Yearly Archives: 2014

2014 Clementina Saduwa Award Winner


IEEE Region 8 happy to announce that the winner of the Clementina Saduwa Award for 2014 is Ms. Monique Jeanne Morrow from Switzerland!

Clementina Saduwa was a tireless and extremely effective volunteer student leader a few years back, when the IEEE Nigeria Section was being revived, and she went on to become the first ever IEEE Region 8 Women In Engineering (WIE) Coordinator. In January 2007, She was killed in a random act of violence and left behind her husband and young daughter. She was 29 years old.

To honour her rule and work throughout the years, IEEE Women In Engineering and IEEE Region 8 have named the award for the recognition of women engineer in Region 8 who, through their engineering and career achievements, has demonstrated noteworthy support for women in the profession and has established a benchmark of engineering excellence.

This years recipient holds the title of Chief Technology Officer (CTO) at Cisco Services, with a focus of developing strategic technology and business architectures for Cisco customers and partners. She has over twenty years of experience in the field of computer inter-networks, and a pristine record of innovations. She also has a brilliant history of urging women to take ownership of their careers and “writing their own script” for the future. On this subject she has presented to the European Parliament. She is passionate about advancing Girls in ICT and Women in Technology.

In the photo, from left to right: Martin Bastiaans (IEEE Region 8 Director), Joyce Mwangama (IEEE R8 WIE Coordinator), Monique Morrow (Clementina Saduwa Award 2014 Recipient), Howard Michel (Candidate for IEEE 2014 President-Elect).



2014-April – Budapest

This page contains information about the 102nd IEEE Region 8 Committee Meeting to be held in Budapest on 05-06 of April 2014.
IEEE Section Report April 2014

Volunteer Orientation
Saturday Presentations
Sunday Presentations

Photos! ( Budapest Photos Archive )

Agenda Book
Unapproved minutes from Sarajevo
Order of the day
Meetings Time Table

Budapest Travel Advisory
Short history of Hungary and Budapest
Optional programs

Upcoming Sections Congress 2014 Information

OpCom Reports

Director  (Martin Bastiaans)

Past-Director  (Marko Delimar)

Secretary  (Ali El-Mousa)

Treasurer  (Brian Harrington)

V/C Member Activities  (Aleksandar Szabo)

V/C Student Activities  (Pablo Herrero)

V/C Technical Activities  (Carl Debono)

Subcommittee Reports

Awards & Recognition Subcommittee  (A&RSC)

Industry Relations Subcommittee  (IRSC) Section Congress Coordinator

Chapter Coordination Subcommittee  (ChCSC)

Life Member Coordinator  (LM)

Standards Coordinator  (StC)

Conference Coordination SubCommittee  (CoCSC)

Membership Development Subcommittee  (MDSC) Strategic Planning

Educational Activities SubCommittee  (EASC)

Nominations and Appointments Subcommittee

Voluntary Contribution Fund Coordinator  (VCF)

Electronic Communications Coordinator  (ECC) Professional Activities Subcommittee  (PASC) Women in Engineering Coordinator  (WIE)

History Activities Coordinator  (HA)

Region 8 News  (R8News) Young Professionals Subcommittee  (YP)

Section Reports

Austria Section Germany Section Lithuania Section Saudi Arabia (East) Section
Bahrain Section Ghana Section Malta Section Saudi Arabia (West) Section
Belarus Section Greece Section Morocco Section Serbia And Montenegro Section
Benelux Section Hungary Section Nigeria Section Slovenia Section
Bosnia and Herzegovina Section Iceland Section Norway Section South Africa Section
Bulgaria Section Iran Section Oman Section Spain Section
Croatia Section Iraq Section Poland Section Sweden Section
Cyprus Section Israel Section Portugal Section Switzerland Section
Czechoslovakia Section Italy Section Qatar Section Tunisia Section
Denmark Section Jordan Section Republic of Macedonia Section Turkey Section
Egypt Section Kenya Section Romania Section U.K.& Rep Of Ireland Section
Estonia Section Kuwait Section Russia Section Ukraine Section
Finland Section Latvia Section Russia (Northwest) Section United Arab Emirates Section
France Section Lebanon Section Russia (Siberia) Section Zambia Section



