women in Engineering

Who are WIE? IEEE Women in Engineering (WIE) in Region 8

IEEE Women in Engineering (WIE) is one of the world’s largest international professional organizations dedicated to empowering women in engineering and science. Our mission is to inspire, support, and advocate for women in technical fields while encouraging the next generation of girls to pursue careers in STEM.

Our Mission & Vision

At IEEE WIE Region 8, which covers Europe, the Middle East, and Africa, we are committed to increasing the recruitment, retention, and advancement of women in engineering and technology across the globe. We envision a thriving, diverse community of IEEE members, both women and men, who bring their unique talents and perspectives to drive innovation for the benefit of humanity.
As part of Region 8, we actively foster collaboration, mentorship, and leadership opportunities, ensuring that women engineers and scientists have the visibility, support, and resources they need to succeed. Together, we are shaping a more inclusive and forward-thinking future in STEM.

IEEE WIE strives to…

  • Recognize the outstanding achievements of women in electrical and electronics engineering through IEEE Awards nominations
  • Organize receptions at major technical conferences to enhance networking and to promote membership in WIE
  • Advocate women in leadership roles in IEEE governance, and career advancement for women in the profession
  • Provide assistance with the formation of new WIE Affinity Groups, and support ongoing activities
  • Promote IEEE member grade advancement for women to the membership grades of Senior member and Fellow
  • Facilitate the development of programs and activities that promote the entry into, and retention of, women in engineering programs
  • Administer the IEEE Student-Teacher and Research Engineer/Scientist (STAR) Program to mentor young women in junior and high schools

Region 8 WIE members, We are here for you! Please send us an email on [email protected] or write us on Facebook, Instagram or LinkedIn.

Follow us on Social Media

The menu on the left presents the activities of WIE Affinity Groups in R8, the programs supported by R8 WIE, Awards, FAQ, as well as current and previous committees. Enjoy! WIE lead!

WIE Affinity Group Chairs

Below are the contact details for the chairs of the Region 8 Women In Engineering Affinity Groups (AG), to help you to get in contact with each other, exchange ideas and experiences on events and activities, and plan future collaborations.

Full list of IEEE Region 8 Section Chairs can be found here.

Global WIE website:

CountryLast NameFirst NameEmail Address
AzerbaijanHuseynzadeSonabayim[email protected]
NetherlandsErcanIlke[email protected]
BulgariaMarinovaGalia[email protected]
CroatiaNakicAnamari[email protected]
EgyptYoussefSherin[email protected]
FranceSedesFlorence[email protected]
GermanyMasMachucaCarmen[email protected]
GreeceAthanasiouMaria[email protected]
HungaryPuskasMelania[email protected]
United KingdomKarabchevskyAlina[email protected]
ItalyLAMBERTIPatrizia[email protected]
JordanOBEIDATYusra[email protected]
KazakhstanKulsharovaGulsim[email protected]
LatviaKunicinaNadezhda[email protected]
LebanonAbbasNadine[email protected]
LithuaniaMorkvenaite-VilkonciInga[email protected]
MoroccoCHAKIRIHOUDA[email protected]
NigeriaOlekaChioma[email protected]
NigeriaNNEBESCHOLASTICA[email protected]
NorwayYassineSahar[email protected]
PolandTuszyAleksandra[email protected]
RomaniaHeleraElena[email protected]
SerbiaRadicJelena[email protected]
SwitzerlandZagozdzinskaBochenekAgnieszka[email protected]
TunisiaBouchaalaBaya[email protected]
TurkiyeGURKASAYDINZeynep[email protected]
United KingdomJohnsonPrincy[email protected]
UkraineZiakhorIryna[email protected]
United Arab Emiratesalrahislilas[email protected]

IEEE PES R8 Sponsorship for Students

IEEE PES Region 8 is delighted to offer co-sponsorship of up to 8 students from the region to attend the IEEE PES PowerTech conference in Manchester, UK (18-22 June).

