Yearly Archives: 2012

Competition Heats Up To Fill European Tech Jobs

Europe’s down economy is having little effect on hiring qualified engineers


By Ron Schneiderman / March 2012


Early in 2011, Intel put out the word that it planned to hire 1000 software engineers by the end of the year in the U.S. It beat its deadline. Now, it wants to do the same thing in Europe.

Aiming to strengthen its R&D capacity in the greater Europe region (Europe, Russia, and Israel), Intel expects to hire about 1000 software engineers in 2012, with most of them based in Poland, Finland, France, Romania, the United Kingdom, and Germany.

Intel’s is particularly interested in software and test developers familiar with C/C++, wireless integration software and hardware engineers, analog and process engineers, and design, validation, and verification engineers. “We would expect these profiles to have appropriate technical skills, including programming skills in languages such as C-shell, Perl, Scheme, tcl/Tk, and C, a knowledge of static timing analysis and knowledge of DFT, and strong ASIC, and SoC [system on a chip] design experience,” says Stephanie Lee, Sales/Marketing Group European Account Manager for European Staffing for Intel Corp. UK Ltd.


Future City 2012 – GOLD Egypt

The GOLD Egypt organized event – Future City 2012, which included 45 teams, 150 kids, 45 teacher, 45 Engineer, 60 volunteers, 25 judges…
Kids enjoyed the sense of Engineering the sense of innovation, the sense of competition and finally all of them felt that they are the winners.

Enjoy the below short video about the finals:


The Region8 Professional Activities plans to:

  • Increase the visibility of PA within the region through written material that includes information about Region8 PA, workshops organization, etc. PASC is presenting at Sections Congress in San Francisco.
    • In 2012 PASC is organizing annual PA Summit with SBC 2012 in Madrid (
  • Organize smaller regional Professional Activities Summits to train the future trainers in Region8 and to increase the number of volunteers involved in PA. Currently we are planning events in Jordan, Saudi Arabia (EAST and West) and Spain Sections.
  • Provide an updated PA Handbook manual to guide organization of PA events in sections. Plan is to finish efforts started in 2011.
  • Implement the Though Leadership Program and similar programs in Region 8 with organization of pilot events.

Membership Development (MD)

Membership Development Committee: (2025)

IEEE R8 Membership Development Committee (2025) 
Mohab Mangoud (Bahrain), (Chair)
Peter Nagy (Hungary), (Member)
Nadine Abbas (Lebanon), (Member)
Mohamed Sief (Egypt), (Member)
Grigore Stamatescu (Romania), (C-Member)
Hela Lajmi (Tunisia), (C-Member)
Humphrey Muhindi (Kenya), (C-Member)
Katerina Ivanko(Ukraine), (C-Member)
Thomas Kopfstedt (Germany), (C-Member)

Membership Development Committee: (2023-2024)


Membership Development Committee: (2021-2022)

  • Mike Hinchey (Chair, UK&Ireland)
  • Ievgen Pichkalov (Past-Chair, Ukraine)
  • Mohab Mangoud (Member, Bahrain)
  • Mohamed Seif- Eldien (Member, Egypt)
  • Sohaib Qamar Sheikh (C-Member, UK&Ireland)
  • Aleksander Mastilovic (C-Member, Bosnia and Herzagovina)
  • Simay Akar (C-Member, Turkey)
  • Ines Inacio (C-Member, Benelux)
    Andrejs Romanovs (C-Member, Latvia)


   MD Workshops

2018, March 23-24, Cape Town, South Africa Section


The Workshop was very well attended with 27 participants, 16 of them representing IEEE Africa units and the post event feedback suggested an extremely positive outcome. The participants were welcomed to the venue on Friday afternoon. That first day sessions included basic introduction to R8 and Membership development, IEEE Membership benefits, role of MD Officers, with the host section presentation. Later the team was guided to an exquisite networking dinner.