Meeting Schedule

IEEE 102nd R8 Meeting Schedule

5-6 April 2014 Budapest, Hungary

Time Table









Ballroom I-II

Ballroom I-II


ChCSC Meeting Budapest (April, 2014) Presentations *

Industry Relations

Professional Activities

Student Activities*

R8 Committee Meeting

R8 Committee Meeting



Membership Development*



Lunch Break





ChCSC Meeting Budapest (April, 2014) Presentations **

Conference Coordination**

Young Professionals**


Volunteer Orientation***

R8 Committee Meeting



(Rooms  PANORAMA I,II and III)


Educational Activities

Awards and Recognitions


MA all Coordinators



Registration / Refreshments

City Walking Tour


Hungary Section Presentation (Room Ballroom III)


Cocktail reception (Room Piano Area)



Dinner and Award Ceremony


Dinner (Room  PANORAMA II-IV)

  • These meetings can continue through lunch as it is a working lunch
    ** These meetings actually start at 12:00 and will work while having lunch
    *** All new officers ONLY are kindly requested to attend the Volunteer Orientation Session

Order of the Day

Saturday, 5 April 2014




Item Presenter



Procedural Call to order Bastiaans



Procedural Roll call El-Mousa



Procedural Welcome Kadar



Procedural Introduction of new officers El-Mousa



Procedural Introductory remarks Bastiaans/El-Mousa



Action Approval of the agenda Bastiaans



Action Approval of the consent agenda Bastiaans



Discussion Director's address Bastiaans



Discussion IEEE President-Elect’s address Michel



Discussion IEEE Executive Director’s address Prendergast



Discussion Secretary's report El-Mousa



Discussion Treasurer's report Harrington



Discussion Strategic Planning Delimar



Procedural Break



Discussion Member Activities report ( MD ) ( PA ) ( HA ) ( LM ) ( WIE ) ( R8News ) Szabo


GOLD to Young Professionals transition Sliz



Discussion MGA Past Chair’s address Shoop



Discussion MGA Managing Director’s address Jankowski



Procedural Recess Bastiaans


Group photo





Procedural Call to order Bastiaans



Discussion Public visibility Monica/Mahoney



Discussion IEEE’s visibility in the Egypt Section Darwish



Procedural Break up in groups Stasopoulos



Discussion Discussions I: Increase IEEE’s footprint



Procedural Break (in the break-out rooms)



Discussion Discussions II: Increase IEEE’s footprint



Procedural Recess


Sunday, 6 April 2014



Type Item Presenter



Procedural Call to order and roll call Bastiaans/El-Mousa



Discussion Sections Congress 2014 Salazar-Palma/Skodras



Discussion President-Elect candidates debate ( Mintzer ) ( Shoop ) Zanero/Mintzer/Shoop



Discussion Student Activities report Herrero


Student and Young Professional Congress Borowka/Schmid/Herrero


Revitalization program Arvaniti


Awards applications for 2014 Graca


Action Establishing Region 8 Section Award for Student Activities Arvaniti/Graca



Discussion Section development and vitality Stasopoulos



Discussion Awards & Recognitions Delimar/Turner



Procedural Break



Discussion Technical Activities report Debono


Keeping Chapters alive in your Section Joffe


Achieving quality for conferences Haase


Education challenges in the Global Village Pavlidou


Industry Relation activities – from vision to reality Gjengedal



Discussion Professional Productivity & Collaboration Tools Setti



Discussion Nominations & Appointments Activities Delimar



Discussion Cyprus Entrepreneurs’ Network ( Start Your Own Entrepreneurs Network ) Stasopoulos/Georgouli



Discussion Leverage of IEEE members in European policy working groups Delimar



Discussion Feedback from the break-out sessions Stasopoulos



Action Motions Bastiaans



Discussion New business Bastiaans



Info Next meeting El-Mousa/Vandendorpe



Action Adjournment Bastiaans




Lunch ends


Consent Agenda

401    Action  Approval of the minutes of the 101st Region 8 Committee meeting

402    Action  Region 8 recommendations for Sections Congress


Having difficulties landing the right job?