The sponsorship is limited to USD 850 and will cover the conference registration fee and five nights’ accommodation in a shared (twin) room in a 3* hotel.

Eligibility is as follows. Candidates must:
1. Be IEEE PES full-time postgraduate student members living and studying within region 8.
2. Not already be registered for the conference.

Places will be allocated on a first-come first-served basis (subject to eligibility).

All applications should be sent to Jovica Milanovic ([email protected]), Chris Wall ([email protected]), and Luis Daniel Gutierrez Lagos ([email protected]).

The deadline for applications is 17:00 GMT on Monday 12 June 2017.

Region8 MD Team Workshop

The Region8 MD Team has recently organized an Membership Development Workshop in Bratislava, Slovakia on May 19-20.
The Workshop was very well attended with 25 participants from 20 countries within the Region 8 and the post event feedback suggested an extremely positive outcome! The participants were welcomed to the venue on Friday afternoon. That first day sessions included basic introduction to R8 and Membership development, with the host section presentation. Later the team was guided to a beautiful city tour followed by an exquisite networking dinner. The second day was filled with MD focused presentations, interactive sessions and brainstorming sessions. Everyone participated to the fullest and managed to learn from each other. Towards the end, a comprehensive joint action plan was generated which all the MDO’s agreed to take it to their respective sections and implement according to their own needs and customized requirements.
Current MDW was an amazing and a successful event that will go long ways in ensuring enhanced membership with the region, many thanks for all attendees and congratulations for the Czechoslovakia Section, that done a great job hosting MDW!
More similar workshops will be planned next years as well, so please consider the opportunity to join us in future!

Warmest wishes on behalf of R8 MDSC!

The First IEEE GCC SYP Congress | 2017

The word congress is originated from the Latin word congressus, which is an off-spring of the word congredi; con- meaning together and -gredi meaning walk, giving us “walk together” or “meet”. And On the 7th and 8th of May, 2017, IEEE’s youth of the GCC got to “walk together” in to the huge halls of Gulf Convention Center, Bahrain, where the first of its kind in the region, IEEE GCC SYP Congress, was held in conjunction with the 9th IEEE-GCC Conference & Exhibition.
It all started when a group of bright individuals being the UOB and KFUPM IEEE student branches, and both the Young Professionals of IEEE Bahrain and Saudi Arabia Sections, decided to join powers and be a part of organizing an event that will gather youth of the area together. Their hard work paid off eventually, when it was time for the event to come through.
The 2-day event was targeted at the students and young professionals of the region but was gladly unbounded by that target. The congress was a welcoming host of more than 300 students and professionals that are focused outside the GCC as well, which added variety to what the congress was offering. It was admirable as well as delightful to see young minds come together to share ideas, success stories, future plans and a lot more with such passion and enthusiasm.

The congress, with open arms, offered a long-awaited platform for youth to engage in conversation and present new ideas that revolve around building a better future and improving the present. Over the two days, attendees also got the chance to participate in organized competitions in the fields of Technology, innovation and Robotics, which all-in-all, displayed excellent technical skills and great sportsmanship.
The congress was also honored to have 2 of the most respected figures in IEEE as guest speakers; The first being the past IEEE R8 Director, Mr. Costas Stasopoulos, and the second being the current R8 Director of IEEE, Ms. Margaretha Eriksson. Both took part in multiple interactive sessions, gladly answered the attendees’ questions and admired the effort put in each individual session.
These were not the only speakers joining us from the R8, as we had multiple sessions being led by R8 representatives. One of the sessions was headed by an R8 SAC representative Mr. George
Papadimitriou, discussing student activities. Another session was entirely about the young professionals and their role and was also headed mainly by another R8 YP representative, Mr. Skander Mansouri.
More than 15 sessions, 3 workshops and 3 competitions took place over the span of the two days. Panel discussions were organized to discuss extremely important topics like women’s role in the field of engineering, entrepreneurship and youth’s participation, which encouraged dialogue and debate from the attendees, which was, what an engineer would call a “desired output.”
Do not be fooled, though. Just like all the workshops and panel discussions took place during the day, social events and dinners took place during the evening hours. Moreover, tours of the country took place in between breaks during morning sessions, to give the attendees of the congress the full experience and to create a friendly air.
The closing ceremony brought many, organizers and attendees, to tears as it was emotional to see all the hard work unfold before their eyes: organizers seeing what they have been working on coming to an end, and participants hearing out competition results.