The second day was filled with MD focused presentations, interactive sessions and brainstorming sessions, delivered by MD team and Antonio Luque & Adeel Sultan, previous chairs and great supporters of MDSC. The typical MDW structure was expanded by topics, related to Action for Industry and Units Vitality. Everyone participated to the fullest and managed to learn from each other. Towards the end, a comprehensive joint action plan was generated for Africa units on the special session that was perfectly lead by Seyi Olokede MDO South Africa Section.



This MD Workshop was an amazing and a fruitful event that will enhance IEEE structures and membership in the region, MDSC express our gratitude and warmest wishes to the South Africa Section, AHCAA, R8 OpCom, Section Chairs, all MD Officers and volunteers!

2017, May 19-20, Bratislava, Czechoslovakia Section

Great and fruitful annual 2017 MD Workshop was organized in Bratislava, Slovakia on May 19-20. The Workshop was very well attended with 24 participants and had a really positive results!     

2016, Nov 18-19, Tunis, Tunisia Section

An amazing and a successful event with over 35 participants from 20+ countries within the Region! Perfectly organized by Tunisia Section, chaired by Habib M. Kammoun. Post event feedback suggested an extremely positive outcome.



20161119_1313301        20161119_132025





About MD

The R8 Membership Development Sub-Committee (MDSC) is responsible to coordinate the information flow and all MD activities between IEEE and the sections, to facilitate membership development initiatives and events in R8 sections.
Due to the large geographic area and more than 50 Sections in R8, it is extremely important that every section has a Section MD Officer, appointed by the Section Chair. The Section MD Officer is responsible for all membership development related activities and events in the section and he has the duty to distribute all IEEE information, programs, and materials to the members and to convince members and non-members of the many benefits of IEEE. For the MD Officer job description visit this link.
The R8 MD Sub-Committee will inform, guide and instruct the section MD officers on the latest IEEE MD programs by regular e-mails, the MD Newsletters, MD Reports, statistical membership records, MD presentations, and other IEEE promotion material.

The major goals of the MD Sub-Committee are:

  • to increase membership in Region 8 on all levels by recruiting new members, retaining current members and recovering members in arrears,
  • to promote elevations in grade,
  • and to increase awareness of the values of IEEE membership.

The MD Sub-Committee will create, promote and monitor appropriate MD programs to reach these goals, to recruit students and engineers, and to convince them on the many benefits of being a lifelong IEEE member. The R8 MD Sub-Committee will therefore initiate several MD activities, campaigns and special events in R8 and will encourage the section MD officers to actively participate in these activities. We will of course provide them with necessary programs and presentations, data records, best practices and promotion material from IEEE and R8.

For more information please read the IEEE Membership Development Manual on the IEEE MD web page or use our link bellow. Join the Membership Development Community. Visit the many IEEE platforms, like, etc.

If you have questions and need help, please contact the members of the R8 MD Sub-Committee.

Upgrade your membership

From associate to regular member

Associate Membership is designed for those who do not have a higher degree in an IEEE-designated field of interest nor have sufficient (6 year) experience in this field, yet still want to belong to IEEE. However, the reason why many of the Region 8 Associate Members* are not full, normal Members** is often due to communication problems during registration (sometimes, years ago), the different education systems outside the US and due to language issues. Sometimes this makes it hard for IEEE Staff to identify whether the applicant should be classified as a full Member or an Associate Member. Additionally, the IEEE designated fields became broader over the years.

As a consequence, many of our applicants did not comply with IEEE Member requirements when first registering and became Associate Members. In our opinion, most of the Associate Members in Region 8 do comply with the IEEE Member requirements.

In order to become a full Member (with the same fees, but with more benefits such as: the ability to upgrade your membership further to senior or fellow of the IEEE, the eligibility to hold office and to vote in elections), we are kindly asking you to simply fill in the following web form:

Associate to Member Elevation Form

If you encounter any problems, or if you have any questions regarding the qualifications, please don’t hesitate to contact Membership Development Officer <[email protected]> or any other member of the IEEE Region 8 Membership Development Sub-Committee. Of course, you can also contact your section membership development officer or chairman.


