92nd IEEE Region 8 Committee Meeting in Venice, Italy

The 92nd Region 8 Committee Meeting is to be held on the 25th to the 26th of April 2009 in Venice, Italy. Section chairs and other Committee members will meet there to examine the future plans of the Region.

Most of the Subcommittees of Region 8 will meet on Friday 24th. A meeting with the Italy Section will follow, where a presentation of the Sections’ achievements will be given by the Italy Section Chair Professor Silvano Donati. A lecture by Pietro Palella (General Director of STMicroelectronics) “Innovation in a global environment: the STMicroelectronics case” will follow. Finally a reception will be given for all attendees in order to promote the get to know among members, encourage the exchange of ideas and the creation of personal contacts.

The formal Region Committee meeting will be held on the 25th and 26th. The meeting will be addressed by the Region 8 Director, the IEEE President and other IEEE officials. In the afternoon of Sunday the 26th, some workshops will take place, educating the Section leaders on various aspects of IEEE.