All of this, of course, would not have been so wonderfully organized if it wasn’t for the organizing team behind the success, headed by Dr. Mohammed Al Muhaini, the congress chairman, under the constant guidance of IEEE veterans like Mr. Muhammad Al Dhamen, Mr. Jaafar Al Ibrahim and Dr Ibrahim Elamin.  An appreciative thank you goes out to all who got involved in bringing such an important event about.
Hoping that this IEEE SYP GCC congress has set the way for many to come in the future, bringing our youth together, to work on a better today and an even brighter tomorrow

Internships Offered In 2016

Territory Location and Contact Type of Internship / Hire Funding Open


Cedric Cloud Company Kenya

Send your CV to [email protected]

3 Internships for 3 months

Thereafter opportunity to be recruited by the company.

Click for more detail: ieee-afi-internships-offered-detail-cedric-cloud-company

Funded Open
IBM Kenya Kenya

Contact John Matogo [email protected]

Two Internships offered.

Requirements: Candidates must be certified in an IBM Technology.

Click for more detail: ieee-afi-internships-offered-detail-ibm-kenya

Funded Open
Schneider Electric Kenya Draft MoU awaiting approval Not Yet Open
Philips Kenya Philips requested documentation. Awaiting response. Not Yet Open
Europe North
Intel Corporation Ireland


[email protected]

Job Opportunities


No one else sees the world like you do. We’ve been looking for that.

Innovation happens when unique perspectives work together. Join us.

Click for more detail: ieee-afi-internships-offered-detail-intel-corporation

Watch this company for new opportunities

What We Offer You

At Intel brilliance pays. You work hard, we return the favour.

Intel Corporation Several locations in

Apply Online: EMEA. Main locations:






Several internship levels at various locations in Europe.

Types of positions:

  • Internships
  • Working student
  • Bachelor/Master Thesis
  • PhD thesis

Personal Skills:

  • Student of relevant engineering field
  • Good communication skills
  • Self-motivated
  • Problem solving skills
  • Ability to take personal ownership to maintain an incident and injury free environment
  • Excellent teamwork capabilities

Click for more detail: ieee-afi-internships-offered-detail-intel-emea-main-locations

Duration: 3-12 months.

All student positions are paid.

  • Further learning opportunities
nextmarkets GmbH Cologne

/Köln, Germany

Dominic Heyden [email protected]


Conversion to permanent contract possible.

Company: nextmarkets is an innovative e-learning / Fintech company founded in 2014.

Click for more detail: ieee-afi-internships-offered-detail-nextmarkets

Contract and Salary are individually negotiated Open
NEC Heidelberg, Germany

Internships and Job Vacancies.

Details and application contacts are on the NEC labs website:

Click for more detail: ieee-afi-internships-offered-detail-nec

Details on NEC labs website Open

Media and Marketing

London, UK

Shah Auckburaully. [email protected] ([email protected]).

London-based IEEE member who just graduated in maths or who has high degree of numerical skills.
We are currently recruiting new people in our analytics departmentClick for more detail: ieee-afi-internships-offered-detail-starcom-media-and-marketing
Career Opportunity? Open
Texas Instruments Freising (Munich), Germany

Send CV directly to : [email protected]

Internship Masters / subsequent hiring.

Requirements: Highly motivated and talented Engineers who have passion for Analog Integrated Circuit designs.

Click for more detail: ieee-afi-internships-offered-detail-texas-instruments

Please apply ONLY if you fit the description.