Don’t be discouraged. Make yourself stand out among the crowd!

On 23 April 2014, at 1:00 p.m. EST, the IEEE Job Site will host a Webinar – Job Seeker or Opportunity Magnet? – to help you obtain all the necessary tools you’ll need to confidently go out into the job market and land your ideal job.

In this 45 minute presentation you will learn:

  • Why most job seekers waste huge amounts of time and what you can do differently
  • Where top companies hunt for talent and what you can do to help catch their attention
  • Three simple job search strategies that consistently deliver exceptional results
  • One powerful mindset shift that will set you up for lifelong career success
  • What really distinguishes an opportunity magnet from a job seeker – and how you can become one

The presenter – Michael Junge – is a recruiting, staffing and career expert who is an MVP and Top Producer award winner in the staffing organization at Google, a five-time Recruiter of the Year in a national recruiting firm and author of the #1 book in Amazon’s “Job Markets and Advice” category.

More information can be found on this Website –


Date and Time: Wednesday, 23 April 2014 1:00 pm, Eastern Daylight Time

Call for Nominations: IEEE MGA Leadership Positions: deadline 1 April

The IEEE Member and Geographic Activities (MGA) Nominations and Appointments (N&A) Committee is soliciting nominations for the following 2015 leadership positions:

– MGA Vice President/Board Chair
– MGA Treasurer
– MGA Vice Chairs

-Geographic Unit Operations
-Information Management
-Member Development
-Strategic Management and Analysis
– Committee Chairs
-Admission and Advancement (IEEE)
-Awards and Recognition
-Center for Leadership Excellence (IEEE) Advisory
-Life Members (IEEE)
-Member Benefits Portfolio Advisory
-Membership Recruitment and Recovery
-Potentials Editorial Board
-Student Activities
-Women in Engineering (IEEE)
-Young Professionals (IEEE), formerly GOLD

The deadline to submit nominations for the above positions is 1 April 2014.

A complete list of available MGA positions, committee descriptions, and information on the MGA Nominations and Appointments process are available.

Nominate yourself or a colleague now

2014 Call for Nominations

Dear IEEE Region 8 Committee members,

The IEEE Region 8 Nominations & Appointments (N&A) Subcommittee is soliciting nominations for the following Region 8 officers:

  • IEEE Region 8 2017-2018 Secretary (two year commitment)
  • IEEE Region 8 2017-2018 Treasurer (two year commitment)
  • IEEE Region 8 2017 Vice Chair, Member Activities (one year commitment)
  • IEEE Region 8 2017 Vice Chair, Student Activities (one year commitment)
  • IEEE Region 8 2017 Vice Chair, Technical Activities (one year commitment)

For details, please refer to  IEEE Region 8 Bylaws – October 2010   (3.1.5-7) and  IEEE R8 Operations Manual – 2011 (4.4-6, 5).

— — — —  === — — === — — — —

The IEEE Region 8 N&A Subcommittee is also soliciting nominations for the members of the 2017-2018 IEEE Region 8 Nominations & Appointments Subcommittee. Candidates must fulfil one of the following criteria at the time of their election: (1) be a Section Chair in office, (2) have been a Section Chair within the past 3 years, (3) have been a Section Chair and currently holding an elected or appointed position in the R8 Committee (see IEEE Region 8 Operations Manual, Section

— — — —  === — — === — — — —

Please submit your suggestions/nominations by filling the nomination form (available here) and sending it to Marko Delimar, Chair of the IEEE Region 8 Nominations & Appointments Committee, at [email protected] by 1 June 2016.

These IEEE Region 8 officers and members of the IEEE Region 8 N&A Subcommittee will be elected during the Region 8 Committee Meeting in Porto, September 2016.

The IEEE Nominations and Appointments committee will inform the Region 8 committee about the recommended slate of candidates for officers 5-6 weeks prior to the meeting. For all details, including petition processes, please refer to the IEEE Region 8 Bylaws and the IEEE Region 8 Operations Manual (available here).

