2007, October – Bucharest Agenda Book Index

2 options:

  • download the full agenda book (in single pdf file):
  • access the original individual documents indexed in the following table
General information
Agenda Bucharest meeting:  agenda_bucharest
List of Participants:  attendees_list_bucharest
Unapproved Minutes of the Sofia meeting:  unapproved_minutes_sofia
Attendees list Sofia meeting:  attendees_sofia
[1: motion_1_+russia_nw ]
[2-3:  motion_2_3_gold ]
[4:  motion_4_arsuc ]
[5: motion_5_histelcon ]
[6:  motion_6_sc08 ]
[7: motion_7_pa ]
[1:  action_1_irsc ]
[2:  action_2_benelux ]
[3: action_3_arsuc ]
OpCom reports
Director’s report:  director_report_bucharest
Membership Activities Report:  ma_report_bucharest
Student Activities Report:  sac_report_bucharest
Technical Activties Report:  ta_report_bucharest
Treasurer’s Report:  r8_treasurer_bucharest_report
VCF and Secretary’s report:  vcf_secretary_report_bucharest
Awards and Recognition subcommittee:  report_awards_recognition_sub_bucharest
Conference Coordinator Report:  conference_coordinator_report_bucharest
Educational Activities Sub-Committee:  educational_act_report_bucharest
Industry Relation
[report:  IRC_report_bucharest ]
[member breakdown:  IRC_r8_member_breakdown_bucharest ]
[measurement tool:  IRC_measurement_tool ]
Professional Activities:  professional_activities_report_bucharest
Section Reports [in alphabetical order]
Austria Iceland Romania
Bahrain Iran Russia
Belarus Israel Russia (Northwest)
Benelux Italy Russia (Siberia)
Bosnia and Herzegovina Jordan Saudi Arabia
Bulgaria Kenya Saudi Arabia (West)
Croatia Kuwait Serbia and Montenegro
Cyprus Lebanon Slovenia
Czechoslovakia Lithuania South Africa
Denmark Malta Spain
Egypt Morocco Sweden
Egypt (Alexandria Subsection) Nigeria Switzerland
Estonia Norway Tanzania Subsection
Finland Oman Turkey
France Poland Ukraine
Germany Portugal United Arab Emirates
Greece Qatar United Kingdom and Republic of Ireland
Hungary Republic of Macedonia
Other reports
ISBIR report:  isbir_report_bucharest
Healing the organisational divide between chapters and sections:  denmark_re-establishing_section-chapter_relations