Yearly Archives: 2011

IEEE Mourns Board Member Roger Pollard

4 December 2011 – Below is the official message from IEEE President Moshe Kam regarding the death of Roger Pollard.

[singlepic id=1367 float=right]Dear Colleagues:

It is with great sadness that I have to report the untimely death of Roger Pollard, 65, a prominent British engineer and educator, who was a long-time volunteer of IEEE. Dr. Pollard died on Saturday, 3 December having been diagnosed with a terminal disease in October this year. At the time of his death, Dr. Pollard was the Secretary of IEEE and Member of the IEEE Board of Directors.

Dr. Pollard had served as Chair of the Technical Activities Board (2010) and as leader in several key IEEE volunteer positions – within the IEEE Microwave Theory and Techniques Society (of which he was President in 1998), the United Kingdom and Republic of Ireland Section (Chair, 1996-1999), Region 8, the IEEE Awards Board, the IEEE Finance Committee, the IEEE Strategic Planning Committee, and the IEEE Publications Services and Products Board.   In 2010 he was recommended by the IEEE Board of Directors to the membership as one of the candidates for 2012 President-elect.

Dr. Pollard always considered his most important IEEE achievement to be his contribution as Chair of the TAB/PAB Electronic Products Committee that led to the creation and launch of the online IEEE
Xplore platform. His work as Chair resulted in IEEE acquiring a leading position as a source of online authoritative technical information, and made IEEE’s intellectual property available to millions worldwide.

Until September 2010, Dr. Pollard served as the Agilent Technologies Chair in High Frequency Measurements and Dean of the Faculty of Engineering at the University of Leeds. He was previously the Head of the School of Electronic and Electrical Engineering, where he had been a faculty member since 1974. He was an active member of the Institute of Microwaves and Photonics, and a well-known researcher of microwave passive and active devices. His personal research interests were in microwave network measurements, calibration and error correction, microwave and millimeter-wave circuits, terahertz technology, and large-signal and non-linear characterization. In these areas he had contributed to 10 books, authored over 120 refereed publications, and was awarded three patents. His activity had significant industrial collaboration; he served as consultant to many industrial companies, most notably since 1981 to Agilent Technologies (previously Hewlett-Packard Company) in Santa Rosa, Calif. For his scientific and engineering contributions Roger Pollard was elevated to IEEE Fellow (1997) and was elected to the UK Royal Academy of Engineering (2005). He was also a Chartered Engineer and Fellow of the Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET; formerly the IEE).

To his friends in IEEE, Roger Pollard exemplified the dedicated and fully committed IEEE volunteer. He has given to the organization of his time and intellectual effort, generously and consistently, for more than 25 years. He was a well read and broadly educated man, and very often raised the level of conversation with his wide knowledge of literature, language and the arts, and with his substantial understanding of law, political history, and economics. He was known as a passionate advocate of the organizational units which he served, and of the ideas and causes he favored. He was a highly eloquent and persuasive speaker, not shying away from expressing strong opinions and decisive plans that often flew in the face of conventional wisdom and challenged the existing order. Yet he was open to persuasion and to hearing and learning from individuals of different opinions, and was frequently the architect of compromises that resulted in widely-supported decisions based on consensus. He was a strong proponent of globalization of IEEE, and supported structural reforms in the way IEEE is organized – to increase the organization’s effectiveness and diversity. Of special note in this regard are his contributions to the 2009 and 2010 ad hoc committees on IEEE Board Transformation, for which he worked indefatigably.

We express our heartfelt condolences to Roger Pollard’s family, colleagues and friends over their great loss. We take some solace in the many initiatives and projects he had led to success, and whose substantial and positive impact will continue to benefit IEEE and its constituents for many years to come.