Please distribute this email among IEEE Region 8 volunteers and IEEE Region 8 Organizational Units.

Thank you and best regards,
Marko Delimar
Chair, IEEE Region 8 Nominations & Appointments Subcommittee

Committee in 2014

The IEEE Region 8 Committee consists of:

  • Section representatives
  • Operating Committee
  • Appointed Members

Section Representatives

In the IEEE Region 8 Committee, Sections are represented by their Chairs. Section Chairs may appoint an alternate representative to the Region 8 Committee. The most recent list of Region 8 Sections and their representatives to the Region 8 Committee may be found here.

Operating Committee (OpCom)

Appointed members

Ad-hoc members

Sub Committees

Awards & Recognition Subcommittee

Chapter Coordination Subcommittee

  • Elya Joffe (Israel) – Chair
  • Simay Akar (Turkey) – Student Branch Chapters
  • Members appointed by Societies/Councils

Conference Coordination Subcommittee

Educational Activities Subcommittee

Young Professionals Subcommittee

Industry Relations Subcommittee

Membership Development Subcommittee

Nominations and Appointments Subcommittee

Professional Activities Subcommittee

Strategic Planning Subcommittee

Student Activities Subcommittee

Women in Engineering Coordinator

Committee and Contacts

The IEEE Region 8 Committee consists of:

  • Section representatives
  • Operating Committee
  • Appointed Members

Section Representatives

In the IEEE Region 8 Committee, Sections are represented by their Chairs. Section Chairs may appoint an alternate representative to the Region 8 Committee. The most recent list of Region 8 Sections and their representatives to the Region 8 Committee may be found here.


Operating Committee (OpCom)


Zone Representative: Habib Kammoun (Tunisia)
Africa Council Chair: Isaac A. Adekanye (Nigeria)
R8 representative in Africa Council: Magdalena Salazar Palma (Spain)


Appointed members

Appointed Ad-hoc members




Action for Industry (AfI) Committee

  • Toni Mattila (Finland) (Chair)
  • John Matogo (Kenya)
  • Nihel ben Youssef (Tunisia)
  • Sohaib Qamar Sheikh (UK&Ireland)
  • Cosmin Moisa (Romania)
  • Maria Efthymiou (Cyprus)
  • Stamatis Dragoumanos (Greece)
  • Serge Dos Santos (France)
  • Mohammad Galal (Egypt)

Awards & Recognition Committee

  • Antonio Luque (Spain) (Chair)
  • Peter Nagy (Hungary)
  • Ali Alfaily (Kuwait)
  • Ala Chalghaf (Tunisia)
  • Filippo Sanfilippo (Norway)
  • Vera Markovic (Serbia)
  • Ana Madureira (Portugal)
  • George Papadimitriou (Greece)

Chapter Coordination Committee

  • Anna Litvinenko (Latvia) (Chair)
  • Muhammad Al-Barham (Jordan)
  • Filippo Sanfilippo (Norway)
  • Andrejs Romanovs (Latvia)
  • Matej Pacha (Czechoslovakia)
  • Izet Kale (UK & Ireland )
  • Atif Iqbal (Qatar)
  • Adel M. Alimi (Tunisia)
  • Mohamed Ali Zormati (Tunisia)

Conference Coordination Committee

  • Tiziana Tambosso (Italy) (Chair)
  • Abdellah Kouzou (Algeria)
  • Shaun Kaplan (Germany)
  • Habib Kammoun (Tunisia)
  • Nadezda Kunicina (Latvia)
  • Robert Bierwolf (Benelux)
  • Sergio Rapuano (Italy)
  • Pascal Lorenz (France)
  • Antonio Luque (Spain)
  • Peter Nagy (Hungary)
  • Paul Cunningham (UK and Ireland)
  • Aleksandar Mastilovic (Serbia)
  • Katerina Papanikolaou (Cyprus)

Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Committee

  • Gheith Abandah (Jordan) (Chair)
  • Dusanka Boskovic (Bosnia and Herzegovina)
  • Adeel Sultan (UAE)
  • Alex Böhm (Germany)
  • Simay Akar (Turkey)
  • Patience Obehi Enahoro (Nigeria)

Entrepreneurship Committee

  • Rawane El-jamal (Lebanon) (Chair)
  • Mohamad Zidan (Jordan)
  • Ayat Amr (UAE)
  • Rosa Maria Delgado (Switzerland)
  • Khaled Zamzam (Egypt)
  • Umar Adam Ibrahim (Nigeria)
  • Hend Kmiha (Tunisia)
  • Conrad Attard (Malta)
  • Mohamed El Dallal (Egypt)
  • Marco Giordani (Italy)
  • Cynthia Chepchirchir (Kenya)

Finance Committee

  • Adam Jastrzebski (UK & Ireland) (Chair)
  • Pascal Lorenz (France) (Assistant Treasurer)
  • Andreas Koltes (Germany) (Assistant Treasurer)
  • Vincenzo Piuri (Italy)
  • Antonio Luque (Spain)
  • Mohamed Neji (Tunisia)

History Activities (HA) Committee

  • Martin Bastiaans (Benelux) (Chair)
  • Tony Davies (UK & Ireland)
  • Antonio Savini (Italy)
  • Ievgen Pichkaliov (Ukraine)
  • Sergei Prokhorov (Russia)
  • Stefano Selleri (Italy)
  • Ahmed Zobaa (UK & Ireland)
  • Mathini Sellathurai (UK & Ireland)

Humanitarian Activities (HuAC) Committee

  • Theodoros Panagiotis Chatzinikolaou (Greece) (Chair)
  • Abdullateef Aliyu (Nigeria)
  • Lavender Ndunya (Kenya)
  • George Papadimitriou (Switzerland)
  • Lucija Brezočnik (Slovenia)
  • Nour Sbaoulji (Tunisia)
  • Omar Salameh (Jordan)
  • Neemat Awadelkarim (Sudan)
  • Herbert Lwanga (Uganda)
  • Simay Akar (Turkey)
  • Miriam Cunningham (UK&Ireland)
  • Magdalena Salazar-Palma (Spain)
  • Mohamed Essaaidi (Morocco)
  • Maxwell Addison (Ghana)

Life members (LM) Committee

  • Peter Magyar (Germany) (Chair)
  • Tony Davies (UK & Ireland)
  • Goce Arsov (North Macedonia)
  • Rima Fathallah (Tunisia)
  • Shmuel Auster (Israel)

Membership Development Committee

  • Mariya Antyufeyeva (Ukraine) (Chair)
  • Sara Barros (Benelux)
  • Mohab Mangoud (Bahrain)
  • Fairouz Fattoum (Tunisia)
  • Marc Lethiecq (France)
  • Mohamed Sief Mahmoud (Egypt)
  • Pawel Prajzendanc (Poland)
  • Farzaneh Abdollahi (Iran)
  • Grigore Stamatescu (Romania)
  • Ievgen Pichkaliov (Ukraine)

Nominations and Appointments (N&A) Committee

  • Antonio Luque (Spain) (Chair)
  • Vincenzo Piuri (Italy)
  • Mike Hinchey (UK&Ireland)
  • Vincent Egessa (Kenya)
  • Ilhem Kallel (Tunisia)

Professional and Educational Activities Committee

  • Andrejs Romanovs (Latvia) (Chair)
  • Conrad Attard (Malta)
  • Dalius Navakauskas (Lithuania )
  • Ana Margarida Trigo (Portugal)
  • Mistura Muibi Tijani (Nigeria)
  • Hadi Kanaan (Lebanon)
  • Natalia Piaseczna (Poland)
  • Filippo Sanfilippo (Norway)

Publications and Communications Committee

  • Adeel Sultan (United Arab Emirates) (Chair)
  • George Michael (Cyprus)
  • Mohamed Hatem Abdulkader (Egypt)
  • Mohammad Hossein Babaee (Portugal)
  • Nick Wainwright (UK & Ireland)
  • Constandinos Mavromoustakis (Cyprus)
  • Fatma Zamil (Jordan) (Region 8 Today EiC)
  • Maja Matijasevic (Croatia) (Region 8 News EiC)