From IEEE Bylaws :
* Associate Member grade is designed for technical and non-technical applicants who do not meet the qualifications for Member grade, but who would benefit through membership and participation in the IEEE, and for those who are progressing, through continuing education and work experience, towards the qualifications for Member grade. ** Member grade is limited to those who have satisfied IEEE – specified educational requirements and/or who have demonstrated professional competence in IEEE-designated fields of interest. For admission or transfer to the grade of Member, a candidate shall be either:

a)      An individual who shall have received a three- to- five year university- level or higher degree

  1. from an accredited institution or program and
  2. In an IEEE-designated field

b)      An individual who shall have received a three- to- five year university-level or higher degree from an accredited institution or program and who has at least three years of professional work experience engaged in teaching, creating, developing, practicing or managing in IEEE-designated fields; or

c)      An individual who, through at least six years of professional work experience, has demonstrated competence in teaching, creating, developing, practicing or managing within IEEE-designated fields.

The IEEE-designated fields are:

  •   Engineering;
  •   Computer sciences and information technology;
  •   Biological and medical sciences;
  •   Mathematics;
  •   Physical sciences;
  •   Technical communications, education, management, law and policy.

Upgrade from regular member to senior member

Senior Member is the highest grade for which IEEE members can apply. Any regular members with sufficient experience can apply for senior member status. To be eligible, candidates must:

  • be engineers, scientists, educators, technical executives, or originators in IEEE-designated fields;
  • have experience reflecting professional maturity;
  • have been in professional practice for at least ten years;
  • show “significant performance” over a period of at least five of their years in professional practice.

The ten years in the profession can include education (e.g. a masters degree counts as 4 years, a PhD as 5). Significant performance can be manager of a big project, responsible for development of a product, published papers or reports,…

You need to apply yourself (IEEE Senior member protal), and 3 references must support your application. These references must be senior, fellow, life senior or life fellow member and need to write write a few lines about how experienced you are, and how significant your performance was.  Alternatively, you ask your section to nominate you, and you will only need two other references. The section can also help you identifying these references (past colleagues, former professors,…). When in doubt, contact your section, or you can contact us at [email protected].

E-Membership for Developing Nations

Electronic Membership Options Offer Reduced Dues Edit

Depending on the country in which you live, you may be eligible to select an electronic membership option which significantly lowers the cost of IEEE membership dues. Electronic membership means that you will not receive a paper membership card, or paper copies of publications. You will have access to a PDF file in your IEEE Account that contains your membership card and membership materials. All publications will be delivered to you electronically, and can be accessed with your IEEE Account through IEEE Xplore.All IEEE membership benefits otherwise remain the same. Your years of service, member grade, and grade elevation eligibility are not affected. Electronic membership offers you reduced membership dues depending on the country in which you live. There are 150 countries in Europe, Middle East, Africa and Asia that qualify. In most of these countries, electronic membership costs US$81-US$90. In 31 countries with extremely low incomes, IEEE membership dues are US$27. Professional members residing in eligible countries will see the electronic membership option automatically when they join or renew their IEEE membership.

See if you qualify for electronic membership.

As of 16 August, IEEE has begun officially offering a new electronic membership (e-Membership) option to individuals in developing nations, beginning in the 2011 membership year. It is a paperless membership option with reduced annual dues of 

US $63

compared to the traditional membership option dues of US $149 in Region 8. The new option will be offered to both new and renewing professional grade members who live in one of 153 countries where the per capita Gross Domestic Product (GDP) is under $15,000, based on data provided by the United Nations.

Available only to higher grades of membership, the e-Membership option is designed to make IEEE membership more affordable to more people. Information packages are being mailed to the respective Section leadership. More information about the e-Membership offering can be found at

Useful information for membership development

2020 Goals and Progress Dashboard Now in OU Analytics

Go to the Memberships and Subscriptions Monthly Statistics workbook in OU Analytics to view Section-level goals and progress to goal live. This new dashboard also includes a prior year comparison feature, so you can compare progress to the past three years.















R8 MD Reports (including Retention and Recruitment in Sections)