Chapter Coordination Subcommittee – Historical overview

Chapter Coordination Subcommittee 2021-2022

Andrejs Romanovs



Albert Lysko

(South Africa)

Past Chair

Aleksandar Mastilovic

(Serbia and Montenegro)


Wynand Lambrechts

(South Africa)

Matej Pacha


Toni Mattila




Anna Litvinenko


Muhammad Al-Barham


Liaison from SAC

Rawan El Jamal


Liaison from YP

Corresponding members (ex officio):

Division Directors from Region 8:

Society/Council Presidents from Region 8:



Chapter Coordination Subcommittee 2019-2020


Albert Lysko Matej Zatc Wynand Lambrechts
Chair: Albert Lysko (South Africa) Matej Zajc (Slovenia) Wynand Lambrechts (South Africa)

Hossam Fahmy (Egypt)


Corresponding members: All Division Directors and Society/Council Presidents from Region 8

  • Division Directors from Region 8:
    • Division III Director: Sergio Benedetto (Italy)
    • Division VI Director: Manuel Castro (Spain)
  • Society/Council Presidents from Region 8:
    • IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Society: Paolo Gamba (Italy)
    • IEEE Industry Applications Society: Georges Zissis (France)
    • IEEE Microwave Theory and Techniques Society: Alaa Abunjaileh (UK & Ireland)
    • IEEE Power Electronics Society: Frede Blaabjerg (Denmark)
    • IEEE Circuits and Systems Society: Amara Amara (France)
    • IEEE Computational Intelligence Society: Bernadette Bouchon-Meunier (France)
    • IEEE Electronic Packaging Society: Christopher Bailey (UK & Ireland)
    • IEEE Electromagnetic Compatibility Society: Alistair Duffy (UK & Ireland)
    • IEEE Instrumentation and Measurement Society: Salvatore Baglio (Italy)
    • IEEE Systems, Man, and Cybernetics Society: Imre Rudas (Hungary)
    • IEEE Systems Council: Vincenzo Piuri (Italy)

(as appointed by IEEE Region 8 Director for 2019-2020 Magdalena Salazar Palma)





Chapter Coordination Subcommittee 2015-2016



Chapter Coord. Sub. Presentation in Limassol's Meeting


Chapter Coordination Subcommittee 2013-2014


Region 8 Coordinator for Chapters: Nazih Khaddaj Mallat (United Arab Emirates)
Student Chapter Activities Coordinator: Alexandros Osana (Greece)
Corresponding Members: Ugurcan Sengit (Turkey),  Maria Trocan (France)

Our FaceBook Page


Ensure Quality Chapter Opportunities Through Continuous Engagement of Society and Council Coordinators:  R8_list_Apr_2013 (see linkage diagram to the wider IEEE: R8_TA_relations_higher_committees_v1 )


Inspire, Enable, Empower and Engage Chapters of Region-8 for the purpose of

  • fulfilling the mission of IEEE
  • enhancing the Chapter’s growth and development
  • providing a professional home

For more information – refer to the Region 8 Governing Documents.

The Chapters are the main fields of the members’ activity

  • Members shape IEEE‘s future in Chapters
  • Members collaborate to create IEEE‘s future in Chapters
  • IEEE organization units (OUs) enhance members’ future in Chapters


  • Increase membership and member engagement in Chapters
  • Improve the quality of technical activities
  • Increase operational efficiency and effectiveness of Chapters and Chapter Coordinators
  • Improve relationships with and between Societies, Councils, Sections and Chapters (including Student Branch Chapters)
  • Enhance collaboration with other IEEE organization units and other professional organizations

Useful links:

Chapter Chair Training
ChCSC Meeting Madrid (April, 2013) Presentations
ChCSC Meeting Budapest (April, 2014) Presentations

Member Activities Home

Membership is a core value of IEEE. Members, individually and collectively, create IEEE’s future while IEEE enhances members’ future.

The IEEE Region 8 Vice Chair, Member Activities (VCMA) is responsible for planning, leadership, and guidance for activities related to IEEE Region 8 members, including the areas of membership development, admission and advancement, members elevation, technology in service to community, affinity group programs (Women in Engineering, Young Professionals and Life Members), history of science and engineering and humanitarian technologies.


The Region 8 Vice Chair for Member Activities for 2023/24 is Vinko Lesic (Croatia Section).

The Vice Chair can be reached directly at [email protected].


Member Activities aim to:

  • Strengthen the value of IEEE membership at each stage of the member’s life cycle.
  • Support volunteering and facilitate member and nonmember collaboration.
  • Strengthen the relevance of IEEE membership to industry.
  • Promote diversity, equity and inclusion.
  • Improve member development and services based on data.
  • Enhance the relevance of information available to the member and to geographic units.
  • Provide a simple, consistent, personalized interface to members and prospective members.