Strategic Planning Committee

  • Antonio Luque (Spain) (Chair)
  • Mike Hinchey (UK & Ireland)
  • Habib Kammoun (Tunisia)
  • Magdalena Salazar Palma (Spain)
  • Sohaib Qamer Sheikh (UK & Ireland)
  • Ievgen Pichkaliov (Ukraine)
  • Sally Musonye (Kenya)

Student Activities Committee

  • Abdullateef Aliyu (Nigeria) (Chair)
  • Simay Akar (Turkey)
  • Khaldoun Taktak (Tunisia)
  • Ahmed Abouelnour (Egypt)
  • Fay Majid (Sudan)
  • Vera Markovic (Serbia)
  • Vildana Hrnjić (Bosnia and Herzegovina)
  • Maciej Borowka (Poland)
  • Cybele Ghanem (Lebanon)

Women in Engineering (WIE) Committee

  • Wafa Ben-Hmida (UK & Ireland) (Chair)
  • Maria-Alexandra Paun (Switzerland)
  • Ana Margarida Trigo (Portugal)
  • Hazar Al Mhaseess (Jordan)
  • Sally Musonye (Kenya)
  • Efthymia Arvaniti (Austria)
  • Ala Chalghaf (Tunisia)
  • Amany Alshawi (Saudi Arabia)
  • Larissa Abi (Lebanon)
  • Roua Touihri (France)
  • Jani Dugonik (Slovenia)
  • Emtiez Akermi (Tunisia)
  • Bouchaala Baya (Tunisia)

Young Professionals Committee

  • Ines Inacio (Benelux) (Chair)
  • Ali Alfayly (Kuwait)
  • Seif Elhajjem (Tunisia)
  • Georgia Saridaki (Greece)
  • Mistura Muibideen (Nigeria)
  • Wadee HajAli (Palestine)
  • Barbara Vujkov (Serbia)
  • Almedin Kavaz (Switzerland)
  • Ahsan Qamer (Germany)
  • Zillah Nangobi (Uganda)
  • Mohamed Saeed Darweesh (Egypt)
  • Agnieszka Zagozdzinska-Bochenek (Switzerland)


Ad hoc Committees


Alternate membership payments (Ad Hoc Committee)

  • Nadine Abbas (Lebanon) (Chair)
  • Andreas Koltes (Germany)
  • George Eduful (Ghana)
  • Hassene Seddik (Tunisia)
  • Ariel Phiri (Zambia)

Careers New Initiative (Ad Hoc Committee)

  • Mohamed Amin (Egypt) (Chair)
  • Andreas Neumeier (Germany)
  • Haya Youssef (UK & Ireland)

Climate Change (Ad Hoc Committee)

  • Paul Cunningham (UK & Ireland) (Chair)
  • René Garello (France)
  • Cybele Ghanam (Lebanon)
  • Maurine Chepkemoi (Kenya)
  • Aoife M. Foley (UK & Ireland)

Continu>Ed (Ad Hoc Committee)

  • Vincenzo Kaabunga (Uganda) (Chair)
  • Khaled Moktar (Egypt)
  • Jospeh Mutale (Zambia)
  • Miriam Eduful (Ghana)
  • Esther Muchiri (Kenya)

Cooperation with IEEE S/TCs and National Associations (Ad Hoc Committee)

  • Peter Nagy (Hungary) (Chair)
  • Ilhem Kallel (Tunisia)
  • Reinhard Moeller (Germany)
  • Shahid Mumtaz (Portugal)
  • Igor Kuzle (Croatia)
  • Erol Gelenbe (UK & Ireland )
  • Gloria Chukwudebe (Nigeria)
  • Bruno Meyer (France)
  • Mariusz Malinowski (Poland)
  • Bochra Boudriga (Tunisia)

Cross-section Technical Cooperation (Ad Hoc Committee)