Stipend provided Open
VSL, Dutch Metrology Institute Netherlands

Contact: Gert Rietveld [email protected]

Internships. 3 to 9 month internships and/or thesis projects

Only for EU nationals (because of Work permit and visa requirements)

Click for more detail: ieee-afi-internships-offered-detail-vsl-dutch-metrology-institute

Funding: we offer

480 € / month coverage of costs

ABB in Germany Germany Negotiations in hand Not Yet Open
NATS in the UK UK Negotiations in hand Not Yet Open
RSTJ Systems Ltd UK Negotiations in hand Not Yet Open
Nokia Finland Negotiations in hand Not Yet Open
Philips Finland Negotiations in hand Not Yet Open
Texas Instruments Germany Job offer pending Not Yet Open
Europe South
Altiria Madrid, Spain

Contact: Juan Pedro López ([email protected]), reference: JDE IEEE

Java Developer Engineer.

Altiria has got a position to hire an Engineer with at least one years experience

Click for more detail: ieee-afi-internships-offered-detail-altiria

6 month trial period and subsequent conversion to permanent contract. Filled
Analog Devices, SLU Valencia, Spain

Send your CV, marks and motivation letter to [email protected]

Please submit by 22nd December 2016

Internship 6 to 9 months

Analog Devices, ADI, is a world leader in the semiconductor industry. You will work in a highly co-operative environment and be integral part of an integrated circuit design team. Working language is English.

Click for more detail: ieee-afi-internships-offered-detail-analog-devices-slu

€1,166 monthly full-time. Support Bachelor or Master project. Open
GMV Tres Cantos, Madrid, Spain

[email protected] with the reference ‘Robotics Intern IEEE’.

Robotics Internship

Click for more detail: ieee-afi-internships-offered-detail-gmv

Opportunity to learn from a high-level technical team Open
GMV HQ: Tres Cantos, Madrid, Spain

[email protected] with the reference: ‘GNSS IEEE’

Junior GNSS Engineer

Click for more detail: ieee-afi-internships-offered-detail-gmv

Permanent contract and attractive package Open
Lector Vision Madrid, Spain

[email protected]

An intern is needed in the Research & Design department

To execute Artificial Vision developments. It is expected that scholar will join the company after a few months (depending on the calibre of work).

Click for more detail: ieee-afi-internships-offered-detail-lector-vision

from €300 to €600 /month, Open
Lector Vision

Madrid, Spain

[email protected]

An intern is needed in the Research & Design department

To execute software testing: testing protocol development and testing execution, software configuration and installation

Click for more detail: ieee-afi-internships-offered-detail-lector-vision

from €300 to €600 /month, depending on candidate Open
Melcox Madrid, Spain

Technical Sales Specialist Internship (for a Young Professional)

Possibility of aspiring to a permanent full time position in the company

Click for more detail: ieee-afi-internships-offered-detail-melcox

6 month remunerated internship Open
Ingemation Spain Company has signed MoU.

Being finalised

Not Yet Open
Vicomtech-IK4 Spain Company has signed MoU.

Being finalised

Not Yet Open
Ansaldo-STS Naples, Italy


Francesco Flammini

Three Internships offered. Duration: 6 to 12 months

Click for more detail: ieee-afi-internships-offered-detail-ansaldo-sts

Bachelors and Masters unpaid.

Grants available to PhDs

ST Microelectronics

Advanced System Technology

Agrate Brianza, Italy

Please contact:

Danilo Pau;

[email protected]

Three Internships


Up to 12 months for undergraduate MSc and PhD students

6 months for MS graduates

Click for more detail: ieee-afi-internships-offered-detail-st-microelectronics

Salary will be discussed at interview Open
InfoTrip Greece

Contact: Mr. Topalidis

CV to [email protected] Reference: Software Developer Position -IEEE

Software Developer

InfoTrip specializes in Intelligent Transport Systems.