IEEE Region 8 Member Activities Subcommittees & Coordinators:

For a description of the individual teams, contacts, activities and plans, please visit their page by clicking on the respective link.


Region 8 Member Activities focus on the following goals and objectives:

  • Improve the value of IEEE membership by increasing services and benefits to R8 members
  • Develop non-technical IEEE activities in the Region (including contests, awards and promotion programs)
  • Foster members’ awareness of IEEE activities and existing benefits
  • Support Region 8 initiatives and inform other IEEE organizational units about them
  • Increase membership and develop retention strategies
  • Develop local retention and membership programs
  • Enhance member’s careers
  • Provide a platform for co-ordination, motivation and interaction among R8 members and organisational units
  • Provide input to the IEEE Membership Development Committee regarding R8 issues
  • Assure IEEE membership promotion at IEEE Conferences and other events in R8
  • Promote and support MA officers in R8 Sections
  • Provide Training & Orientations for Section MA officers
  • Help in formation, organisation and development of non-technical IEEE organisational units (including affinity groups)
  • Provide support to and rejuvenate IEEE organisational units
  • Help with communication between existing IEEE organisational units
  • Represent R8 members’ interests and voice their concerns
  • Introduce new ideas and proposals and implement initiatives for new activities within the membership responsibilities.
  • Assure recruitment of new members and volunteers, control retention of active members and recovery of arrears.
  • Promote and support member grade elevation
  • Support and provide recognition of IEEE voluneers

We are Young Professionals


Young Professionals, previously known as Graduates of Last Decade (GOLD), is the group of IEEE members that have completed their first academic degree within the last 15 years. The Young Professionals program has been established to provide the framework and tools necessary for Sections to use in their efforts of retaining recent graduates, boosting early career skills and network, provide additional membership benefit and engage young entrepreneurs with the IEEE community.

Benefits of the IEEE Young Professionals program include:

  • IEEE technology and information resources
  • Professional networking opportunities, emphasized during conferences
  • Hands-on Leadership opportunities
  • Research & career resources
  • Online seminars
  • Skill building opportunities
  • Peer connection
  • Local social and technical activities
  • Local implementation of Young Professionals programs with up to 2750$ per year of co-financing

Check also the global Young Professionals website for more information.

Contact us at [email protected]

The left menu will help you navigate and find interesting topics, news, contacts and support. Enjoy!


IEEE Region 8 Young Professionals Committee


Victor Fouad Hanna, an IEEE fellow, France Section past Chair and Region 8 Committee member in various positions since 2001, has been recently elected by the president of the French Republic as Knight “Chevalier” in  The Legion of Honour which is the highest decoration founded after the French Revolution.

[singlepic id=9 w=450 float=center]

In the photograph above Mr Didier LOMBARD, Commandor of The Legion of Honour (Gener al President of France Telecom & Orange) gives Victor the insignia of this honour Medal on april 05, 2011.

Victor has also received recently during the IEEE Intenational Microwave Symposium, the IEEE/MTT-S Society 2011 N. Walter Cox Award of the IEEE Microwave Theory and Techniques Society (MTT-S).  This award recognizes an individual who has given exemplary service to the Society in a spirit of selfless dedication and cooperation.

The citation reads:

“ In recognition of exemplary service to the MTT Society in a spirit of selfless dedication and cooperation”.
IEEE Region 8 congratulates Victor for the two awards and is very happy to have in its family such honored members.

Other important IEEE Awards


The awards and recognition program of the Member and Geographic Activities Board (MGA) is designed to promote, recognize and reward excellence in the MGA operations and IEEE Geographic Unit Activities (Regions, Geographic Councils and Areas, Sections, Chapters, Student Branches, and Student Branch Chapters).