  • Nadezhda Kunicina (Latvia) (Chair)
  • Ahmed Zobaa (UK & Ireland )
  • Muhammad Al-Barham (Jordan)
  • Esther Muchiri (Kenya)

Educational Infrastructures (Ad Hoc Committee)

  • Albert Lysko (South Africa) (Chair)
  • Murielle lacombled (France)
  • Ali Alfayly (Kuwait)
  • Neecharl Ramprosand (Mauritius)
  • Barbara Vujkov (Serbia)
  • Igor Matias (Switzerland)
  • Sohaib Qamer (UK&Ireland)
  • Ala’ Khalifah (Jordan)
  • Aleksei Tepljakov (Estonia)
  • Juri Belikov (Estonia)
  • Dennis Cherogony (Kenya)
  • Udochukwu B. Akuru (South Africa)

Engineering Projects in Community Service (EPICS) (Ad Hoc Committee)

  • Samarth Deo (Sweden) (Chair)
  • Ana Cigaran (Germany)
  • Abdulla Al-Kaff (Spain)
  • Resala Abdulla Aladraj (Bahrain)
  • Zoubida Alaoui Mdaghri (Morocco)
  • Lucija Brezocnik (Slovenia)

Electronic Communications (Ad Hoc Committee)

  • George Michael (Cyprus) (Chair)
  • Maria Efthymiou (Cyprus)
  • Nick Wainwright (UK & Ireland) (R8 web adhoc)
  • Mohammad Hossein Babaee (Portugal) (Social Media)
  • Mohamed Hatem Abdulkader (Egypt) (SAC-ECC)
  • Constandinos Mavromoustakis (Cyprus) (New Social Media adhoc)
  • Peter Nagy (Hungary) (exofficio MGA-IT)

Fellow Members Search (Ad Hoc Committee)

  • Maria Teresa Correia de Barros (Portugal) (Chair)
  • Okyay Kaynak (Turkey)
  • Maria Pia Fanti (Italy)
  • Tariq Durrani (UK&Ireland)
  • Davor Bonefacic (Croatia)
  • Victor Fouad-Hanna (France)

IEEE Milestones Awareness (Ad Hoc Committee)

  • Claire Lajoie-Mazenc (France) (Chair)
  • Adam Dabrowski (Poland)
  • Stanimir Valtchev (Portugal)
  • Levente Kovacs (Hungary)
  • Neecharl Ramprosand (Mauritius)

New Social Media (Ad Hoc Committee)

R8 Advisory (Ad Hoc Committee)

  • Vincenzo Piuri (Italy) (Chair)
  • Antonio Luque (Spain)
  • Magdalena Salazar Palma (Spain)
  • Costas Stasopoulos (Cyprus)
  • Martin Bastiaans (Benelux)
  • Margaretha Eriksson (Sweden)
  • Mike Hinchey (UK&Ireland)
  • Habib Kammoun (Tunisia)
  • Bruno Meyer (France)

Region 8 News

  • Maja Matijasevic (Croatia) (EiC)
  • Margaretha Eriksson (Sweden)
  • Basant Kumar (Oman)
  • Ahmad Taher Azar (Saudi Arabia)
  • Nick Wainwright (UK & Ireland)

Region 8 Today (Ad Hoc Committee)

  • Fatma Zamil (Jordan) (EiC)
  • Mohammad Hailat (Spain)
  • Abdullah Hassan (Saudi Arabia)

SAC Contests, Awards and Recognitions (Ad Hoc Committee)

  • Vera Markovic (Serbia) (Chair)
  • Lee Crudgington (UK&Ireland)
  • Millicent Kwangari (South Africa)
  • Haris Capelj (Bosnia and Herzegovina)
  • Matteo Bruno Lodi (Italy)
  • Rim Chihi (Tunisia)
  • Abdelrahman Mohammed (Egypt)
  • Yahya Al Belushi (Oman)
  • Raja Boussada (Tunisia)

SAC Electronic Communications (Ad Hoc Committee)

  • Fay Majid (Sudan) (Chair)
  • Stefan Momyr (North Macedonia)
  • Sahar Youssef (Tunisia)
  • Mohammed Hatem (Egypt)