Click for more detail: ieee-afi-internships-offered-detail-infotrip

Salary to be discussed with applicant Open
SBOING ( Thessaloniki, Greece

Please, send CV or ask for more info at: [email protected]

Employment: Looking for a very experienced security application developer to work part-time or full-time on a network security project for a period of 10-12 months, starting Dec. 2016.

Local presence is desirable, but not required.

Click for more detail: ieee-afi-internships-offered-detail-sboing

Expected full-time compensation €1500-2500 p.m.
XM Limassol, Cyprus

Send CV and academic transcripts to [email protected], by Friday, 10th June 2016.


Will recruit as many good engineers as they identify.

  • Must be eligible to work in Cyprus

Click for more detail: ieee-afi-internships-offered-detail-xm

Salary: € 480 for 6 weeks Filled
UTX Limassol, Cyprus

Application Deadline 14th August 2016

[email protected]

and cc [email protected].

4 Job Positions: Electrical or Computer Engineers

Click for more detail: ieee-afi-internships-offered-detail-utx

Salaried Employees Filled
Cyprus Telecommunications Authority (CYTA) Nicosia, Cyprus

[email protected]

10 Internship Positions

Internships are for 3 months

Click for more detail: ieee-afi-internships-offered-detail-cyprus-telecommunications-authority-cyta

100 euro per week or unpaid. Open
Cyprus Telecommunications Authority (CYTA) Limassol, Cyprus

[email protected]

7 Internship Positions

Internships are for 3 months

Click for more detail: ieee-afi-internships-offered-detail-cyprus-telecommunications-authority-cyta

100 euro per week or unpaid. Open
Cyprus Telecommunications Authority (CYTA) Paphos, Cyprus

[email protected]

8 Internship Positions

Internships are for 3 months

Click for more detail: ieee-afi-internships-offered-detail-cyprus-telecommunications-authority-cyta

100 euro per week or unpaid. Open
Cyprus Telecommunications Authority (CYTA) Larnaca, Cyprus

[email protected]

2 Internship Positions

Internships are for 3 months

Click for more detail: ieee-afi-internships-offered-detail-cyprus-telecommunications-authority-cyta

100 euro per week or unpaid. Open
Cyprus Telecommunications Authority (CYTA) Ammochostos, Cyprus

[email protected]

3 Internship Positions

Internships are for 3 months

Click for more detail: ieee-afi-internships-offered-detail-cyprus-telecommunications-authority-cyta

100 euro per week or unpaid. Open
CyRIC Engomi, Nicosia, Cyprus

Antonis Hadjiantonis [email protected].

One Internship. Duration: 8 weeks

Working on FLOBOT (Floor Washing Robot for Professional Users) EU project.

Click for more detail: ieee-afi-internships-offered-detail-cyric

Paid Filled
CyRIC Engomi, Nicosia, Cyprus

Antonis Hadjiantonis [email protected].

One Internship

Long Range Wide Area Networks.

Click for more detail: ieee-afi-internships-offered-detail-cyric

Paid Filled
SignalGeneriX Ltd Limassol, Cyprus

Mr. Konstantinos Michail [email protected]

3 Internship positions

SignalGenerix is a Cypriot R&D company doing cutting edge research and development in the fields of Digital Signal Processing (DSP) and Communications.

Click for more detail: ieee-afi-internships-offered-detail-signalgenerix-ltd

Not funded. Filled
IBM Cyprus Company has signed MoU.

Internships available late 2016

Not Yet Open
MTN Cyprus Will sign the MoU

MTN intends to recruit an engineer. The position will be listed here.

Salaried position Not Yet Open
Vodafone Egypt Egypt only

Cairo and Giza.

Contact IEEE Industry Ambassador Mohamed Amin [email protected]

Summer 2016 internships

– for good calibre students.


Click for more detail: ieee-afi-internships-offered-detail-vodafone-egypt

135 IEEE students applied Filled
Vodafone Egypt Egypt

Contact IEEE Industry Ambassador Mohamed Amin [email protected]

Select from highly qualified student applicants to be ‘Vodafone Guru’.