IEEE Awards and Recognitions

For more details see:

Joint Awards with National Societies

The IEEE establishes National Society Agreements with appropriate local societies in the various countries of the world to encourage and contribute to the progress of electricity, electronics, computing sciences, and allied branches of engineering and science – as well as education in those fields – for the ultimate benefit of the engineers and scientists of those countries.
The main purpose of these agreements is to generate cooperation between the country’s National Society, and the local IEEE Section. It is hoped that this cooperation will assist in enhancing the image and position of the engineers and scientists of the country, as well as raising the image of IEEE to the general public.
One of the most successful means of cooperation, thus far, has been the establishment of a Joint National Society / IEEE award.
In the countries where these have been established, the energy and activities of the IEEE Section have increased greatly, as well as the visibility of the IEEE to the public.
These awards are fully sanctioned by the IEEE and the IEEE Awards Board, and have a high IEEE award level similar to an IEEE Technical Field Award. The award organizing committee and the jury for selecting the awardee are drawn from the country organizations cooperating in the joint award, with a representative of the IEEE Awards Board participating as liaison.
Through a grant from the IEEE Foundation, funds are available to assist in the process of creating the first award in a country. After the first award, all project funding must be developed from sources within the country.
The Awards Board has approved the establishment of nine joint awards. For more details see  here.

Fellow & Senior Member Nominations

You are encouraged to consider nominating worthy candidates as Fellows or Senior Members. The Fellows Nomination process has been made a lot easier with electronic submission. Please start early as the deadline of 15 March for Fellows nominations is strictly adhered to.


Please visit the IEEE Fellow Web Site for details. To access the electronic submission system: from the IEEE Fellow Home Page, click “call for nominations” and follow the instructions. If you have questions or comments, e-mail [email protected]

Senior Members

Please visit the IEEE Senior Members Web Site for details and to access the electronic submission system. For information on how your Section or Society can earn cash rewards for nominating a Senior Member candidate, see Nominate a Senior Member Initiative. A list of newly elevated Senior Members is posted on the SM Updates page.
For additional information contact Mila Thelen – IEEE Regional Activities – telephone +1 732 562 6376 . If you have any questions regarding the status of a Senior Member application, e-mail [email protected] or go to the SM Status page.
At its 15 November 2008 meeting, the IEEE Member and Geographic Activities Board approved the 2008 MGA Award recipients listed below. The MGA Awards and Recognitions Committee received many nominations recognizing the accomplishments of candidates whose contributions encompass the vision, mission and goals of MGA. On behalf of the MGA Board and the MGA Awards and Recognitions Committee, we thank all the members who took their time to submit the nominations.

MGA Achievement Award

MGA Leadership Award

MGA Innovation Award

MGA Larry K. Wilson Transnational Award

MGA GOLD (Graduates Of the Last Decade) Achievement Award

IEEE Region 8 Chapter of the Year Award

The Award is intended to recognize the outstanding performance of Region 8

  1. Technical Chapters (categories: Small, Medium and Large)
  2. Student Branch Chapters (categories: Small, Medium and Large)

in serving their members and the technical community and establishing goodwill within and between the Region 8 Sections. Any active single or joint Society or Council or Student Branch Chapters of Region 8 is eligible and can apply for one of the three awards according to their relative size. No Technical Chapters may receive two Region 8 Chapter of the Year Awards within three years.


The selection is based on the outstanding performance of the nominated chapter, reflected by the completed nomination form and supporting documents. In selecting award recipients, the relevant awards ad hoc committee considers contributions of the nominee to chapter activities.


Nomination and Selection Procedure

To be considered as a nominee, this form must be completed describing activities and associated contributions made by the nominee in the activity period January 1 through December 31 of the year for which the nomination is considered. This activity should also be presented with appropriate supporting documents e.g. meeting programs, newsletters, councils/societies’ or councils/societies’ newsletter articles or website addresses.

The nomination must be endorsed by the section chair. The section chair (or a designated section authority) is kindly requested to submit the completed nomination form and upload supporting documents online.

The submission takes place through the R8 Awards portal. Please note the dates on the portal as nominations sent before or after these dates will not be considered.


For further information, please contact the Chapter Coordination Subcommittee Chair at [email protected].

Additional information on IEEE Region 8 Awards can be found here.