SAC Training and Leadership Support (Ad Hoc Committee)

  • Khaldoun Taktak (Tunisia) (Chair)
  • Krishna Ajith (UAE)
  • Alkiviadis Michalitsis (Greece)
  • Eldar Sabanovic (Lituania)
  • Andre Cakici (Turkey)
  • Larissa Abi (Lebanon)
  • Mohamed Ali Zormati (Tunisia)
  • Gina Carrillo (Norway)

SAC New Initiatives (Ad Hoc Committee)

  • Vildana Hrnjić (Bosnia and Herzegovina) (Chair)
  • Soula Vasiliki-Seie (Greece)
  • Abdulhameed Raji (UK & Ireland)
  • Martyna Borak (Poland)
  • Igor Matias (Switzerland)
  • Rastko Zeljkovic (Bosnia and Herzegovina)
  • Youcef Islem Malk (Algeria)
  • Rhoda Akello (Kenya)

Sections Congress Coordination

Social Media (Ad Hoc Committee)

Sections Vitality and Development

  • Ana Maria Madureira (‎Portugal) (Region Vitality Coordinator)
  • Ahmed Hassan Yousef (Egypt)
  • Catarina Silva (Portugal)
  • Andreas Koltes (Germany)
  • Sanja Lazarova-Molnar (Germany)
  • Isabelle Kandagor (Kenya)
  • Conrad Attard (Malta)
  • Ljupco Karadzinov (North Macedonia)
  • Martin Bastiaans (Benelux)
  • Matej Zajc (Slovenia)

Secretariat (Ad Hoc Committee)

  • Ljupco Karadzinov (North Macedonia) (Chair)
  • Martin Bastiaans (Benelux)
  • Aniko Szakal (Hungary) (Assistant Secretary)
  • George Michael (Cyprus)
  • Maria Efthymiou (Cyprus)

Senior Members Search (Ad Hoc Committee)

  • Dusanka Boskovic (Bosnia and Herzegovina) (Chair)
  • John Funso-Adebayo (Nigeria)
  • Mohammad Salah (Jordan)
  • Catarina Silva (Portugal)
  • Assem Nasser (Morocco)
  • Lucian Toma (Romania)

Standards Coordination Committee

  • Mona Ghassemian (UK&Ireland) (Chair)
  • Tuncer Baykas (Turkey)
  • Shmuel Auster (Israel)
  • David Law (UK&Ireland)
  • Maria-Alexandra Paun (Switzerland)
  • Shahid Mumtaz (Portugal)
  • Vikass Monebhurrun (France)
  • Albena Moveska (Bulgaria)
  • Clara Napel (Austria)

Subsections Strategic Development (Ad Hoc Committee)

  • Sanja Lazarova-Molnar (Germany) (Chair)
  • John Oyewole Funso-Adebayo (Nigeria)
  • Seifedine Kadry (Norway)
  • Rodolfo Oliveira (Portugal)
  • Ala Khalifeh (Jordan)
  • Ezabo Baron (Uganda)
  • Muchiri Esther (Kenya)
  • Ali Hussein Zolait (Bahrain)

Territories in crisis (Ad Hoc Committee)

  • Almedin Kavaz (Switzerland) (Chair)
  • Amira Tmar (Tunisia)
  • Badr Eddine El Mohajir (Morocco)
  • Marek Jasinski (Poland)
  • Rastko Zeljkovic (Bosnia and Herzegovina)
  • Isil Kalafat Kizilkaya (UK&Ireland)
  • Aziz Mhalla (Tunisia)

Volunteer Pipeline (Ad Hoc Committee)

  • Magdalena Salazar Palma (Spain) (Chair)
  • Patience Obehi Enahoro (Nigeria)
  • Enrique Romero Cadaval (Spain)
  • Marek Jasinski (Poland)
  • Sara Barros (Benelux)

Web (Ad Hoc Committee)

  • Nick Wainwright (UK & Ireland) (Chair)
  • Anish Mohanan Sudhamani (Germany)
  • Periklis Chatzimisios (Greece)
  • Murat Yazici (Turkey)