Click for more detail: ieee-afi-internships-offered-detail-vodafone-egypt

Funded Filled
IBM Egypt

Contact IEEE Industry Ambassador Mohamed Amin [email protected]

Internships for 3 months

Training and shadowing existing IBM projects.


Click for more detail: ieee-afi-internships-offered-detail-ibm-egypt

Funded Open
Loyac Organization Jordan

Contact IEEE Industry Ambassador Mohamed Amin [email protected]

Summer internships

Arranged by IEEE Jordan Section YP AFG for IEEE engineering and IT students, in collaboration with Loyac Organization through a program called “Darb”.

80 candidates from IEEE will start their 2 months internships on July 2017 until September 2017

Click for more detail: ieee-afi-internships-offered-detail-loyac-organization


2 Months duration

Tunisia Training Internships Tunisia One month, training offers.

Being finalised

Not Yet Open
Morocco Morocco Negotiations Underway Not Yet Open

The industrial internet quest

A 1-month online program for software developers and engineers to access untouched data, build predictive applications on Predix, and get a chance to be rewarded with 30K euros in seed money.
A real opportunity to create new apps, to go from a prototype to a start-up!


30K to win
15K – first prize
10K – second prize
5K – third prize


Gain exposure, showcase your app at GE Minds and Machines Europe, and increase your visibility with IEEE.


Receive coaching and technical support on the Predix GE Industrial Internet Platform to build an app faster and at a lower cost along the way.


Get various untouched datasets and make your predictive apps real.

Do you accept the Challenge? IEEE Region 8 and GE are proud to bring to you this Industrial Internet Quest. A real opportunity to create new apps, to go from a prototype to a start-up. Don’t miss this!
To register follow this link:

2017 Clementina Saduwa Award Winner

Dr. Daniela Danciu, winner of the prestigious Clementina Saduwa Award 2017

Dr. Daniela Danciu from IEEE Romania Section is an IEEE Senior member and a member of IEEE Control Systems Society (CSS) and IEEE Computational Intelligence Society (CIS). She is the Chair of the Craiova local division (since 2012) of SRAIT (the Romanian Society of Automation and Information Technology) – the Romanian NMO of IFAC.
Dr. Daniela Danciu received the engineer degree (equivalent M.Sc. degree) in Automation and Computers as well as the PhD Cum Laude degree in Automatic Control from University of Craiova (UCV), in 1990 and 2003, respectively. In 2000, she joined the Department of Automatic Control at UCV as a Lecturer. Dr. Daniela Danciu is currently an Associate Professor with the Department of Automation and Electronics at UCV. Her research covers different aspects in the area of qualitative analysis of nonlinear dynamical systems including time delay systems, systems with multiple equilibria as well as recurrent neural networks.A rather recent research interest considers neural computing for solving Partial Differential Equations with non‐standard boundary conditions which model distributed parameter systems (DPS) arising from science fields and engineering applications.She is the author of two monographs (in Romanian) and the author/co-author of more than 65 scientific publications in international journals, book chapters and conference proceedings.
Dr. Daniela Danciu considers that, in order to encourage and support young women in developing  their engineering carrier, some simple and efficient actions for any academic member and/or researcher can be: self-example, involving them within research projects teams (as graduate/doctoral students), counseling in the difficult moments of their path to a professional carrier as well as in their professional life (individual advice, but also through organized activities).
The message of Dr. Daniela Danciu at the award ceremony (March 25, 2017 during the 108th IEEE Region 8 Committee meeting gala dinner in Stockholm – Sweden): “In memoriam of Clementina Saduwa, I would like to dedicate this prize to all the women from the IEEE community for their roles in professional environment as well as in society. I thank to all the valuable people that I have met in my life and who shaped my personality and the will to become better. I would also like to thank to the IEEE Region 8 award committee for deciding to award this prize to me – it was my best ever present for the International Women’s Day. Thank, you all! Let us be better!”