R8 Chapter of the Year Awards Winners for 2022


We are proud to announce the R8 Chapter of the Year Awards Winners for 2022 (for the work in 2021):


Winning Technical Chapters in 2022 awards:
  • R8 Chapter of the Year Award – Large: Tunisia Section Computer Society Chapter
  • R8 Chapter of the Year Award – Small: Jordan Section Robotics and Automation Society Chapter

Winning Student Branch Chapters (SBC) in 2022 awards:

  • R8 Student Branch Chapter of the Year Award – Large: ESPRIT Student Branch Industry Applications Society Chapter, Tunisia Section
  • R8 Student Branch Chapter of the Year Award – Medium: American University of Sharjah Student Branch IEEE-HKN Lambda Lambda Chapter, United Arab Emirates Section
  • R8 Student Branch Chapter Award – Small: ESPRIT Student Branch Aerospace and Electronic Systems Society Chapter, Tunisia Section




R8 Chapter of the Year Awards Winners for 2021

We are proud to announce the R8 Chapter of the Year Awards Winners for 2021 (for the work in 2020):

Winning Technical Chapters in 2021 awards (for 2020 efforts):
  • Large Chapter: IEEE UK and Ireland Section, IEEE Power and Energy Society Chapter
  • Medium Chapter: IEEE Latvia Section, IEEE Communications, Microwave Theory & Techniques, Antenna and Propagation Joint Societies Chapter
  • Small Chapter: IEEE Mauritius Section, IEEE Power and Energy Society and System Councils Joint Chapter

Winning Student Branch Chapters (SBC) in 2021 awards (for 2020 efforts):

  • Large SBC: ESPRIT University IEEE Computer Society Student Branch Chapter, IEEE Tunisia Section
  • Medium SBC: ESPRIT University IEEE Industry Applications Society Student Branch Chapter, IEEE Tunisia Section
  • Small SBC: Kyambogo University IEEE Photonics Society Student Branch Chapter, IEEE Uganda Section

Winners in the category “Most Virtually Active and Adaptive Region 8 Chapter/Student Branch Chapter of the Hard COVID-19 Times” in 2021 awards (for 2021 efforts):

  • Technical Chapter: IEEE Italy Section, IEEE Instrumentation and Measurement Society Chapter
  • SBC: University of Manchester IEEE Power Electronics Society Student Branch Chapter, IEEE UK and Ireland Section


R8 Chapter of the Year Awards Winners for 2020

We are proud to announce the R8 Chapter of the Year Awards Winners for 2020 (for the work in 2019):



Winning Technical Chapters in 2020 awards (for 2019 efforts):

Winning Student Branch Chapters (SBC) in 2020 awards (for 2019 efforts):

Winners in the category “Most Virtually Active and Adaptive Region 8 Chapter/Student Branch Chapter of the Hard COVID-19 Times” in 2020 awards (for 2020 efforts):

See details about the process etc. in the article here.


Congratulations to the winners: the Chapters, Student Branch Chapters, their leadership and associated universities and Sections! Thank you very much for your great work!




IEEE R8 Chapter of the Year Awards Winners for 2019

We are proud to announce the R8 Chapter of the Year Awards Winners for 2019 (for the work in 2018):


Technical Chapters:


Student Branch Chapters (SBCs):



CONGRATULATIONS to the Chapter leadership, volunteers, respective Sections and to the universities hosting the SBCs!

SBC 2010 IEEE Women In Engineering Workshops

IEEE Women In Engineering, Importance and Challenges

Bashayer Ibrahim Al-Awwad and Pilar Molina Gaudó

Date and time
Friday August 6, 9h30-10h45


The workshop will have two parts:

  • A presentation that covers the aspects about IEEE WIE vision and mission. It is also going to cover the expected benefits of becoming a member in IEEE and WIE specifically.
  • A panel discussion on Cross-Cultural Success Stories of Women In Engineering: the idea is to have role models that represent the different parts of Region 8 (Middle East, Africa and Europe) to discuss the challenges and difficulties they faced in their work and volunteering careers along with their success stories in their respective fields.


W(I)E are active!

Borbála Hunyadi and Zhanna Khaymedinova

Date and time
Friday August 6, 11h15-12h30


The idea of workshop is to interactively discuss how to arrange different activities under the frames of Women In Engineering. The activities must be attractive and interesting. Therefore, it is of utmost importance to be creative, active, enthusiastic. After sharing our experiences about past WIE activities in Leuven, we expect the participants to do the same. Think of a good and a bad example, either as a participant or an organizer! We will investigate both the strengths and drawbacks of these events, and possible ways to improve them. The main aspects of the discussion will be structured around the following questions: How to attract more people, especially women? How to advertise and promote WIE events? How to be successful and interactive? How to keep the participants awake? We are waiting for active collaboration and communication from participants. We are ready to discuss and learn from you!

For more information about the congress Programme click here